Enninia’s voice warmed Venidus’s darker mood, and he began to feel a second wind. The Vantha was easy to talk to. Her innocence and optimism were refreshing. Venidus tended to be quite bitter and Enninia’s demeanor had a way of sweetening the way the world seemed. The Symenestra gazed at the ceiling while attempting to craft a thoughtful answer. His words were laden with the relief Enninia instilled, “I do live by that. Unfortunately, I am often not wise enough to tell what can be changed, but when I push and push with no result, I learn to let go... I consider myself fairly stubborn though and letting go is excruciating at times.” Yet I still can’t let go of Kalinor and Sanairas... There is nothing I can do for the surrogates, my people, or my family while I remain here. I am sure that my people’s path can be changed. I am sure salvation and answers reside on the surface, and perhaps some issues that seem unavoidable can be solved from a different angle... “One must try every angle before accepting great evil though.” He muttered. In a way, Venidus was hypocritical and faithful at the same time. He accepted that the issues he had with the Symenestra were unchangeable as long as he stayed in Kalinor, but he still believed that he could find a way to solve so many issues outside of the caves. Do I still pray to Viratas? Sure I do when I’m with my family, but I often find my intentions going to other gods. Sometimes ones whose names I don’t even know. Another revelation whilst talking to Enninia did not entire surprise him anymore. His speaking was relaxed but he couldn’t hide some concern, “I-I certainly worship Viratas... I mean that’s what Symenestra do!” He laughed but it sounded odd. “I have been known to appreciate other gods though.” “A few of my surrogate friends had been fond of Priskil and I must admit that I’ve grown found of her as well. I send a great many prayers her way. Others sound great too. I am sure this Morwen is a wonderful deity if she has followers as kind and gentle as you, Enninia,” Venidus was so quiet that Enninia and his sister had to move in a little bit to hear him. Venidus’s odd religious preferences were not something that his Web would like public. He looked back at the attendant just to make sure she wasn’t listening. “As for the priests of Viratas, I have not had the pleasure of talking to one in a great while. I tend to be outspoken and alternative on issues that they see set in stone. That’s another issue with the priests and fringe groups! The Viratassa, our holy book, is full of words, but words can easily be interpreted to fit one’s views. The vague nature of text tends to do that.” He pulled a small book from his pocket and handed it to Enninia. “This is a text I translated into Common in order to practice the language. I have it memorized more or less and the book is cheap. It would please me a great deal if you would read it. I fear texts of Morwen are a bit scarce in Kalinor, but I am sure we can trade notes next time I visit.” Venidus shook his head when Sanairas suggested a break. His exhaustion was very much overcome. They would finish with Enninia soon and move on to the violent Surrogate. He had covered all of his usual bases and a few more with Enninia. Unless she had any more issues, the content Vantha could use a bit of time to rest and read. |