the insane problem children
that I call my friends
I have friends. They're all insane weirdos that like to hurt people/memorized pi to the 52nd number, but they're still my friends. And I love them just the way they are <3 (except some. some are idiots that will have a thumbs down by their name)
Sara: Sara is probably my closest friend. She's violent, vertically challenged, and badass

. She's also one of the only girls that is a gamer that my friend Mikey knows. (And girls, just because you killed one zombie on CoD Black Ops doesn't make you a gamer.) Sara's the only one of my friends on Mizahar, she's
Erossyivana and another secret PC that she's working on.
Mikey: Mikey is awesome. He's memorized pi up to the 48th number after the decimal (I think), and I've had interesting text conversations with him. (Most of which where we come up with creative ways to kill people... ^-^)
DO NOT READHe's also someone I have a secret crush on, (I can't believe I just wrote that
, but it's true, and not a secret anymore I guess.) According to him, Sara and I are the only actual girls that are gamers he knows.
Neutral Soos: His first name is Austin, but because of the huge population of Austins in out grade, people just call him Soos. He's stupid, annoying, but still my friend for some reason, and he used to like me in 2nd grade. He's not very intelligent either, and will randomly text me something weird. He's also the one the kid fell over in
thisOk, so me and my friends were just sitting in a circle after lunch throwing grass at eachother and eating food we snuck outta the cafeteria. There was a random group of people talking to eachother close by, and I didn't even know they were there until someone pushed someone else too hard and he fell over Soos and landed directly in my lap. Of course, the kid who LANDED ON ME didn't even know I was there. story.
Nick: Nick's weird. He likes to scream "BOMB!!" in the crowded hallways of school, really loudly. He also drinks, which I find stupid and I have other reason to why he gets a thumbs down which I will not tell you because it's none of your business.
Russell: Russell likes to talk about guns for some reason. Whenever he talks to Sara on Skype or Steam, he's polishing his guns and has a conversation about guns. He has thumbs down for the same reason as Nick.
Hanna: Hanna is fun. She likes anime and fire, and playing with sharp objects, and corrupting children's minds. I like hanging out with her.
Jordan: Jordan is my childhood friend. I've known her since we were little, (our parents were friends) and it was awesome when she started going to the same school as me in 6th grade. She's fun, cool, and I also have a small crush on one of her friends x_x whom I will not tell you the name since...nevermind.
I have other friends too, but I don't feel like writing more down and my other friends I don't know too much about x_x so I'm just gonna leave it be.