[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Addy teaches Eoin how to loosen up a little.

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Aidara on August 19th, 2011, 7:50 pm


Time: 45th of Summer, 511 AV
Place: Inclement Weather, Dance Club

"Please, oh please come with me! It will be fun! You need to loosen up a little bit. Look I'm on my knees, begging." What it actually looked like was someone kneeling by the side of a sickbed. Addy had her hands clasped on top of the furs, and was speaking to the amorphous blob that resided beneath them. The blob didn't move or respond, but simply just continued to lay with its back to the healer.

"Oh come on, Sai. I didn't know the food was yours, or I wouldn't have eaten it! It was just sitting there, asking to be devoured. You can't stay mad at me over a little thing like that!" But Sai was still disinclined to respond. Leaning on the edge of the bed and using it as leverage to help her stand, Addy gave her sister's back a snort of disgust. "I really hope this is because it's 'that time of the month' or you just really don't know how to have fun."

Stalking from the master suite and letting the door slam behind her, Addy huffed and stomped like a little child into her own sleeping chambers. She spent a few minutes rifling through her drawers, trying to find a matching set of venati and bryda. They were pure white, a set that she barely wore because of how hard they were to keep clean. She donned these quickly, picking a bright green scarf from her collection to tie around her waist. The ends were knotted over one hip with the ends dangling down her thigh, the beaded ends clinking softly. She had done up her hair hours earlier, leaving it in a pretty red mass on the top of her head, so once she slipped into her shoes she was ready to go.

Since it was evening, Sira was either coming back from her watch duty, or just starting. The last few days had been hectic and Addy had completely lost track of time, which was very uncharacteristic. It could be part of the reason why she seemed to be a raging ball of frustration. All of her movements were choppy and harsh. She slammed doors as she passed and kept a constant stream of grumbles under her breath. The double load of work she had taken upon herself as a Healing Endal was starting to get to her. She needed this night off, and even though Sai had declined her invitation, she wasn't going to let that ruin her plans.

Their front door closed with a slam as Aidara left the aerie, striding down the corridor as fast as her little legs would carry her. As it was early evening, the woman didn't encounter many other souls along the way. Those that did find themselves in the same hallway as the healer ducked out of her way after one glance at the scowl on her face. It wasn't until she was crossing the Courtyard of the Sky and her destination was within her sights did a smile flicker across her lips. Even from across the courtyard, Addy could hear the laughter and music leaking from behind the doors of Inclement Weather.

Last edited by Aidara on September 27th, 2011, 9:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on August 20th, 2011, 3:41 pm

oocCould we change the date to anything besides the 7th of summer?

This man could not possibly be serious despite the confidence behind his words, those humorous eyes and a ghost of a smirk hinting at a practical joke in the making. “You might enjoy it, how would you know if you never go?” Fenil added, only to have his words met with another eyeful of frank skepticism. As they continued down the hallway, the fellow assistant chef continued to insert occasional comments to persuade the other man, all of which were valid reasons, but none of which he took for further consideration. Even with the refreshing company, the Avora was not particularly swayed, opting to accompany his acquaintance to the entrance of Inclement Weather and nothing more. With their shift at the kitchens momentarily over, the two men were enjoying what little leisure time they had before another rush of visitors force them to retreat to their stations. He spoke little, preferring to take in the Fenil’s light-hearted nature in silent appreciation.

It was a welcomed break to be far from the heat of the ovens and the demands of the Endals, Fenil’s own perspiration atoning to the influx of requests earlier that day. They were fortunate to have a decent amount of staff with the Yasis there, but their numbers only served to slow their operations down for many of the chefs were unaccustomed to the crowding workplace. Eoin was also caught off-guard, and having to delegate and instruct two or more Yasis at a time was starting to wear on his strength, weariness showing in his eyes. Likewise, creativity was sacrificed for quantity as the Avora was forced to cook more repetitive meals and in larger batches, unable to tend to each dish with attention as he was known for. At least, if anyone had a chime free, they might have caught the man standing before the spice rack in contemplation, even for a simple Dek’s meal.

As the two men entered the hallway that would lead directly to the dance club, they could hear the echoes of shared laughter and loud music. Momentarily, Eoin was taken aback by the apparent joy emanating from the approaching entrance while Fenil merely smiled in anticipation. “It will do you some good to laugh like that.” His words edged in gently, but did not remain for long, passing like a cool evening’s breeze. With Inclement Weather in his sights, Fenil pushed forward with greater urgency with Eoin following at his own leisurely pace. Just as they reached the mouth of the club, two women stumbled out in front of them in drunken giggles. Considering the time of day, Eoin thought it strange to be drinking, but he supposed it was the result of stress from a long day’s work. The two females held each other for support as they moved past the men, one giving a clumsy wink toward Fenil before the other erupted in another fit of laughter before dragging her flirting friend away. The two men simultaneously raised an eyebrow, but otherwise their expressions were drastically different: one with a growing smile and the other a mix of confusion and concern. Eoin did not linger further, having completed his delivery of Fenil, he shook off his questions before speaking. “I will be leaving now.”

However, before he could escape, an arm was draped over the man’s shoulders, the presence rather than the strength bringing him to a halt. Knowing he was running out of convincing reasons, not that Eoin was going to change his mind anytime soon, Fenil thought on his feet, counting on the other man’s patience for time. Just then, he noticed a woman approaching them, a lovely one at that. The corners of his lips rose as an idea formed in his mind, giving Eoin a pat on the chest with his hanging hand. “You can thank me later.” Was all he said, before engaging with the new female presence.

“Hello there, have you met Eoin?”

And with that, the man disappeared into the club. Eoin’s eyes were still on the darkening figure for a while longer before turning to face the woman he was about to meet.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on August 22nd, 2011, 4:23 am


Aidara had hardly stepped into the dance club when she was bombarded. A pair of Avora, each of whom she had known separately growing up and who started dating at her insistence, met her at the door with hugs and pleasantries shouted over the echo of the music and crowd. Addy would have been stuck there the whole night; reminiscing and listening to the two avora dote on each other, had their conversation not been so rudly interrupted.
The small woman was attempting to work her away from the couple, walking slowly backwards and trying to get lost in the crowd. Though she hardly listened to a word they said, she was smiling politely, nodding and laughing on cue. And then there was that tap on her shoulder.

