Summer 12, 511 AV It was the start of a rough day, with rough people, who had rough times the night before. No-one likes starting their work hungover, and it was the very rare day that Reaver was to find the cure. The mercenary was supposed to be guarding the docks tomorrow, and had too much to drink. He found his way around to the clinic, before passing out after taking Reaver's advice. Now, Reaver had to observe just how effective it was. The guard woke up from his chosen position... the floor. He looked around to find himself in a strange house, with a stranger person standing above him. His scream made Reaver jump back suddenly, not an easy feat in his gear, and his house groaned a heavy complaint. "Now that was rude. How about we start working on that hangover cure you talked about yesterday?" "What hang... ah, my head." "That one? Here, drink this while I go rummage through my cures." Reaver knew he didn't have a list of cures, just one. And he was about to drink it. "Gah, that really burned. What was that?" "My cure, actually. You shouldn't have troubles with your hangover for the next... two hours? Just come back then and I'll get you your next dose." "I'm patrolling the docks today. I can't find the time to stop by here that often." "These ARE the docks, you'll do fine. I think you said your shift starts in an hour, you have time." The man stood up confused, and made his way outside, a slight stumble to his step. Reaver looked to his cure, the bottle of liquor the man brought with him that night. I hope he isn't too mad when he returns. |