Tak Tak Basic Information Race: Pycon Birthday & Age : 509 AV 2 years old Gender: Male Languages Language 1: Common Language 2: Shiber Language 3: Tukant Physical Description Tak Tak is a very simplistic clay man with a thin nose that resembles a well worn mountain path. His eyes are simple dug in dots which allow him very little appearance of depth when he expresses his thoughts while his mouth usually appears as a mere line curved in a smile that fluctuates into a gaping circular hole when he unleashes a few gutural giggles or laughable thoughts. His body is a curved rectangle, which bears indents at his shoulders to more easily hold onto his pack while traveling. His arms and legs are cylindrical until they jut into their respective mandibles and pedibles. One shift in his usual appearance is he will occasionally grow a handle upon his head and demmand to be carried, even if he's alone. Character Concept Tak Tak, like many of his Pycon brothers, is a free spirit who enjoys the steep ascent of mountains and deep dive of valleys. This has led him to learn of the peoples in these valleys giving him a hold on their languages. This joy in land is not extended to the waves whose nature of turning his people into a soupy mess has done little to ease his prenatal fears. Beyond his feelings toward geography Tak Tak enjoys all people and will many times try to befirend even the hardiest soul so that he may journey with them. He is most himself when allowed open space to roam the land and surrounded by friends so that he might roam his heart. Character History Tak Tak was born to a pair of nomadic Pycons who left him little choice in accelerating the already breakneck pace of Pycon development. After exstensive training in basic survival and some battle skills, and a long stick called a Py-pole. The nomad pair seperated to continue their quests, leaving their youngling behind to fend or die. Some would think that might harden the clay in a young Pycon, but Tak Tak was a creation of wanderlust and he bore his first year quite well, collecting the knowledge of the land as a farmer collects his harvest, row by row each plant receiving it's slight tug to be tucked away for later use. In his second year of life he came to a great city called Yahebah. He heard the many merchants talking of lands more glorious than he had ever seen, so he didn't stay long. Just long enough to grab a waterskin, pack, and some covering rags that the people called clothes, to this day Tak Tak still has difficulty understanding the concept of 'naked'. This city was also where he gained his name, as the locals gained the habit of calling him by the sound of his often moving feet, 'tak-tak tak-tak tak-tak'. So newly christened, Tak Tak left swiftly to new lands beyond the borders of all imagination. Training Skills -Escape Artist 10/100 (Racial Bonus) -Wilderness Survival 20/100 (Starter Kit) -Weapon (Py-Pole) 15/100 (Starter Kit) -Story Telling 15/100 (Starter Kit) -Weapon 1/100 (Comb) -Observation 2/100 -Py-Pole 1/100 -Running 1/100 Lore :
Equipment and Possessions 1 set of clothing 1 Waterskin -1 Backpack containing- -1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) ■Clay for a week ■1 eating knife ■Flint & Steel -1 Py-pole given by his parents Ledger 600 Gold Rimmed Mizas Thread List A Light Heart Among Heavy Stone (Flash Back) Nowhere to Go. Impatient to Get There. Fall 1, 511 A.V. |