Canali barely used any of the water. Just simply a handful to wipe off the crusty sand from her face. Wrinkling her nose, she used one finger to brush the sand from beside it. After setting the water skin aside, Canali turned to the side and aired out of her top. There was sand stuck to her stomach. It came off easily, though; with a stroke of her pale hand. Politely, Canali handed the water skin back to Voxxus.
"I am Canali, by the way," she told as the realization that she neither knew his name, nor him her. Grey eyes twinkled with humor at his words. A light blush stained her cheeks from embarrassment. "Pfft. He'd need a bunch of his pals to 'rescue' me." Childishly, Canali stuck her pink tongue out at him. "I can swim… In foot deep water."
Moving her clothes off to the side, Canali decided against slipping her jacket on. The hair upon her head was still wet and there was no reason to wet the jacket. Besides, the weather was still slightly warm. It would be cool soon, though. Clouds were gathering in the sky. If she had to guess, Canali would say it was going to rain. Well… Storm, really.
"What type of fish is this?" Intrigued, Canali shifted to face him; sitting cross legged upon the sand. Squirming slightly uncomfortably with his gaze, Canali's own eyes slid away to glance around. If she so happened to run her eyes over his form… So be it. Oops.
"And what exactly happened?" A soft sigh fell from her. All she could remember was up to where she screamed and flailed from the bird dive-bombing her. Damn that bird. The sand had shifted beneath her feet. Obviously Canali had been close to the drop off point, because one second she was touching and the next… Nothing. After that, it was all a blur up until she woke up.
"I am Canali, by the way," she told as the realization that she neither knew his name, nor him her. Grey eyes twinkled with humor at his words. A light blush stained her cheeks from embarrassment. "Pfft. He'd need a bunch of his pals to 'rescue' me." Childishly, Canali stuck her pink tongue out at him. "I can swim… In foot deep water."
Moving her clothes off to the side, Canali decided against slipping her jacket on. The hair upon her head was still wet and there was no reason to wet the jacket. Besides, the weather was still slightly warm. It would be cool soon, though. Clouds were gathering in the sky. If she had to guess, Canali would say it was going to rain. Well… Storm, really.
"What type of fish is this?" Intrigued, Canali shifted to face him; sitting cross legged upon the sand. Squirming slightly uncomfortably with his gaze, Canali's own eyes slid away to glance around. If she so happened to run her eyes over his form… So be it. Oops.
"And what exactly happened?" A soft sigh fell from her. All she could remember was up to where she screamed and flailed from the bird dive-bombing her. Damn that bird. The sand had shifted beneath her feet. Obviously Canali had been close to the drop off point, because one second she was touching and the next… Nothing. After that, it was all a blur up until she woke up.