62 Summer, 511
Despite the sharp, stinging pain in his hand, Syllke’s eyes, sparking red with the intensity of his new, self-inflicted wound, could not be blind to the serene beauty of the approach to the Chapel. He had wandered this way only once in the few weeks he had been in Denval. The grounds were a bit too well maintained, too orderly, to appeal to his own person aethestic. But he could appreciate the innate beauty of the patterned beds of flowers, though the blooms themselves would have looked better dotting some wild meadow, in his opinion. Still, his dark eyes danced about as he walked rather hurriedly towards the low stone edifice, holding the cloth about the cut as tightly as he could. Perhaps in the minutes that it had taken him to walk here from the Lyceum the bleeding would have finally stopped. Chisels, especially newly sharpened ones, were not as yet as familiar to the muscles of his hands and fingers as perhaps they should be before giving the head a great whack with the hammer. The metal did not discriminate between stone and flesh, and had sliced neatly through both. Syllke, and his would be student, had not thought it had gone to the bone. The poor young woman had gone quite pale though, and had fetched Astrid who had recommended the young Vantha go straight away to the Chapel and seek out Veldrys. Astrid had murmured that Syllke should not be alarmed by the healer’s appearance – so of course Syllke’s eyes had lit up and he had asked questions about who and what and why he should not be alarmed and Astrid had shooed him away saying only Veldrys could best answer whatever questions came to Syllke’s mind. So, with the double bonus of both getting the deep cut between thumb and forefinger to stop bleeding, and possibly getting to meet yet another novel person, the young Vantha had not hesitated. Now his feet carried him to the door of the quiet, venerable building which housed some of Denval’s most precious knowledge, the sacred if not the profane. The doors were open to the warm summer air and Syllke stepped in, while calling out, “Hello? Um, I could use a hand here. Anyone home?”