“Hello there, have you met Eoin?”

“You’ll have to excuse me.” A polite incline of her head to the couple, who waved her away with a smile and a call to catch up some other time, and Addy turned towards the two men who saved her. Well, one man; his friend had already fled the scene. Without being able to contain her smile, Addy extended her hand to the remaining fellow.
“Eoin, I presume? It’s a pleasure. My name is Aidara, but please call me Addy.” Boy, he looked uncomfortable. It took Eoin a surprising amount of time to either work up the courage or fake an interest enough to meet her gaze. He had pretty eyes. Dimples appeared in her cheeks and the small healers face lit up. Now to see his smile. “Try not to look so bummed. You’re surrounded by a bunch of intoxicated, happy people. In fact, we’re probably the only sober ones here. Goddess knows I need a drink after this week…” Without further ado, Addy reached for Eoins arm, wrapping her small hand around his elbow as if he had offered it to her.

Addy pulled Eoin through the crowd, which parted for the small woman with very little resistance. Before her unyielding work schedule, Addy had been a high profile socialite. Though those days were long past, the people of Wind Reach obviously still remembered her (since she was still rather high profile, just less of a socialite) and were more than happy to welcome her (and her new friend) back to the scene. “Two!” She shouted when they finally made it over to the drinks. Two clay cups appeared out of nowhere, one of which Addy pushed into Eoin’s hands. “Drink. I don’t know what it is, but it’s probably good!” Before they settled into their drinks, Addy took hold of Eoins hand again and pulled them off to the side of the floor, out of the way of the crowd for drinks and the dancing.

It was only then that the woman turned to her new aquatence. She smiled again and leaned her shoulder against the wall. “You don’t seem like you really want to be here. I’m not going to lie, that’s mostly why I abducted you. My sister wouldn’t come with me either, and your friend seemed rather pushy.” Quick to smile, Addy’s green eyes glittered with laughter as she spoke. “Luckily you were landed with me… Who knows what trouble your friend might have gotten you into other wise.”

Raising the cup to her lips, Addy took the moment of silence to look Eoin over. He was very well dressed and extremely handsome. How lucky could a girl yet? He was just a little too introverted still, and Addy sensed that she would have to be the one to start the conversation until he opened up. “Either you were just really lucky in the genetics department, or you work out. Are you Avora?” She didn’t recognize him, so he couldn’t be Endal. Or if he was, he was newly risen. Trying not to overdo it and scare him away, Addy kept her smile friendly and welcoming, though her body posture was clearly inviting. “Please, tell me about yourself.”

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on August 23rd, 2011, 11:58 pm

Like most Inartans, Eoin thought to decipher her caste before all else, easily pinning the high quality fabrics to a more privileged caste. Along with the sheer glow of health, it was easy to see that he was dealing with an Endal. She was a woman talked about in the kitchens as being the Inartan who took over the infirmary, but more commonly, as a lover of parties. Now not only was he caught off-guard and looking just a little bit tense, but he was cautious and even more withdrawn than usual. It was fair to say that he was being a bit of a hypocrite by treating this woman this way, but he knew his place, and aside from principles he was still an Avora in Wind Reach. This was simply how it should be, no matter what he thought.

Nonetheless, Aidara’s smile was a relieving sight, and in fact, the air that surrounded her coaxed the man to at least relax a few major muscles. She was a conversationalist, and despite the well paced delivery of her words, they seem to whip right past Eoin and his bumbling reaction time. Before he could even fully processed her greeting, she had already wrapped an arm around his, the backdrop fallen and the curtains opened, revealing two cups of unknown alcohol before a fully stocked bar.

He looked carefully at the drink, unsure if he should drink the mysterious beverage but felt it disrespectful to deny an Endal’s invitation. There wasn’t much time to mull over the issue, for Aidara had cordially pushed the cup into his hands, the clay cooling against his stiffening fingers. After a short delay he brought the rim to his lips to taste the alcohol, a sweet but refreshingly light taste, a perfect summer drink. He was pleasantly surprised, pulling the cup away curiously, for Eoin did not drink often and experienced little variety, preferring wine when he did. Automatically, he supposed the brewer to be his very mentor, Chef Davoid, his interest sparked by this typical – but to him, intriguing – beverage. Suddenly, Inclement Weather became much more welcoming, and just as he was about to continue tasting, a hand hooked his elbow, dragging him away once more. Eoin nearly hit his teeth with the rim in surprise, but managed to set keep them and the drink safe before returning to his feet, turning so he would at least be able to see where he was being dragged off to this time.

For the moment, they had stopped at one side of the club. As Aidara continued to speak, his gaze softened gradually following hers, for the woman’s energy was so infectious that even he was feeling the effects, albeit slower than most others. He returned a small, genuine smile to her illuminating expression, pausing to think over his words before responding, curt as usual. “He was trying to convince me to join, but I only wished to walk with him.” Now that Eoin thought on it, this entire situation was probably the other man’s ploy to get the quiet Avora to “let loose” and “have some fun”, as if that he didn’t find enjoyment in his own hobbies. Sure they were a bit anti-social, but he just wasn’t the type to be…here of all places, yet look at him now, talking to an attractive woman, an Endal no doubt, with a drink in hand. It was almost unfathomable, but perhaps this was simply an arc in Lhex’s plan for them all.

Rather than broaden his smile at her teasing, firm eye contact acknowledged her humour. When she raised her cup, he kept his low, not wishing to be unprepared should she ask anything of him. It was a wise decision, for flattery was rare and might have caused him to swallow unnaturally, but instead, he only raised his brows just barely, indiscernible if attention was not given. Instead of focusing on the compliment, Eoin decided to answer Aidara's question. “I am an assistant chef under Chef Davoid.” He sounded a bit textbook, but otherwise, was warm in tone. She spurred him further, and so he complied with ease. “I go on hikes, go climbing and paint when I can.” Aidara seemed to be waiting for just a bit more, but Eoin had no idea what else to add, his life was just too easily summed up in a sentence or two. Not to say he didn’t enjoy his comfortable lifestyle, but that his life seemed so insignificant in terms of the world’s happenings. How wonderful would it be if he could only wrap up his unforgiving memories so easily.

