Timestamp: 25th of Summer, 511 AV
Purpose: Hunting
Continued From: By Dawns Early Light
Status: Closed, Emeric Please
It was such a unique feeling, padding through the main gates of Lhavit and out into the wilderness that surrounded the city with the stranger she'd decided to befriend. They didn't take the main pathway that lead down the mountain to either the bay or the road beyond. Instead, Haeli turned them off the path onto a smaller one that was less traveled which wound them well up into the misty peaks. Here, they were alone together in a sea of trees that grew incredibly slowly and lead out onto stone flanks that stretched high into the sky. There were alpine grasses and high mountain lakes dotting the countryside where Haeli lead them.
But that wasn't the feeling she was thinking of as she traversed the landscape beside Emeric. Haeli had never had a hunting companion. She'd never matched her stride with someone else's and struck out with a mutual goal to find food. Even in her days with Ozantha, the pair had never hunted together. Ozantha had gifted her with a snake form so she could mouse and never go hungry. But she'd never taught her to mouse. Instead, she'd withheld food from the girl for days and days until hunger drove Haeli to take another life. Caiyha's mark, especially for one marked so young, often made the first few kills hard. It was hard to kill something you could talk too. It was harder still to kill something that could talk back. Haeli needed that first blood to spill in order to understand how everything was interconnected. Mice were food for snakes just as the ripening grass seed provided food for the mice. Snakes were taken by larger birds and fanged predators and they in turn feel to otehr things. It had been a painful initiation for the girl.. one she'd had young. But it was something she now understood and never lost sight of.
She wondered if Emeric understood such links. There was a lot she was starting to wonder about when it came to Emeric. What was he thinking about? What was he feeling? Why did he play his instrument? What was the mark on his hand? Why did morphing in front of him with him watching her so intently make her feel so strong, so powerful, like she wanted him to keep watching? He was dangerous to her, Haeli knew, because she formed fast attachments with people and those attachments could hurt her. Starved for attention and craving all things human - conversation, touch, companionship - made her vulnerable for the wrong sorts of things. And even if she knew it did, she let the craving overwhelm her common sense because she'd spent so many years of her life alone. Crowds bothered her. Large numbers of people bothered her... but contact like this, one on one, was amazingly healthy for her ability to learn in leaps and bounds in terms of understanding people.
Haeli glanced up at him, then back at the path before them. She huffed, sniffing the air, but found nothing remotely interesting and the scents on the trail old. Glancing back at him, she watched the way he walked and thought further about connections.
She wished she could talk to Emeric as she trotted along beside him, but what would she say? How much she liked Lhavit? How much these rugged mountains spoke to her? How she hadn't been down to the sea yet and would like someone to go with her for the first time? Perhaps Tamsin and Akari would be game for such a trip. Haeli would suggest it. She didn't want to drive Emeric off by needing too much from him, or rather, showing him too quickly how needy of a person she really was.
Her head bumped his thigh again. She was truthfully only a little larger than a big dog, and blocked his next step. Haeli glanced off the trail and glanced up at him. There was a pathway, all but hidden in the underbrush, that was a deer track that lead off down the flank of the peak and towards a tiny valley with a small lake in its center that steamed as if heated from within.
Rabbits or deer. Haeli wondered which one Emeric would want to try? The witch stepped off the main trail, skirting down the treacherous deer trail and slowly lead Emeric on. It was rather steep for a few moments, forcing them in single file, then went onward leveling out and disappearing into tall grass. Just before the trail leveled out Haeli froze, crouched, and then bounced off the trail in a leap that would do a house cat proud before doing a great job of flattening tall grass on his left side. She scurried after something in the tall grass in a series of leaps that completely resembled a barn cat mousing until a final pounce rendered Haeli growling in pleasure. She caught something in her paws, bit down on it, and then turned, wading through the damaged grass to reunite with Emeric. She laid a juicy, rather plump, field mouse at his feet her entire expression pleased. Mice were good luck. And if they were in abundance, one would never starve. And where there were mice, there were bigger things; rabbits, coyotes, raptors, even wolves.
