(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on August 27th, 2011, 5:04 pm

" Was your friend happy to get the food? You should of brought him along..." She watched Taln, " I tried to keep an eye on them, but I don't eat cooked meat, so I hope its ok." She smiled nervously.

The way the light shined on Taln's eyes was mesmerising to Drusilla, she tried not to stare. That would just embarass Taln...But, wow.. Then she noticed his are, she mimiced his arm, "Why do you do this?" Asking curiously Drusilla looked at him.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on August 27th, 2011, 5:27 pm

Taln finished chewing and looked over to answer Drusilla. The firelight only shone on one eye, making it look pure white, while the one in shadow was a vivid emerald green.

"He's so stuffed he went right to sleep, so I didn't want to wake him. He hasn't eaten that well in a long time. Thank you for that."

He tore hungrily into the food, making short work of the fair sized animal. Taln wiped his mouth on his arm and answered,

"Nah, it's great--perfect even. It's still bloody inside."

The Inarta bent over the food with quick sharp bites, his eyes darting around instinctively to watch around him for any who would take it from him. He'd almost finished up when the woman asked him a peculiar question.

"Do what?" He watched her motions and for a chime, had no idea what she was talking about. Then he looked down at himself and realized for the first time what he was doing. Taln laughed in amused embarrassment.

"I uh.. well I guess I'm acting like a raptor, a bird of prey. It's called mantling. When they eat, they hold out their wings like my arms are doing, to cover the sight of their food from others. It's to gaurd what they're eating against any other nosy predators who'd challenge them."

He flashed a smile of slightly embarrassed pride that he'd subconsciously acted like the very creature he respected most--a bird of prey. The copper haired man popped the last bit of meat into his mouth and tossed the branches onto the fire.

"I didn't keep you waiting too long did I?"
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on August 28th, 2011, 12:09 am

"Mantling...huh." Drusilla had never been around bird of prey, not even here in Wind Reach.

"Nope, I was just...remembering." She smiled, "I'm glad that the meat is ok." Drusilla was happy for once outside of work. Then a thought crossed her mind, "No one was mean to you when you left here, were they?" Had they been they were worthy of a good scare. From what Drusilla could tell, Taln wouldn't do anything to anyone without a good reason. The least she could do is get him some food and somewhere to sleep.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on August 28th, 2011, 11:22 pm

Taln nodded, not talking when it really wasn't necessary. He raised an eyebrow at her question and replied,

"No one was any meaner than usual if that's what you mean. Oh and thanks for the new Lontev."

The tall man stretched out exhausted, by the fire and yawned mightily. Belatedly he remembered he was 'claimed' and looked at Drusilla with sleep heavy eyes. He didn't know if she intended for some 'pet dek' time, but if she did, she'd best speak up because he was on the verge of falling asleep.

"I have to get to work in about four bells to see to the Darniva common rooms. The baby yasis will need their little noses wiped." The dek murmured tiredly, laying his head down on his arm, his eyes only half open.
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on August 29th, 2011, 8:10 pm

" You seem ready to pass out," Drusilla smiled, "You want to sleep out here or come back with me? While I don't have a fire burning, I do have blankets and pillows. The choise is yours, where ever your most comfortable." She stood up, waiting for Taln's reply. Drusilla would hate to leave him outside fire or not...

She knew what Taln would be thinking she was going to do. But, she just couldn't... She never had before, plus the world didn't need anymore of her kind even if they would be halves. She didn't want to bring any into the world if she was going to die before seeing their faces, like her mother had...


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on August 29th, 2011, 8:41 pm

Taln dragged himself to sit up at her coaxing tone. When Drusilla stood, he knew he must follow suit, and rose from the ground. The copper haired man shrugged in response to the woman's question. He really didn't mind where he slept so if it made her happier to go to her quarters, then that was fine too.

He stood quietly and patiently by Drusilla's side, idly wondering if she intended a night's sleep in her quarters, or a night's work. Either way, he was a dek so he had no say in the matter and simply accepted it.
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on September 2nd, 2011, 4:25 am

She held out her hand, "It's dark, I doubt you can see very well," Drusilla smiled in the dark. It was a long walk back to her room and although deks scurried here and there, Drusilla doubted Taln knew the way to her room.

She guided Taln to and through the commons, to a room with the smell of foreign spices and fabric strewn here and there. It hung from the walls, covered the floors, and made little nestlike piles in the corners. The only clear spot was a desk, where an ortimental hair comb layed along side what had once been a beautiful child's dress, however now it was weathered and ragged.

Drusilla looked to Taln to see his response to her cluttered home.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on September 2nd, 2011, 4:45 pm

Drusilla's fragile hand was soon engulfed in the dek's large calloused one and he was grateful for a guide in the dangerously dim lighting. As much as he liked the protection of darkness, it made his poor vision emphasized to near blindness. Taln didn't think the Avora had any idea just how bad his sight was. Her extreme pale coloring was a blessed beacon in the night and he followed her guidance gladly.

His senses were overwhelmed at the woman's quarters.

'I had no idea she was so wealthy! I've never in my life seen so many possessions all in one place! Not even in new storage!' He thought in amazement.

Everywhere Taln looked, he saw more fabrics, smelled more spices and just couldn't believe that any one person could own so much! His mind reeled at the thought of having so much that you actually make a mess! He owned the ragged bryda he wore and not a single thing else to his name.

The dek's mouth was slightly open in shock and he moved his tongue over his lip ring nervously, his emerald eyes more vivid than ever as he stood in stunned silence. Never in his life had he met anyone more rich!
Last edited by Taln on September 3rd, 2011, 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on September 3rd, 2011, 2:39 am

"I know it's messy. I tend to bring my work home with me....Plus it reminds me of where I was born, my father's house always had fabric and textiles evrywhere." Drusilla smiled, " Symenstra love fabric."

She looked to Taln, "Pick any cloth you want for your new tunic. Oh and if you want I can sew up your pants too. Do you need any other garments?" Drusilla was already fetching her needles and thread.

"You can sleep in my bed....if we can find it under all the cloth." She giggled nervously. The Symenestra began sorting out the fabric, revealing a ready made bed.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on September 3rd, 2011, 7:27 pm

"Wow. I..I've never seen so much in one place before." Taln's voice colored with awe at the incredible array of finery in such plenty.

'And she says how she's always grown up with so many high quality possessions in her life. No wonder she was made an Avora to have grown up so richly. I didn't know anything of her kind, but she must be very well bred to live this way so casually.' It was almost too much to think about.

Taln raised both eyebrows at her question, not sure how to answer. He'd only had one lontev per season as his entire stock of possessions his whole life. The modest dek didn't even know where to begin. He'd been fed fully twice in half a day and now she was offering new clothes plus patching his old bryda! This kind of generosity was unheard of and his mind whirled at it all. The tall man shook his head no at even the thought of acquiring even more than his designated lontev and the more than generous offer of bryda repair.

His legs thankfully gave out just in front of the bed so he ended up sitting on it heavily. The copper haired man was dazed at the increasingly kind treatment and just wasn't sure what to do with himself. He was exhausted, had another ten bell shift ahead of him in a few bells and the poor man was baffled.

With a large hand he reached randomly for a black cloth nearest to him on the bed, expecting goat hair or heavy wool. He rubbed the exquisite black silk between his fingers in wonder. He'd never felt anything like it in his life!

Taln held up a bolt of fine ebony silk with total wonder filling his vivid emerald eyes.

"What is this made of? It feels like a woman's skin."
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