“I have a sister as well.” His tone was plain, his lips closing with a sense of security. Bringing Noelle up so suddenly was a shock to him, for it was not a slip of the tongue nor forced out of him, and was entirely his decision. He could have hidden this fact easily, even if Aidara had mentioned her sibling, he was not obligated to divulge the same information. Eoin felt out of his element, and it was not only because of where he was and who he was with, but his mind was for once in a long time, momentarily silent. He didn’t have to work at ignoring thoughts, no doors to defend from invaders, no walls to raise for protection, just quiet, relieving calm. He credited this to Aidara’s cheeriness, and perhaps the work of the drink, though there was a part of him that knew sooner or later, he would have to speak of her like one would speak of any other. The lull would last as long as the two remained silent, for this was in part the work of waiting for her response, his hope that this would be passed over in conversation. He took a slow sip from the cup, savouring and delaying his obligation to speak.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on August 26th, 2011, 9:52 pm


It could actually be considered a fault of hers, the way Addy kept forgetting her own caste, and had no idea how uncomfortable she made other Inartian's feel when they weren't used to having relaxed conversations with someone above their Caste. Addy still thought of herself as an Avora, and therefore felt completely comfortable with the working class. Recently raised to Endal, she had been thrown for a loop; the powertrip that had ensued was not pretty. Things had calmed down and she had returned to her old, loveable self. Of course, had she really been thinking about it, she would have been able to predict Eoin's reactions to her bold moves. All of her attempts at flirtation were met with a small guarded smile or some other stiff interaction. At first, Addy took it personally; perhaps he had no interest in her or her company. The prospect of a denial (had she made him any offers) sharpened the small woman's attention to detail. She had spent years watching and mingling with people, and it always came in handy.

So as he spoke, she watched and listened, marking his mannerisms and the way his eyes would land on her and then dart away into the crowd. She quickly noted the way he would wait for her to raise the cup to her lips before he did so himself. All of his movements were submissive, not dismissive. Crisis averted; there was still a chance that he was interested in her after all. It had only been a few moments between when Addy realized Eoin was acting differently and her conclusive observation, but within those few moments her entire posture had become as stiff as his while her bright smile turned to stone on her lips; her dimples had disappeared and her eager expression seemed forced.

As she began to relax again, with the thought of personal slight behind her, Addy's smile blossomed once more.The stiffness of her posture evaporated and she began to languish against the wall behind her. She had not had a drink in a very long time, and with only dregs left in her first cub the healer was starting to feel the sweet concoctions effects. Her body felt a bit more loose as her muscles began to loose the knots they had twisted into over the past few months. Her head felt light and there was a pleasant buzzing noise somewhere in her ears that made it very hard to concentrate on what Eoin was saying. She had missed what he was saying about his friend, but when she caught the mention of Chef a cry left her lips and she clapped her hands together happily. "Oh, that means you can cook! I might have you cook for me sometime. I love food." Her smile was radiant as she fell quiet, letting him finish his thought with an encouraging pat to his arm, as if to apologize for her interruption. Addy hid a smile as he plowed forward, clearly uncomfortable with the situation and ready to get his part over with.

"I have a sister as well, Sairque. She also loves to climb, though I have only tried once. I must say, it ended horribly." What Eoin must have thought as multiple emotions ran across the woman's face, it was hard to say. Reliving her and Sira's first date, when they had attempted to rock climb for the first time, made Addy visibly wince and then smile. It had ended horribly in one aspect, Sira with broken ribs, but had ended wonderfully in another....but those thoughts weren't for right now. Lifting the cup to her lips and draining the last of the sweet liquid within, Addy pondered the glass for a moment or two. "I am an Endal, as I think you have figured out, but I also work in the Infirmary. I started out Avora, and that has changed only recently. Sira is my bondmate as well as my Wind Eagle, and peaches are my favorite. Where do you think we can get more drinks? Ah, I see a dek. One moment." The alcohol was getting to her. Addy was having a hard time focusing on just one thing. Her thoughts left her lips all a-jumble, her words fast and unpaced. Her tact had begun to slip away the moment the alcohol had touched her lips.

Stepping past Eoin she had stumbled on something unseen in the dark. It send her stumbling into his side, her shoulder making solid contact with his rib cage. "Oh, I am so sorry. But if it's hurt, I can fix it! Wait, you!" Tottering off after the Dek, Addy left Eoin to himself for a few moments. Normally, the woman would be all poise and charm, ready with a smile and a little banter to get things light and airy. She knew exactly how to deal with people like Eoin; they needed to be caressed out of their shell. However, the alcohol was a bad idea and while Addy might be slightly tipsy, she was never a troublesome drunk. If anything, she just let loose a little more, her poise being replaced by endearing clumsiness and lots more laughter. If Eoin could stick it out, he would be in for a fun night.

Addy was on her way back towards where she had left Eoin when she was jostled roughly as a body suddenly detached it's self from the crowd on her right. The fresh drink's she had retrieved for herself and Eoin were promptly sloshed down her front, leaving a dark purple stain on her shirt; the vanati was already revealing, leaving her torso bare, but the drink plastered the light material to every curve.

"Oh, what have we got here. Come here, beautiful." The man was clearly drunk, making it impossible for Addy to try and guess his caste. He could be anyone. His voice was rough and lewd, making Addy balk as he reached for and grasped her elbow. The callused fingers tightened around her forearm when she tried to pull away, causing her to cry out. "Let go, seriously. You spilling my drink was no invitation for you to even touch me... Ow!" Addy was no weakling, and could have easily escaped from the drunkard except for the mans friend who had slipped up behind her and grabbed her other arm, just as roughly. "In the middle of the club, really? What makes you think you can...ow! What makes you think you can get away with this!" Struggling furiously, Addy had tried to twist away from their grasp. Instead, her skin simply twisted in their hands, leaving her arms feeling as if they had been burned.

"We've seen you around. Easy, you are. Flaunting yourself all pretty, yet not letting everyone have a go. We want a tumble with you, beautiful." And he yanked hard, pulling her off balance so that she stumbled into his chest. "See, your eager now that you know what we want." And he laughed, wrapping his arm tightly about her tiny frame, leaving her pinned and helpless. The other hand clasped over her mouth.

