Quarter life crisis.... I think I like it.
I guess this little scrap is just to inform some of you about my absence as of late. I'm not gone. I haven't disappeared. I'm alive and (mostly) well, just trying to sort myself out. Classes started back up a couple of weeks ago, and recruitment has finally ended. It's been rough trying to figure out what to do about my financial situation with the scam and all, but I think it's all drawing to a healthy close. Everything seems to finally be ironing itself out. At least I hope what's happening... ><
As I noticed my time becoming more and more consumed in my new routine, I adjusted my signature to let everyone know I would be gone a while, and to please be patient with me. Upon returning, I had a plethora of... Well, downright shitty PM's from people. Some people were pissed that I hadn't replied to them. Some went off and left me without even asking or telling me anything. I understand I was gone and it put people waiting on me, but I mean... I was only gone a couple of weeks! I just feel like... Idk. It hurt my feelings, and I guess that's all I'll say on the subject for now...
I think I'm having a hard time coping with everything in general, but I'm trying really hard to work things out so I can stay at Miza. However, at this point, I think I may be considering retiring for good, when I finish my current threads. A lot of people have turned out to be really discouraging and hateful. There have been too many confrontations, some my own fault. But it seems like no one is willingto forgive and move on.
Fine, I understand that, but gnawing at someone is no way to continue about things. Maybe it's just not my place. I don't know.
Kamalia, maybe I have hit that quarter life crisis. The question is, how does one cope? I have heard "just keep moving" and "you can do it." It's nice to be encouraged for a change, but... Sometimes - and I think everyone can agree - you just hit that point in your life when it seems NOTHING WILL WORK OUT. That's where I am.
And it sucks. Maybe I just need some time...? We'll see...