The porcelain shattered and he fell back. He took in the lasting moments upon her face, despite all happy expressions, reflected a sorrow to him. Her face suggested one thing, though her words said another – to keep strong, and keep faith. What purpose did she have in saying such words if all was going to be alright? The fragment ripped into his flesh and pierced his core to which he closed his eyes and fell into oblivion for the time. As he had curled and grasped for it, the substance itself had receded from the place while leaving its mark; his heart ached. The moment after was accompanied by silence as the two recovered. Kendall spoke, and Tiki answered with a nod. His eyes didn’t meet Kendall’s however rather his glazed look surveyed the ground before him, changed. His jaw seemed to hang as he coped with this psychedelic feeling. The already odd land, shrouded and ever changing now reflected the eyes of envy in its coldest of shades. The metallic jade vision filled his mind, and faded as quickly as it came. She spoke once more and he answered, “You’re welcome…” as his own thoughts came to mind. He observed now, very clearly near the ground, what appeared to be some vaguely shaped quarter staff. He had only seen these in… he looked beyond that and saw in the mist, no longer that distant entity, a truer white gaze onto him. The sadism of the beholder reached out to him when he blinked. The eyes were gone, the staff had transformed… Kendall was not far off playing with a rat, to TIki’s understanding. He looked then too at Kendall a bit closer, his companion in this twisted vision. Tiki blinked more, his head down and shaking. His throat throbbed at a moment’s notice as he swallowed over and over to clear his throat. Kendall merely shifted as the rat moved off, she murmured something… Kendall? he thought, but didn’t utter it himself. A thought within a thought…why not, conscious layers… Kendall! he pleaded again in hopes of recognition. “Kendall…?” Tiki spoke weakly. The milky eyes appeared before him, taunting as the glance shifted to Kendall’s being and back. “Kendall!” he cried out in desperation of the terror he felt again. He stepped and slipped, trying to run towards them. Behind him a set of eyes reappeared and shifted entirely through the fog as if from thin air. The sleek, pitch body, ripped in muscle, flesh, and bone, vicious in all its appearance as if the dead singer. So nonchalantly it walked up, this feline which appeared so sickly and fierce, and perched upon Tiki’s back letting its claws run deep. Rather than pain, he felt fear at its worst known case. He felt the claws tear down and sink into him. Weight shifted over his body as his flesh was put to use as nothing better than bark on tree, a scratching post. He could do nothing, was nothing, and all attempts to move or shift back to his animal form, to let instinct over, failed. The other pair before him multiplied, and soon swarmed over the area of the unnoticing Kendall before they pounced and ripped her apart. “Kendall?” Tiki spoke again now questioning her state. She was as well in the state he had left her in as he turned his attention to the staff. He looked again, the staff gone… He looked into the fog, now dampened from the rain. He looked now and saw the gem stone glory that now paced the earth in this world. The sense of foreboding lingered, but it seemed the world was calming again. He looked down at the ground and himself having slipped. No blood or tears marked below…he’d be alright. Pulling together, he stood back up. He then walked to Kendall, looking back over his shoulder from time to time, until he was beside her and said, “I want to go home.” Looking up it was plain on his face, he was scared and missing something of his own. Against all sense of ferocity that lay within the heart of a jaguar, fear found its way into TIki’s. He waited for Kendall’s input. |