Saki Rina
Basic Information
Race: Inarta
Birthday & Age: Fall, Day 61, 492 AV (18 years old)
Gender: Female
Physical Description
Saki Rina stands at a medium height of roughly 5' 5" and weighs 110lbs. Like her fellow Inarta, she has fiery red hair that is commonly tied back into a long, flowing ponytail by a piece of cloth. She has startling deep green or blue eyes, depending on the light, that are sometimes half hidden by her long bangs. She's built womanly, but also slim, with a sizable bust and gentle curves that lead into long legs. She is considered beautiful by most people she meets, with her full lips and soft eyes, although she looks a year or two younger than 19. She moves gracefully due to her practiced footwork as a child to master the sword, and has a confidence in the way she carries herself.
Character Concept and History
As far back as Rina can remember, she had lived with a mercenary named Haso Saki, having no memory of her real parents. Due to an illness that had claimed her father and mother a year after she was born, Rina had been left orphaned, only to be taken in by the sympathetic mercenary that was passing through the city of Zeltiva, where her parents had been living after being exiled from Wind Reach due to a reason Rina is unaware of. Haso raised her as his own daughter, teaching her the art of the blade with his katana, a weapon very similar to the Talon Swords used by Rina's own people. Rina herself uses a Talon Sword given to her by Haso, it had been her father's, and was passed to her when she was old enough to start learning how to use it. Although he was initially against it, Rina began working alongside Haso on his various mercenary missions, quickly becoming accustomed to battle. Unlike most Inarta, she rarely uses a bow, having only held one once or twice, a testament to her having no memories of ever being to Wind Reach. Rina became heavily reliant on her Talon Sword, carefully following Haso's instruction for years, a master of the art himself. He commented multiple times that she was the most talented swordsman he had seen in a very long while. Her sword skills accented her perfectly; due to her slim build, she learned to value speed and accuracy while fighting, instead of brute force. Very acrobatic in her movements, Rina dodges around her opponents, out speeding them and delivering an extremely fast strike when she finds an opening. Due to her upbringing as a mercenary, she doesn't shy away from killing, as long as the situation calls for it. While she lacks the culture that would've been engraved into her had she lived in Wind Reach as opposed to wandering from city to city, Rina does have a deep love for the sky, often staring at it for hours to pass the time. When she turned 17, Haso passed away due to a wound that had become infected from a previous battle. Left alone again, she buried him in a quiet alcove in the forest, and proceeded to wander for the next two years. Rina is a moral person, believing that you should fight for what you believe in. She has a dislike for people that look down on others, possibly stemming from her experiences with others taking pity on her for having to travel around with a mercenary with no actual home, something that she perceived as normal. While she is apparently good at heart, Rina does have some qualities of an Anti-Hero, due to her having no problem with killing someone, a testament of her rough upbringing. She worked commonly as an assassin, hired for her ability to infiltrate circles on account of her beautiful looks and her deadly ability with a sword. She's also very straightforward, not commonly mincing words or sugar coating things, due to both her upbringing and the fact that she is an Inarta. Her goals and agenda are mysterious, as she had dropped off the map for two years after Haso died. She makes her living currently and commonly as a bodyguard or assassin.
As stated earlier, Rina is a very straightforward person, speaking her mind clearly. On account of the loss in her life, she tends to not get close to people, preferring to interact on a pure acquaintance level and following the philosophy that her skills are for hire, not her loyalty. Traveling from place to place, she rarely gets attached to anyone, simply drifting. Although she adopts a slightly cold, business-like attitude when fighting, Rina does have a caring side, especially towards animals, mainly birds, due to the Inarta in her. While she is usually nice and respectful on the whole (i.e., she doesn't start fights for no reason) she has a sharp tongue and can be sarcastic when provoked (most likely due to her upbringing around men and being hit on constantly), though it has been remarked that it's part of her charm.
Common: Fluent
Nari: Basic
Pavi: Poor
-Weaknesses in common armor.
-Dining and ditching.
Talon Sword: 30/100 (30 SP)
Cooking: 10/100 (10 SP)
Falconry: 10/100 (10 Race Bonus)
Acrobatics: 10/100 (10 SP)
1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse (Gildling), a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.
Family Heirloom: Talon Sword, passed down from Haso, previously owned by Father, who acquired it in Wind Reach.
100 gm (SP)