Haeli sat down to see what Emeric would say.
Purpose: Hunting
Continued From: By Dawns Early Light
Status: Closed, Emeric Please
It was such a unique feeling, padding through the main gates of Lhavit and out into the wilderness that surrounded the city with the stranger she'd decided to befriend. They didn't take the main pathway that lead down the mountain to either the bay or the road beyond. Instead, Haeli turned them off the path onto a smaller one that was less traveled which wound them well up into the misty peaks. Here, they were alone together in a sea of trees that grew incredibly slowly and lead out onto stone flanks that stretched high into the sky. There were alpine grasses and high mountain lakes dotting the countryside where Haeli lead them.
But that wasn't the feeling she was thinking of as she traversed the landscape beside Emeric. Haeli had never had a hunting companion. She'd never matched her stride with someone else's and struck out with a mutual goal to find food. Even in her days with Ozantha, the pair had never hunted together. Ozantha had gifted her with a snake form so she could mouse and never go hungry. But she'd never taught her to mouse. Instead, she'd withheld food from the girl for days and days until hunger drove Haeli to take another life. Caiyha's mark, especially for one marked so young, often made the first few kills hard. It was hard to kill something you could talk too. It was harder still to kill something that could talk back. Haeli needed that first blood to spill in order to understand how everything was interconnected. Mice were food for snakes just as the ripening grass seed provided food for the mice. Snakes were taken by larger birds and fanged predators and they in turn feel to otehr things. It had been a painful initiation for the girl.. one she'd had young. But it was something she now understood and never lost sight of.
She wondered if Emeric understood such links. There was a lot she was starting to wonder about when it came to Emeric. What was he thinking about? What was he feeling? Why did he play his instrument? What was the mark on his hand? Why did morphing in front of him with him watching her so intently make her feel so strong, so powerful, like she wanted him to keep watching? He was dangerous to her, Haeli knew, because she formed fast attachments with people and those attachments could hurt her. Starved for attention and craving all things human - conversation, touch, companionship - made her vulnerable for the wrong sorts of things. And even if she knew it did, she let the craving overwhelm her common sense because she'd spent so many years of her life alone. Crowds bothered her. Large numbers of people bothered her... but contact like this, one on one, was amazingly healthy for her ability to learn in leaps and bounds in terms of understanding people.
Haeli glanced up at him, then back at the path before them. She huffed, sniffing the air, but found nothing remotely interesting and the scents on the trail old. Glancing back at him, she watched the way he walked and thought further about connections.
She wished she could talk to Emeric as she trotted along beside him, but what would she say? How much she liked Lhavit? How much these rugged mountains spoke to her? How she hadn't been down to the sea yet and would like someone to go with her for the first time? Perhaps Tamsin and Akari would be game for such a trip. Haeli would suggest it. She didn't want to drive Emeric off by needing too much from him, or rather, showing him too quickly how needy of a person she really was.
Her head bumped his thigh again. She was truthfully only a little larger than a big dog, and blocked his next step. Haeli glanced off the trail and glanced up at him. There was a pathway, all but hidden in the underbrush, that was a deer track that lead off down the flank of the peak and towards a tiny valley with a small lake in its center that steamed as if heated from within.
Rabbits or deer. Haeli wondered which one Emeric would want to try? The witch stepped off the main trail, skirting down the treacherous deer trail and slowly lead Emeric on. It was rather steep for a few moments, forcing them in single file, then went onward leveling out and disappearing into tall grass. Just before the trail leveled out Haeli froze, crouched, and then bounced off the trail in a leap that would do a house cat proud before doing a great job of flattening tall grass on his left side. She scurried after something in the tall grass in a series of leaps that completely resembled a barn cat mousing until a final pounce rendered Haeli growling in pleasure. She caught something in her paws, bit down on it, and then turned, wading through the damaged grass to reunite with Emeric. She laid a juicy, rather plump, field mouse at his feet her entire expression pleased. Mice were good luck. And if they were in abundance, one would never starve. And where there were mice, there were bigger things; rabbits, coyotes, raptors, even wolves.
Haeli sat down to see what Emeric would say.