Bones gave a quick nod of a reply, followed by saying "Yesss...." It appeared most of them were gone, and they had almost taken out all of the beasts. Though he had no idea how many they had destroyed.... He had lost count in the onslaught of fighting. Then he was back in action, weaving and striking with his body and blade. As one creature came near, he swiped with his gladius, taking the head of one of them, and kept going without stopping. Grabbing with his empty hand, he clutched a yukman by the neck, and lifted it off the floor, tossing it sideways into a nearby one and knocking them both down. Still he did not stop, moving to stab with his gladius, and thrusting it into another chest. As it stumbled back, clutching at its chest, it yanked the blade from his hands, as it fell down. Now unarmed, Bones kept fighting, now using his bare hands. Grabbing the nearest one with both hands at its shoulders, and pulling both ways. With a great ripping and breaking sound, the beast broke in half, falling apart. Grabbing up one of the random body parts near him, a leg, he started to bat at the nearest creature, beating at there bodies with a piece of another ones.... Bones kept on attacking all of the beasts near him, until finally his vision cleared, and he realized he was standing in the middle of a heap of demolished creatures, random body parts and bodily fluids soaking the dirt ground... Near him was Ulric, standing there... Finally sound came crashing in... The noise of the arena, of both of them breathing, and the crowd shouting.... He had lost himself in the battle so far.... He had lost himself.... Looking once more over at Ulric... And then around at the ground with the bodies.... "What happened?... I Ssink I missssed the end... Have you ssseen my blade? I ssink I lossst it..." Looking around, he turned over a corpse, trying to see where his gladius had disappeared to... |