The incident had sobered Addy up, leaving her more clear headed than when she left Eoin's side. She looked for him now, but she had been jerked around so many times by the men that she couldn't find him in the crowd. Though she felt no fear, believing that her captors wouldn't get away with what they were trying to do in the middle of a crowded club, Addy set her energy to trying to escape. But no matter how much she squirmed or clawed, the strangers arms did not give way. So she bit. "Ow, you little bitch."

"Eoin! EOIN!" Jumping on the opporunity as her captor tried to shake the pain from his fingers, Addy managed those two shouts before another hand clamped down hard over her mouth. Though they had only met moments before, Addy called for the only person she knew that was close enough to help.

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on August 31st, 2011, 12:38 am

Eoin listened attentively, his gaze steady and unfaltering despite Aidara’s status. Her sister’s name was familiar as well, a woman of authority and dependable work ethic, an Endal to be proud of. Likewise, he was interested to hear of her job at the infirmary, and of the Wind Eagle Kelvic that he had often heard of. She spoke easily, unlike most other Endals, this was which was likely attributed by her recent rise in caste. Over time, he settled into their bit of conversation if only in body language, his muscles relaxing and breath deepening. Aidara’s momentary leave to fetch a Dek only aided in his nerves, a slow sip from his drink the final step in calming the Avora. Unfortunately, a hard jab to the ribs shocked him from the spell, causing the alcohol to escape its clay confines, splashing against his bare chest. Eoin acted quickly, using a hand to wipe away the cool liquid before any of it flowed to his waistline and stain his Bryda. There wasn’t much that couldn’t be cleaned off with a hand, and little evidence was leftover aside from a light scent. Subsequently, he paid little attention to where Aidara had gone, focusing on one matter at a time.

Then he heard a familiar voice call to him, a hint of desperation to the female’s tone. Quickly, he scanned the club for the crimson haired Inarta, finding her shortly despite the gang of males around her. Eoin was already walking toward them before he knew it, each lewd expression and perverse grin adding speed to his steps. Little thought came to mind aside from saving Aidara, a natural reaction fuelled by a strangely, compelling duty to succeed. Perhaps it was the situation, a strong woman overpowered by the indecent actions of men, a scene all too familiar to his past that drove him to such emotional thresholds. If there was someone like him at the time of his conception, perhaps he would not have to live with the burden of his mother’s trauma, and she with a mind that degraded day by day. In fact, he wouldn’t live at all, unable to carry on the blood of his wicked sire. However, that mattered little, for their society bred men like his maker like rabbits, one after the other sprouting from a bottomless hole. Those thoughts fell below the rage of his subconscious, a simmer of heat that cooled to a chilling cold, his eyes hardened as emotions drained. Anger was unlike him, for the man practised patience with diligence. Yet, this struck an enflamed wound with burning alcohol, reawakening wrath long forgotten and even longer, suppressed.

Both men, soaking in their victory and Aidara’s helpless beauty, were blind to Eoin’s approach. The friend did manage to catch a glance, but was unable to warn the other before the Avora sent a heavy kick to the back of his shin, forcing the man to kneel. He didn’t go down so easily, and was even quicker to recover from his half fall, but did slip in his firm hold on the Endal’s body. As Aidara began to reclaim her dignity, Eoin continued on his emotionless rampage, sending a debilitating punch to the wobbling man’s face, his body following as he stumbled backwards, this time falling from the unexpected strength. Athleticism was not his best trait, but he did have toughened hands from the daily grind in the kitchens, and combined with his current state of mind, Eoin made for a difficult enemy. His gaze was a penetrating green, but was blind to the offender’s pain and of Aidara’s fight against the other man. He took a few steps toward the thug, who in his pride, wasn’t quite ready to run from a fight he could not win. Even still, a dawning fear began to creep from the edges of his drunken eyes.

Then suddenly, knuckles flew in from one side, colliding squarely with Eoin’s cheek. He took but a few heavy footfalls to steady himself, hardly enough considering the strength behind the other man’s punch. The Avora felt little pain, but did take a moment to actually look at his assailant, confirming the identity to be the thug’s friend. A similar fear veiled the man’s eyes, but his judgement was clouded by the alcohol within, pushing him to challenge the Avora that had spoiled their fun. He tried to land another hit, but Eoin managed to catch his wrist in time, his fingers closing in on the sensitive area. However, as the quickened palpitations of the man’s heartbeat and the desperation etched lines into his face, Eoin began to realize what he was doing. Regretfully, he released his hold, revived judgement disintegrated his guard, leaving the Avora open to another punch, this time to the gut. The friend gave a foolish grin of accomplishment mixed with drunken stupor, before looking over to the other man for approval. Unprepared, his body withdrew slightly in attempt to isolate the pain, his back hunching.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on August 31st, 2011, 9:51 pm


He came flying to her rescue, practically glowing with awesome and throwing himself on her two captors and pummeling them into a pulp.

Well, that was how Addy saw it. One moment she had been digging her nails deep into her captors arm, trying to gouge out as much flesh as possible. He had to regret his actions after all, and she had already opened the skin of his left hand with her teeth. The next moment Eoin had joined the frey, first dealing a solid blow to her captor. Just the sight of her new friend rushing so quickly to her side gave Addy heart. The first drunken man had his arm locked tightly around her waist. The disadvantage of being as small and petite as she was, was that he had her pinned to his side as easily as a mother balanced a child on their hip. Though his grip was tight, Eoins ferocious attack took him by surprise. Even though Eoin was before sending his fists flying and raining rapid blows down upon her captors unprotected torso, he still held on. Taking advantage of the fight, Addy twisted around in his grasp (how he still held on while Eoin beat the crap out of him, she'd never figure out) until she was facing him. Taking a deep breath, the little woman screwed her eyes shut and leaned forward, loosing a loud, high pitched scream right into Thug #1's ear.

