20 Fall 508AV Once more Bones found himself walking along the streets of Alvadas. He was in no particular hurry... He would get to were the city wanted him to go, when it wanted him there.... Besides, there was really no point in trying to go to a specific destination. The one time he had tried, he had ended up in a really weird place, even by Alvadas standards... So he stopped trying to force his destination. Finally, he ended up at a place he had never seen before... Walking to the door, he went to knock, however before Bones could, it opened to reveal a old man. Well old for a human. He was probably younger than Bones. Once more, as usual in the city of illusions, things could not be taken at face value. He instantly questioned why Bones was there, and did he think he was worthy to enter the Scholarly Abode of Intellectual Pursuits? Bones thought this over for a moment, measuring out his response, before smiling, and responding. "Here? The question isss am I really here? Or are you here? Perhapsss one of usss isss an illusssion ssat the osser one is ssseeing? And I did not choossse to come here, I sssimply followed the road were it took me, and the city decided ssat it would take me here. If it wanted me to be here, sssurely I ssshould be allowed entry?" Bones paused after finishing this small response, looking at the mans wrinkled impassive face as he tried to come to a decision. |