27th day of Fall, 511 AV
Miro woke with a start, nearly falling out of bed. Sitting up he leaned forward, resting his hand on his forehead. He leaned back swinging his head back to stare up through the crack above his bed. Gazing at the endless sky he noted there were still stars out. He let out a long heavy sigh and ran his hand back through his hair. "I can't mess this up...this could be my chance." He continued to think and stare across the dark room as the fire in his soul started to burn hotter.
The fire inside his heart reached the breaking point. He flooded his djed into his arm. Res was covering his arms trickling away from lack of concentration, and he could feel the Flux gripping his muscles. His eyes started to change, his emotions peaking in anger. They were shallow crimson orbs, Miro's eyes; glowing in the faintly moonlight room they cast his frustration and anxiety. He forced mind to one point, one center of his universe.
The res lifted and began to form a large sphere around his hand. It began to revolve around his hand, loosing a bit of its shape. The swirling began to come to a narrow point extending from his hand, and around his wrist broaden. He concentrated it, using his frustration to focus his essence into the magic. He moved the swirling res into the palms of his hand now, it began to pick up speed. It swirled around and began to take the shape of a top of sorts. Using his other hand he cast forth more res in a thick smog like gas. He forced it to swirl around the even faster still, holding its shape in place.
Miro focused as hard as he could. He let the res move to the floor now, controlling the liquid res with his hand and the air with his left. he focused more djed into it, it began to gather a menacing presence. It stood nearly as tall as Miro, and was wider around at the broad end. A torrential flood of djed, threatening to swallow anything that came too close sat in his control. He could feel the force of the attack pulling him in slightly. The air that whipped around the outside stung harshly against his unclothed body. The Flux was still being trickled into his arms, slowly putting more and more pressure, he couldn't help but to empower his muscles flowing so much djed through his arms.
Miro's could feel that he was using too much djed too quickly, the feeling of power began to swallow his mind. The pleasure seeped into his arms, through his hands, all around him. Everything felt great, he was perfect, immortal even! With a deep grin on his face he called the cataclysmic rush of djed towards him. Ignoring the pain, he reached in letting his hands grasp the water firmly. It stung horridly, his hand bounced back away from it as they collided. Still he reached forward gripping it. Once he had a 'grip' he lept, spinning his body. He turned, moving the res with him as he let out a long booming yell. "FIIIIIIIIISSSE" screamed so loud that not only the people in the house with him, but also the people in the streets beyond could hear.
The res transmuted to water in the center, and a fierce wind around the outside. It sailed forward at an immense speed becoming thin and twisting in several directions. Measure at least 11 feet long, It cruised towards the wall furthest away. It danced left and right nearly jumping of the ground as it changed directions. A sharp high pitched grinding noise was produced as it collided with the stone wall that blocked its path. After a few moments it lost shape and the water fell into a shallow pool.
Miro walked slowly to the wall. Feeling dizzy, he staggered slightly each time he placed one foot in front of the other. He reached the wall, plopping through the water at his feet. His eyes caught the wall, there was something odd. He ran his hands all over the wall where the attack hit. "It's...scratched." The wall had cuts, noticeable impressions. MIro collapsed to the ground after letting a faint smile cross his lips. His eyes faded to grey as he fell back onto the cold hard ground. He closed his eyes and lost consciousness just as Kinneas entered the room.
"Miro, wake up! Miro, what the hell did you do? You NEED to WAKE UP!" He shook Miro in a panic, his eyes started to well up with tears. He picked the unconscious kid up and walked him to his bed placing him down gently. He sat near his bed until he fell asleep.