by Antar on September 22nd, 2011, 3:35 am
As his blade pierced his opponent's chest, Antar just noticed Cade's quarrel imbed itself into the stomach of his target, causing him to stagger a bit.
If he had the time right now he might have lamented that no major organs had been hit to kill him straight off. It might have been nice to get this job done quickly and move onto the next. Instead of taking them as they came on a semi regular basis interspersed by long periods of boredom. But right now, wasn't boring. Right now, he didn't have time to think such thoughts. All he could think of was the squallid odor of the man's innards as he stumblingly dropped the whip to reach down to pull a dagger from his belt.
Before it could stab down in his direction, Noth encircled the wrist and a momentary struggling match ensued as the rogue pushed him with the gladius back towards the other opponent, he had shot with the arrow. Shoving with his shoulder he pushed the man off the gladius and together the two enemies fell in a heap of tangled legs and curses. He didn't give any mercy as he thrust the gladius down again, piercing the heart of the man on top. Instead of taking his time to wrench it free he left it there embedded in the whip man's ribcage and drew his kukri from its shoulder sheathe. Taking a knee towards the man on the bottom of the pile he stabbed downwards twice with the dagger into the prone man's throat. The first, cutting the windpipe, and the second thrust of the twelve inches of steel severed the spinal cord.
Pulling it savagely from the corpse, the rogue stood to looked to find the last two targets. A flash of movement near the camp site's tent brought a distant shadow of movement to his attention. Transferring his grip on the kukri's handle he pulled his arm back and prepared to throw... stepping forwards with his left leg to pitch the dagger forwards like a baseball player, sending it spiralling end over end. A full mid air turning was all he could see before the knife blade stopped, a savage cry of pain was reward enough for his efforts as the stumbling man fell rolling to the ground out of his sights.
Unsure of what else was next, Noth reached back absentmindedly to grab the hilt of his gladius and wrench it from the corpse as he looked for any other sign of the last man. In the distance down the road a little ways, a shadow was running into the woods back towards where Mok and the horses were located. Noth hissed a warning, now that their silence was broken."Cade, get the last one! I'll circle around to finish the one I hit off."
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."~Back, but slow.