The effect was immediate. Addy's waist was released as the man hurried to cover his ringing ears. The unexpected freedom caught the woman by surprise, leaving her no time to correct her fall. She landed hard on her right hip, quickly stifling a cry as pain shot down her leg. This wasn't time to be a baby. Addy had to struggle to regain her feet, but she did so as quickly as possible, looking around for Eoin when she stood; it had been impossible to see anything through the tangle of legs while she was on the ground. He was still pummeling her captor, but the look on his face made Addy gasp. Never had she seen someone so cold and empty. Sure, there was rage written plainly across his handsome face, but his eyes....his eyes were dark, vacant pits. Having seen enough hardship herself, Addy had to shiver at what this man had to have gone through. He had hidden it well, as she never would have guessed by his otherwise polite, somewhat shy and restrained personality.

"Eoin! CAREFUL!" Caught up in Eoin's eyes, Addy was too late. By the time she called out, Thug #2 had joined the fray, aiming a heavy fist towards Eoin's face. Unable to contain her gasp as she watched the blow land and send Eoin staggering, Addy leapt forward to his defense. Another strong hand closed around her arm mid-dash, bringing her up short once again. "Don't even try." The low, rumbling menace of a growl that bubbled from her lips surprised even Addy, but the hand didn't let go. Trying to yank her arm away, Addy turned to look up into the face of her second captor of the evening. It was no use; she couldn't make out any of his features. The little Endal did notice, however, that the entire club was watching the brawl. They had formed the sembalance of a oval around the fighters, and while some were drunkenly cheering on the fight, others stood silent and awed, as if they had never seen a brawl before.

"I don't have time for this!" Taking her free hand, Addy attempted to pry the fingers from her other arm, snarling softy.

"You're just going to get hurt" Came the rumbling response.

"And he's already hurt, because of me, and now I'm going to help." Shrugging in a "suit yourself" manner, the mystery man let go of her arm and faded back into the crowd. Free once more, Addy immediately turned and ran towards where the two Thugs were towering over Eoin. "NO!" She shouted as she watched the Avora release the fist of Thug #2, only for the bastard to take his other fist and bury it in Eoin's stomach. "Go to petching hell!" She screamed as she launched herself at the second thug, catching him by surprise. He hadn't had time to recover from his cheap shot at Eoin, so when Addy's body collided with his back he stumbled to his knees.

The anger and fear from the whole ordeal, mixed with the frustration she had been feeling all summer, exploded within the usually pleasant woman. Normally she avoided hurting anything as a Rek'keli gifted individual, but this was a completely different matter. Mindless killing was one thing, self defense was another. Addy, despite her smaller size and inferior strength, had an advantage: She knew the weak parts of the body.

Aiming carefully, though the rage that clouded her vision made that especially difficult, Addy balled up her fist and slammed it into the back of Thug #2's neck while he was still on one knee. Her own knee simultaneously came up and slammed hard into his rib cage. Though it was what she had hoped to do, Addy felt her stomach flop and something inside her core seize up as she felt the mans ribs break. The punch to his neck had sent his face on a collision course with his raised knee, his jaw bearded with the blood from his nose as it dripped down his neck onto his shirt.

Hoping that she had given Eoin enough time to recover and at least get his guard up, Addy turned to the man who originally grabbed her. "What, you're not going to help him?" He was just standing there, watching his friend bleed while holding his fists loosely at chest level; he had clearly let his guard drop in his shock. Apparently he never thought that Addy would actually fight back. Maybe he had done his research, knowing that she was marked by the Goddess of Healing, and therefore incapable of hurting any living thing. Wrong. It was true that if Addy walked away without healing the pair, which was her intention, she would suffer. But that was her decision, and there was no way that Addy would allow somebody to take advantage of her, no matter what her profession or abilities were.

So, the original thug was equally surprised when Addy ran at him, launching herself onto his chest to send rapid punches into his face, neck and shoulder regions. None of the fight had left her, but the woman was not a brawler; she was sure that every punch she landed on the Thug hurt her as much as it hurt him. The skin of her knuckles had split and were weeping blood down her hand, which also ached at the wrist from the impact of the blows. Luckily, after watching his friend get demolished by Eoin and then Addy, this man was quick to flee. Shaking the Addy off of him, he turned and struggled to part the crowd, none of whom seemed willing to let him through. But he did manage to escape in the end, leaving his friend bleeding on the floor.

"Someone... go get Miquel. Now. Have him see to this sorry son of a bitch. And tell him not to be gentle." Addy's voice was crisp with command. She was still an Endal, and even though the two thugs didn't take stock in that, many of the spectators were quickly running from the club at her command. With her chest heaving and her body aching, Addy limped over to where she had last seen Eoin doubled over. Apparently in fights the woman had tunnel vision, for once she launched her attack she had no recollection of whether Eoin had helped or stood there and re cooperated. Either was fine with her, and now that it was all over and they were both still alive, it was time to disappear and lick ones wounds.

"Well, that was fun." With her theory that humor always helped a situation, Addy slipped her arm around Eoin's waist and started towards the door. "I think it's time for some fresh air. There is nothing like star gazing after a good bloody brawl, eh?" She dared not look at Eoin's face, not wanting to see that chilly, empty expression again. Instead she checked him over as they walked. He was covered in sweat, but as far as she could tell with her naked eye, there were no wounds on his exposed upper body. There would be bruseing, for sure, but at least they hadn't broken the skin. And holy hell was he fine. The thought made Addy smile, and then laugh as they passed out of the club; even in the most awkward of circumstances, Addy could still find time to express her apprecaiton of the human body. She supposed it was a character flaw, and finally worked up the courage to look into Eoin's face as the cool night air whipped about them. She had to brush red locks from her face to see properly, but her green eyes were concerned.

"Are you okay?"

