40th Day of Spring, 511 A.V. Keating stepped into Ravok’s Center of Employment Office. His dark eyes took in the room quickly, and settled upon the administrator’s desk. The man did not want to be here. Hells! He didn’t even want to be in Ravok at all! But Rose refused to leave, and Cassandra was here too. If he was to stay, even a short while, he needed a job. The man was old enough to know how the world worked, with its red tape and regulations. Life had been much simpler on the farm. Bala! Why did he ever leave? Keating though was morbidly resigned to his fate and to Ravok for now. These folks had the upper hand in his search for work, and he refused to even bother pretending he had any power here. If he had owned a hat it would have been in his hand, as he humbly rumbled in his low voice to the administrator at the desk, “Excuse me…, but I’m here to apply for a job.” His large, calloused hands were folded in front of him, he waited patiently. Keating knew he was a simple man, not learned or smart. And he also knew he was nothing to these people. There was no help for it. And he added, “Anything really… I’m a hard worker. I’d hoped for something on the docks or in a warehouse… though I’ve worked in alehouses before too.” He failed to mention his farming background, as it didn’t seem Ravok had much in the way of farmland. |