Seasonal Xp/Salary Request Thread This thread is for Salary and Seasonal XP requests only. If your character does not have a job please do not post here. If you would like to set up a job for your character please post at the Center for Employment and Business Licensing. Edit: If you want your character to start off with a job, you can set it up via PM with a storyteller. Drawing Your Salary Salary is drawn once per season, at the beginning of the next season. For example, to collect your Winter wages, you have to wait until the first day of spring. In order to actually draw your salary you must prove your activity by posting at least two threads in which you are performing your job. A response will be posted in this thread detailing how much you earn, and any living expenses if you have not already subtracted them. Wages and Living expenses can be found below. If your job is not shown on the list, please send me a PM. Also, if you feel your skill level is high enough to be considered competent or higher in your profession, please include that in the request as well. (For more detailed information on wages and living expenses, see the Price List.) Job List
If you are a member of the Black Sun or Ebonstryfe or some other organization that grants a seasonal Salary, you may request payment from that in this thread as well. Living Expenses
Seasonal XP Seasonal XP is a collective XP award directly relating to your job. It represents an entire season's worth of work. In order to collect seasonal XP post any and every thread in which you do anything involving your job whatsoever. Even mentioning your job. (A brief summary or perhaps pointing me to the right page will speed up the process.) Also list the skills related to your job that you would like to get XP in, though you may or may not get points in all of them. |
Current PCs with Jobs N/A |