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on September 2nd, 2011, 1:14 am

As he began to straighten his body, Eoin saw Aidara coming to his aid, having freed herself from the other man. She seemed unnaturally enraged, and the Avora was blind to the emotions fuelling her devastating attacks. He didn’t bother entertaining the thought that it was in part, out of concern for him, and instead believed the Endal was merely putting the thugs to rest before they cause further harm to herself or others, as a protector of Wind Reach should. Though he wasn’t one to condone violence, he could not help but be impressed by the damage this woman was inflicting on the man. From the precision of her hits and strategic aiming for various parts of the body, Eoin could tell had he not known already that Aidara was knowledgeable in anatomy. However, the emotion soon passed and concern took its place, building upon a foundation of pity. There was little time to reflect, for the main thug was returning to his feet just as he was, convincing himself that he had the less fearsome opponent as he took fleeting glances toward his bleeding friend. He wasn’t mistaken, but that did not mean Eoin was an easy target, even if the rage within was beginning its retreat. The pain was somewhat bearable, considering the strength of his will, but having been hit in the same spot after only a few days since his last, unexpected brawl, the Avora was finding it difficult to even stand comfortably without considerable ache. Fortunately, he needed not swallow the pain further, for Aidara came charging at his opponent, pelting him with hit after hit. Clearly overwhelmed by the smaller Inarta, he fled through the sea of spectators, abandoning his comrade to save his own skin.

Then, despite the wounds on her hands, Aidara immediately took charge, impressing the man further with her strength. Just so, Eoin was disappointed in his own efforts, unable to help the woman fully, and having an Endal bleed for his inadequacies. Meekly, the thug writhed, too afraid to reach for his face to confirm the damage done to his jaw. The Avora could not help but feel responsible as his gaze began to dim, staring with slight horror at the man’s injuries, a sinking shame weighing his heart. With his mind elsewhere, the man barely registered Aidara’s touch, her arm gently guiding him away from the scene.

At first, Eoin was somewhat shocked to hear the woman’s light-hearted response to the entire fight, but as they continued to walk together in silence, he realized that perhaps she was desensitized to the injuries and violence, since she was both a hunter for Wind Reach and the head of the infirmary. In his youth, he had been a few brawls here and there, with as many in self-defence as there were in anger. Those days were harsh times, an endless cycle of hunger, rage and violence spiralling out of control, and did. Melancholy seeped into his thoughts, but he tried not to let his emotions faze him, displeased as he was with how often they had overwhelmed him the past few days. Perhaps it was the strength of Syna’s light in summer and the sweltering heat of the kitchens that encouraged irritation. He knew not what the source was, else the man would be determined to nip the issue at the bud.

Easily, a laugh passed through her lips, breaking Eoin’s focus once more. Naturally, the man was confused, debating whether or not the Endal truly enjoyed brawling or not considering the contradiction between that and her chosen skills. Confusion tinted his eyes, but faded the longer she kept contact, a question of concern giving him a more tangible problem to solve. “Do not worry about me, I’m fine.” In the morning however, that’d be a different story. Right now, the effects were merely surface pain, but already the sensation was deepening, likely forming colourful and exposed bruises in the days to come. She seemed to evoke worry through her gaze, but Eoin was not certain in his ability to discern emotions, appreciating the strange idea nonetheless. Briefly, he wondered if this was how Rista and Vala had felt when he treated them with equal respect, being of lower castes themselves . Not to say Aidara was doing the same, which he couldn’t be sure of, though her expression and glances toward his chest were beginning to add supporting evidence that even he could not dismiss. True or not, he didn’t feel worthy of an Endal’s concern. Having idolized these special individuals since childhood, it was difficult for Eoin to put the possibility into perspective.

With each step, her arm swung naturally at her side, exposing patches of crimson on her weeping knuckles. Eoin shifted his gaze after a while to take a look at her injuries, eyebrows slowly meeting in concern. Then, boldly, the Avora reached for her hand, lifting from the palm up with care. Since he began to reconnect with the world outside of his own mind, Eoin had been causing others to be injured because of him, but could do little to help them due to his principles. Not all were of his fault, but that did not matter to the man, for carrying responsibility and its burdens seemed natural to him. In a way, he was hesitant in touching others, having proved to himself that it could lead to disastrous ends. However, the man had an affinity to physical contact, and life had been stifling without it. With their hands now connected, even Eoin was starting to feel a bit less withdrawn, and a bit more himself. Though he was not the expert in medicine, he wished to examine the wounds with his own eyes. Upon seeing the peeling skin and cuts in greater detail, he knew to bath the wound in order to gently remove any surrounding dirt to deter infections, but would leave it to Aidara to do so for she had greater knowledge in the matter.

“You shouldn’t have bled for me.” Her eyes reflected his as he spoke, firm but unassuming. As Eoin turned his attention back to her elevated hand, he caught sight of her clinging vinati, the fabric drenched and shamelessly transparent. Despite his humble demeanor, he was still a man, and though he averted his eyes by looking into hers, his thoughts were not so quick to switch topics. Aside from that slight pause, Eoin was unchanged as he continued to speak, calm and steady as usual. “You should change into dry clothes.” He needn’t advise her on the reasons why, she was a healer after all. Slowly, he placed her hand where he found it, leaving it to hang comfortably once more. “I can accompany you if you wish.” Eoin didn’t really want to leave Aidara alone right now, in fear that the two men would return for another round, this time to appease their hurt pride and petty revenge. He didn’t mind the Endal’s company either, her whimsical conversation a welcome change from his often weighty thoughts and her appearance easy on the eyes.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on September 5th, 2011, 3:31 am


Uh-oh, what did I do? Addy could see the confusion in Eoin's eyes, and the way he resisted when she pulled him along, even if he didn't realize he was doing so. Maybe he was more effected by violence than she had thought? By the way the Avora had thrown his punches, as well as took them, had lead the woman to believe that he had been in more than once fight. So why did he look like he was going to throw up?

"Do not worry about me, I'm fine." Liar. Addy could see it in his eyes. As he gazed around their surroundings, he simply looked pensive. However, when Addy had laughed and tried to lighten the mood, he looked at her like she had something akin to three heads. Oh, well that made sense. She was laughing right after a fight, when normally people were still angry or too busy being hurt. Since Eoin had not known Addy very long, he was quite unaware of her ability to bounce back from something almost immediately, nor her affinity for making everyone else feel better before worrying about herself. Addy knew she was fine, minus a few scratches and bruises. She also knew that the silence most fell into after a fight proved to be particularly hard to pull back out of.

