PC Name: Aestineos
Age & Sex: Ethaefal, Male
Reason for Being in Lhavit: Oddly drawn to the city. Fractured memories and visions have driven me to attempt a recovery of a past life as a merchant. I have started a business, Illuminating Libations, a tavern that will soon specialize in a rather unique beverage. I have hopes of building it into something greater and perhaps even expand into other aspects of life in the city.
Things I Like to Thread About: Just about anything.
Things I Dislike to Thread About: Combat for the sake of combat
Additional Comments: As an Eth, I hope to grow and expand within Lhavit. I have designs on becoming a rather integral part of the city; government and mercantile ventures. Everyone is welcome at the tavern and I hope to offer good food, better drink and the best experience to be had in Lhavit.