After spending many hours within the library copying as much as he could into his notebooks, Jason just stepped back into his room he rented for his stay within the city. Walking over to the bed within the room setting down his bag, only to open it and retrieve his notebook. Closing his bag and striding over to the table, sitting in the chair and opening the book. He began to read the direct quotes from the books within the library:
“As one of the oldest form of Magic, Summoning is a skill that requires great focus and concentration to succeed in reaching another world as well as keeping the Summoner alive through the entire process.”
Continuing on with reading through the rest of the notes, Jason comes across the section in which the book listed some of the more well-known world Summoners use for their craft. It was said within the book, that each of these worlds were to be memorized by the Summoner, so that they could be used when ever needed.
“Name: Fyrden
Location: 6701984710485453
Notes: A world of either never ending darkness or constant light. This World is the home to Fyrdenians, the Familiars of the wizards of our world.
Name: Kseyden
Location: 3893849280160001
Notes: Use caution while opening a portal to this world, as it is home to the Vilemoss plant. Though the plant can be used for profit, it is very hazardous to the Summoner.
Name: Shoyden
Location: 0012926672185630
Notes: Home to one of the mighty Alahean outposts. As a Glassbeak breeding outpost, nothing more had been discovered worth summoning.”
‘Since the fall of Alahean, maybe someone else has survived on the World. It be worth checking out one day.' Was the though before he moved to the next World in his notes.
“Name: Swalden
Location: 8492841047291777
Notes: Beware of the cost of opening a portal to this world, as a Memosite stone will be awaiting you with a memory of a wizard before your time. Be prepared to offer the a memory in return or fear you will never get a chance to redraw on this world’s vast knowledge.
Name: Zaiden
Location: 106900258358210
Notes: Home of the Diverse, a humanistic race. Be prepared to offer a sum of loot or bloodshed in exchange for their services.”
Flipping back a few pages to the page that contained the crude drawings of the circle used for his summoning, he studied each of their many details, the simple circle seems easy enough to copy for the young summoner. Walking back over to his bag, grabbing a piece of chalk from the pouch from the bottom and closing it once more. Then walking back over to the book, picking it up and placing it on the floor, next to where he was going to work. Taking a knee next to the book he began to draw the circle as a near exact copy, minus adding the location of the world Kseyden into the correct space.
Laboring for nearly two hours on the circle, checking and double checking the runes for mistakes or broken points Jason finally told himself it was complete. Standing up and stretching his body from being bent over for so long. He prepared himself for what was to come, willing himself to open push out a small amount of his life essence, Djed from his palm into the air around him in case something went wrong. Pulling out his dagger he slowly put the point to his middle finger on his left hand. Forcing the point to break the skin ever so slightly, he pulled it away once he felt the pain hit and the feeling of the blood running down his finger. Place the dagger back into his belt, he slowly bent down and place a small amount of the blood on the circle. Standing up and wrapping the finger, he waited for the portal to open.
After nearly five minutes of waiting for something to happen, Jason shruged his shoulders and goes back to his notes, looking for something on a time limit. Not finding anything, he gives it up as a failure. Getting back down on his knees, he begins the long process of finding what went wrong. Looking through the lines, glyphs, and numbers looking for the smallest mistake is time consuming for a man that has spent most of the day in a library copying books. For what seemed like hours, the young man looked and relooked at the circle until it he finally found the mistake. Looking back at his notes, he discovered the mistake was a major one, one that he should have found in the beginning. The address to the world was off by one number, sighing as he finally found the mistake and grabbing a quill to make a note within the book not to let the happen again. Once completed he quick grabbed the pitcher of water from the table and poured a bit onto the circle and then slowly cleaned the floor. As he finished he stood back up, stretch and laid in bed, tired from his long hours awake, he fell into a deep sleep leaving the candle burning and still in his day clothes.