Drawing herself closer to Eoin's side, Addy slipped her hand down to hold his own. "I'm sorry, Eoin. I forgot to mention when we met that trouble follows me everywhere." When Addy tilted her head back to smile once more, she felt it falter on her lips as she thought of the look on his face when she had laughed only moments before. Instead, she looked down at her feet. "I don't like to fight. I hate it, actually. It goes against almost everything that I am. That's why I had to leave so fast." Lifting her other hand, Addy showed him the way it was shaking. "I feel this....desire...No, more than desire, this need to heal what is wrong. If I don't, it hurts. It hurts more than you know. Mentally, and eventually physically, the pain is too much for words."

Dropping her hand from where she had clasped his, Addy stepped away from Eoin and paced slowly towards one of the views of the cliffs and the forest that carpeted the ground below. It was framed by the pillars and walls that skirted the Courtyard of the Sky. Addy was short enough that she could easily lay her arms upon the surface of the wall as she gazed out over the forest; it was beautiful, with the moonlight gently caressing the tops of the trees. Eoin must made his move around this moment because just as she had started to lean against the wall she felt his hand close around hers, pulling her back around to face him. This took her by surprise, only at the last moment stifling her gasp. From his actions so far, Addy never expected Eoin to make a first move, or any move, to touch her. He was much to polite and conscientious of the gap between their statuses, she knew that much from the few bells they had known each other.

"You shouldn't have bled for me" Came the whisper as his hands carried her up towards his face. His touch was so gentle, his eyes so concerned as she watched him consider her broken skin. It was sweet, and almost innocent, the way Eoin so carefully handled her hand. It was almost like he thought he shouldn't be touching it, and yet couldn't help himself. Addy couldn't help but smile. "Of course I did. Have too, I mean. If we're going to make status into an issue, it was my job to protect you of lower caste..." Aware that such a comment would bring Eoin sharply back to reality and possibly close himself back into his protective shell, Addy quickly added and addendum. She liked this sweet, shy man that stood before her. "..But since I don't give a petch about caste really, it is also because I don't like being helpless. I'm little, and my mark keeps me from really doing much damage, but I can strike in self defense, as well as the defense of my friends." Slipping the last word in quickly, Addy peeked up under her lashes to catch the look on Eoin's face. The healer didn't make many friends, surprisingly. Especially not recently. In a life filled with work and meaningless sexual encounters, it was nice to meet someone who was genuine and worth her time.

"Plus, it's not that bad, I can.." Eoin had dropped her hand. Where his fingers had rested on her skin felt especially cool in the wind, as if it missed the pressure and warmth of his fingers. "..fix this quite easily." She finished, a bit crestfallen though she worked to keep such expression from her face. It was only when she looked back up that she was aware of the way the man's eyes lingered on her rather exposed form; with her concentration focused on the fight and the cleanup afterwards, Addy hadn't even realized how...dirty she was. Ugh, she must even smell. Thrilled by the way Eoin was looking at her, because she undoubtedly felt an attraction to the man, Addy couldn't help but squirm a little as she began to feel every speck of dirt and drip of sweat.

"Ugh, you're right. I should. I'm disgusting." She knew she wasn't disgusting, and she knew exactly what Eoin was looking at, and she liked it. Shivering a bit, as one does when thinking about something really gross, Addy pushed herself off from where she had lounged against the wall. Green eyes slowly traced the lines of Eoin's form as she stepped towards him, smiling slyly as he suggested he accompany. For the second time that night, Addy was expressly aware of his half clad form, and if what was exposed was half as good as what was clothed, well... "Yes, I rather agree and insist you accompany me." Yes, there was the threat of the thugs returning, but they both had the same thing in mind. Addy surely wasn't ashamed of it, as was plain by the way her eyes lingered on his musculature. "I'll have to have a closer look to make sure nothing is broken." Yep, that was a good excuse.

Sai, lock your door please. I have a skittish one, and I would rather he didn't know you were home. They would have no problem from the Flight leader; Addy had lived with her sister for as long as she could remember, and Sai was indulgent of her ways. Sira was on night duty, again, and wouldn't have mind if Addy brought Eoin home anyway. Her instincts told her, however, that Eoin would have had a problem if the Kelvic woman was waiting for them to come home.

Pressing herself under Eoin's arm and against his side, slipping her own arm around his waist, Addy lead the way to her Aerie. There was much silence along the way, because unless Eoin found himself particularly talkative, Addy was lost in her thoughts, carefully planning the night ahead. By the time the healer steered them off the main corridor to a wooden door sunken into the side of the wall, Addy was smiling with anticipation. "Welcome!" With a flourish, she pushed the door open and ushered Eoin inside.

"Quickly. I can't stand being dirty, and my hand is starting to sting. This way, across the common room. Watch out! Hahahah..." The door swung closed behind the pair, and Addy had taken Eoin's hand as she led him across the room. It was completely dark, but Addy could navigate the familiar room by memory... except that one of the overstuffed chairs had been moved to the left and directly in the path in which Addy pulled Eoin. The healer caught the edge with her shin and was able to regain her balance. But the Avora took the chair full on, spilling across the seat and over the otherside. Unable to help herself, Addy laughed deeply as she stooped to help him to his feet.

"Alright, we'll be more careful this time and try to keep you on your feet. I'll go ahead and light the sconce." Leaving him where he had picked himself up, Addy slipped into the room on the far side of the common. Within moments, a soft glow issued from around the slightly ajar door and was Eoin's signal to follow.

When he stepped through the door, he would find himself in the washroom. A rather extravagant one at that. There was a huge tub, a large wash basin that was topped with an expensive piece of mirror. In the corner next to the door was the toilet and on the wall was rack upon rack of feminine products as well as a large abundance of fluffy towels. The scheme was green and white, and it was a lot to take in.

Unaware that she was most likely overwhelming her guest, Addy was standing over the wash basin cleaning out her cut. She made quick work of it, though the water quickly turned an ugly brownish red color. When it was clean, the broken skin was gently patted with a green towel to dry before it was placed to the side, Addy turning towards the tub. She could heal the wound later, as it wasn't causing her any pain or discomfort. Baths were much more important; the healer hated being dirty.

