The Plantation ![]() Like most cities in the region of Sylira, Sunberth is known for having numerous farms and plantations outside of the city walls. Food, surprisingly, isn't scarce for the city itself, though with the number of people starving you'd think the city was nearly dead from a lack of crop. But, truth is, it's hoarded by the powers in the City. Syndicates buy a great deal, Merchants hog as much as they can grab, and then it's common to hold onto it or sell it back to the public at obnoxiously high prices. However, there are more than animal and crop farms that most of Sylira knows. There are farms, owned entirely by the Night Eyes Syndicate, that are meant to grow a very specific crop called "Pulp" by Sunberth locals. Everybody knows about the drug, most have tried it at some time. This Pulp is an interesting crop that can be burned and inhaled, eaten whole (though that's not suggested as you'll vomit before most of the hallucinogenic toxins absorb into the body), and lastly. The plant can be soaked in warm water, which draws out the toxins in the water from the plant, and making a hallucinogenic drink that tastes, surprisingly, like water. The drug itself is tasteless when extracted from the plant. The effects of such drug is as various as can be. Some merely walk in a daze for half a day with clumsy feet, a heavy slurring ton, and a strong urge for sex. Some find their legs numb and their world colorless, or worse, too colorful. It's not uncommon to see an atypical user on the Pulp Toxin and breaking down from fear of what they experience. Nevaeh ![]() Escape attempts are punishable by the severing of limbs or, more often, the shattering of one of their legs. It's difficult to run when you can't do any better but hop on a single leg. Nevaeh finds pleasure in making sure of such things. Skills: Weapon (Shortsword) 55, Dual Wield 55, Leadership 40, Torture 25, Brawling 40, Unarmed Combat 40, Farming 30 Greigan Bresten ![]() Once on the farm, he instantly was given to Nevaeh the Eypharian Proprietor of the Pulp Plantation, thus making the slave/master connection. Greigan, though a slave, is almost like a diligent worker. He does everything Nevaeh wants, which includes all the jobs of a slave plus those of a watchman and guard. His duties are endless, yet he is almost happy because it's what Nevaeh wants. Still, he's a man plagued by misery at the loss of his family, and that is a hole that cannot be filled by duty. Skills: Weapon (Staff) 65, Brawling 55, Running 45, Wrestling 30, Gardening 30, Farming 55, Storytelling 20 Gnosis: 1 Mark of Ranuri, from Nikali |