(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on September 8th, 2011, 11:06 pm

"You have a good eye for fabric. It's silk, a Symenestra's pride. Silk." Drusilla smiled happily, " I learned to make silk very young, from a personal teacher. I came from a very well to do family, aristocratic you could say.... In Kalinor position in society is based on blood line. Had I stayed there, on my last birthday I would of been married to a male of matching blood line."

She showed Taln other samples of silk in differnt textures and colors, to see someone so happy with her wares made her feel wonderful. "So you want a silk tunic? Hmm... I have some ideas already, it will be a one of a kind masterpiece. Do you want me to patch your pants with the same faberic?"


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on September 9th, 2011, 2:49 am

"Silk? It's amazing and so soft. Symenestra, ssymen esstra." Taln sounded out the way Drusilla spoke of her kind, copying the sibilants as perfectly as one of the woman's own species. He nodded when she mentioned that she came from good parents. Her behavior and mannerisms showed this clearly so it didn't surprise him in the least.

"You made these all yourself?" His emerald eyes lit up at the incredible hues and textures of the fabrics, his long well made hands feeling the quality that impressed him.

"Uh yes, I would like that very much."

The dek listened intently to how she spoke with the drawn out S's and the purring sounds of her voice. He was hesitant to say what he thought, but she'd been so kind to him that he ventured to say more.

"You have done and are doing so much for me, but can I ask one thing more of you?" He looked at her and despite trying not to, a glimmer of hope showed in his features.

"When you're not so busy, will you teach me your language? It's beautiful..."
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on September 9th, 2011, 5:23 am

Drusilla looked to Taln, "Symenos? Most people find it horribly creepy. I suppose I could teach you. It's a crawling launguage. Symenestra rely on persuasion and such." She began cutting the fabric, pulling out gold buttons and other embelishments.

"You get some sleep, I'll work on this. But first, I think I'll change I hope you don't mind." She went to a pile of cloth, picking up a nightgown. Drusilla began the long process of undressing. She paused a moment looking over her ashened skin, pale veins showing here and there. Pulling the nightgown over her form she laughed and looked at Taln, "Had I stayed in Kalinor, I might be considered a pretty thing. But here.... I'm just an odd foreigner."

She sat down at her desk carefuly moving the child's dress and hair comb. "That was the dress I came here in. I remember all the snow outside the gate and how cold I was... This comb, was my mother's. I never got to meet her, because baby Symenestra kill their mothers. This is all of my past, a dress and comb." Drusilla stopped, "I'm sorry, I was rambling." With those last words she got to work.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Taln on September 9th, 2011, 6:16 pm

"I like it. It sounds like fingers purring and sliding over velvet. It's a beautiful language." Taln listened intently at the way she said the word and tried to copy it,

"Purrrssss wayssshh unnn." It sounded off and he corrected himself until he said the word with the exact intonation she'd used.

"Pp urrrrrrsss sswaysshh unnm." Taln nodded, pleased with himself at his perfect mimicry of Drusilla's Symenos accent. The dek would love to learn it and he personally thought the way she spoke was more purring seductive, rather than creepy.

Needing no further prompting, the six foot man lay down on the bed, his ankles and feet hanging over the end. Although he was used to nudity as a common thing in the bathhouse, his emerald gaze was drawn to her as she undressed.

Her ivory, velvet skin looked too beautiful for anything to be allowed to touch it's perfect frailty. Like her figure was simply too fine for mere mortal hands so he was surprised at her words.

Through sleepy, half closed lids, he replied,
"Forgive me for disagreeing Drusilla Avora, but you are far more than pretty. Your fair skin and pale hair are lovely to look at."

Fully stretched out on a bed for the first time in half a moon, he lay on the verge of sleep as he spoke. The Symenestra's words didn't fully register in his sleep fogged brain, but one thing did.

"baby Symenestra kill their mothers."

He'd underestimated her kind and somehow her explanation of her race's strength comforted him. As with any Inarta, weakness was to be despised, while strength was to always be respected.
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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Drusilla on September 10th, 2011, 5:05 am

Drusilla had chuckled, she had never heard anyone call the spider's launguage anything like that. For the most part Symenos was frightening to hear, like something the monster from under your bed would speak to lure you into it's grasp. To her the 'purring' sounded like hissing, sliding over velvet was more like pale people scurrying over cold rock walls.

A horrid blush came over Drusilla's face from Taln's words. She was never told things like that. Outwardly she wasn't sure what to say or do, but on the inside she was proud. Simply because she looked exactly like her late-mother, or so she had been told. Pictures proved the tellings right, a white haired woman, with deep purple eyes that looked beyond you. Her mother had looked the opposite of her stepmother, black hair and blazing red eyes that looked for any little fault you may have.

She turned from her desk to find the Inarta man falling asleep. Drusilla smiled in an almost shy way. As she sewed, she thought. It was rare to have an audiance, however he seemed to enjoy the sounds of spider talk... She paused gaining courage and then singing a song so softly, a simple lullaby she somehow just knew.


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(The Communal Kitchens) Eating Issues (Taln)

Postby Phoenix on October 27th, 2011, 3:44 am

XP Award



Skill XP Earned
Socialization 5
Rhetoric 5
Etiquette 2
Storytelling 3
Climbing 1
Hunting 1
Wilderness Survival 2


  • Kinship with Deks
  • Taking Pity on Taln
  • Giving a Dek a rare full meal
  • Not understanding the Caste System
  • Asking for an honest opinion
  • Being unable to speak freely
  • Lack of Socialization
  • Removing the exoskeleton
  • Feeling like a monster
  • Offering to fix Taln's clothes
  • Catching Dinner
  • Taking Taln home
  • Singing Taln to sleep



Skill XP Earned
Socialization 5
Rhetoric 5
Leadership 2
Skinning 3
Cooking 2
Intimidation 2
Wilderness Survival 2


  • Having to horde food
  • Reveling in the feeling of a full stomach
  • Being drawn to a Symenestra
  • Assuming Drusilla wants a bed warmer
  • Being as firey in temper as his hair
  • Unable to see ones self as attractive
  • An offering of protection from a Symenestra
  • Erecting a makeshift cooking fire
  • Roasting Marmot
  • Human mantling
  • A silk vest!
  • Being sung to sleep

The Order of the Phoenix

Excellent work you two. I have hardly any critiques at all! If you feel like I missed any lore or XP, just let me know and I will add it right away. Drusilla, I tried to give you as much XP as I could, and you would have gotten more if you would have expanded your descriptions a bit more.

Other than that, it was a delightful read.
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