The room was soon steamy and filled with the sound of moving water. With the tub being as large as it was, it took quite a while to fill. With all the preparation taken care of, Addy finally turned towards Eoin. With her green eyes shining with excitement and her cheeks hinting at their dimples, she beckoned him over. "We have to make sure that you are okay. Don't worry, it won't hurt." Taking his lower arm in hand, Addy pulled him in front of her, not for the first time distracting herself with the feel of the Avora's muscles beneath her fingers.

First, the little woman checked his hands. She gently bent each of his fingers, opening and closing his fist and rotating his wrist. Practiced fingers felt each moment while she listened for any gasps or signs of pain. Hearing none, Addy slid her hands slowly up his arm, feeling the muscles with firm probes and pokes. "Hm, your right arm might be sore in the morning. Just be careful of that..." Completely focused on the job at hand, Addy didn't even realize what she was doing until she had finished both of his arms, shoulders, neck, back and was now sliding her fingers over his taut stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles into the V that followed his hips and down into his bryda. What was worse was that she hadn't even been checking the muscles there. She had been too busy enjoying the smooth and hard feel of his skin and muscles beneath her fingers. "Oh!"

Stepping back and looking quickly up at him, Addy slowly drew her hands back. Had she crossed the line? "I... am sorry." She could feel the blush rising into her cheeks. What was wrong with her? Sexuality never bothered her before. Was it because he was so shy? Was she afraid of hurting him, going to far and pushing away her new friend? In the few short moments she had to think, Addy couldn't decipher her own reaction. Instead, she tried to hide it from both herself and Eoin, turning with the pretense of checking the bathwater she was preparing. "This...uh... should be ready soon."

OOCI felt it was important to respond to what happened after they left the fight, so don't feel like you also need to reply to it again. I just wanted to flesh out what had actually gone through Addy's head, since I left it rather vague at first. I also like leaving it open ended like that, instead of assuming Eoin's reaction to her attentions.

Also, Sira and Addy have a very open relationship. They sleep with other people all the time. If Eoin brings that up, just know that Addy is going to explain that too him, and feel free to play him as you would after she tells him that. It just helps move the thread along, instead of you having to wait for my reply to move forward. That, or you could just have Eoin know from rumors that the women still slept around. Up to you!

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on September 13th, 2011, 12:41 am

The thought had crossed his mind, but Eoin did not think much of it, dismissing the idea as fantasy. Women were generally put off by him, finding his demeanour too quiet and dull, interpreting the lacking conversation as disinterest. He rarely met anyone as understanding as Aidara, though many equally playful in nature, and being an Endal as she was, the man did not think she’d even consider him as an option. With her frequent parties and social gatherings, Eoin believed the woman was never lacking in a willing partner or in companionship, and wrote off the idea of shared furs as impossibility. Sexuality was so open in their culture, that even he did not escape its influence, but true to his nature, he disliked short term engagements. That’s why, when the enchanting Endal invited him into her home, the man was at a complete loss for words.

Fortunately, words were not required of him. For what seemed to be the hundredth time tonight, Eoin had managed to hurt himself, every muscle tensing to isolate the stinging sensation to its source. He almost thought this to be an omen from the gods to reject Aidara’s gesture, but logic brushed aside that baseless reasoning with ease, for the gods couldn’t be all that concerned with a simple Inarta. What ache was sustained from the fall was eased by a clear, full laugh, a reaction often interpreted as a sign of humiliation but now, seemed to radiate warmth. This was ridiculous, how easily he received her actions despite how much they – literally – hurt him. There was respect, and attraction, but Eoin almost felt manipulated now. She was changing the way he was seeing the world, however insignificant the changes seem, and worst of all, the woman didn’t even realized what she was doing.

Fleeting as ever, Aidara disappeared once more into another section of the aerie, leaving the man to recover alone. Pulling himself up, the Avora followed blindly, uncertain of his own intentions for the first time in a long time.

As a person of modest tastes but appreciation for aesthetics, Eoin’s somewhat high expectations were met upon setting sight on the washroom’s design. Though he expected the plentiful feminine and grooming products, their presence still unnerved him, and he began to remember the presence of yet another: Aidara’s bondmate, the Wind Eagle Sira. Caution immediately set its fangs into his every action, the shallow rise and fall of his chest to the firm and hardened gaze. Despite hearing rumours of their open relationship, Eoin was still nervous in engaging in such an act with a taken woman. In fact, it was still difficult for him to even fathom the reality of the idea. Thus, he took greater attention in watching the Endal’s wounds, and almost seemed a bit too observant as he watched the water run the blood out from each tear. His eyes were unrelentless in tracking her movements, watching each delicate finger brush his, pulling and pressing. Watching as the tips began to wander, lost in their analysis, exploring solely upon unspoken desires. They fell lower, nerves tensing his muscles and gaze, a shield for his increasing heart rate. He felt the need to remove her hands as they descended closer to the lining of his bryda, but was in part relieved and disappointed when she pull herself away. The woman apologized, rouge dotting her cheeks, but he barely caught sight of her embarrassment before she turned away abruptly to check the water, leaving the man to recollect himself. A deeper, but silent exhale helped calm his thoughts. However, it did not completely remedy his pulse, the blood rapidly warming his body, some areas more than others.

“Thank you.” Eoin replied with a smooth tone that seemed a bit strained, his mind wrangling with his body’s natural instincts. It seemed, for whatever reason, that summer encouraged emotion. He was finding it harder and harder to restrain himself in various situations, including the present scenario, his hand meeting her arm before he had even realized it. His grasp was firm, but not demanding, aside from the needy heat that radiated from his palm. When Aidara turned to face him, she’d find a still pair of eyes reflecting her own, with embers in their infancy. It was almost as if he was stopping her from bathing, from unclothing herself before him. Not to say that was what the woman was going to do, but Eoin just wanted to be sure, to be safe. Intimacy revealed more than he cared to, and he was uncertain of Aidara, uncertain of Fenil, of everyone.

“I will leave you to your bath. Good night Aidara.” Eoin spoke after a held silence, pausing once more for the Endal to process his words before releasing his grip. There was a quiet confidence to him, and it showed well now out of all times, despite the lack of courage he demonstrated. Taking a step closer to the exit, he began to turn his body away, his mind still racing.

oocSorry there isn't much to respond to here. This is probably the hardest aspect of Eoin for me to write, hopefully that didn't show too much.
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