by Victor Lark on September 11th, 2011, 1:03 am
An oak tree had sprouted from between the cobblestones. It rose upward and outward, reaching into nearby windows and cracking open the street, until suddenly it stopped and stood like a living statue. The only movement it made was in response to the confusion of an unwitting passerby, who had been scooped up and thrown into rustling green oblivion by its sudden appearance. He found the edge of a branch and peered warily through the leaves for some explanation of his new situation, but before he could even catch his breath, the foliage was shrinking again. It grew quickly backwards into its invisible seed beneath the road.
Victor found himself deposited in an unfamiliar alley. It led to a clearing with a large wall on one end; before it stood a trio of tables and a crowd around them. Shrugging, the foreigner found his bearings and walked towards the commotion. He had been wandering around for hours, trying to figure out some theme in the unfamiliar roads or at least some labeled building to divert him as the sun fell. This was as good as anything else he could find.
He reached one of the three centers of interest, but not without suffering a few shoves from within the jostling crowd. Talk of fights wafted into his ears, words like titans and tournament. He was beyond intrigued.
As he leaned over the table at the urging of the surrounding crowd, he was confronted with an inquiry from the man behind it. “Victor Lark,” he answered without question, a keen smile lingering where it had forgotten to put it away. The man did not take his hand when he offered it, demanding payment instead. He glared at Victor when he was not given the gold pieces instantly; the black-haired youth had taken a precious moment to glance around at the other potential contenders. Finding no one of immediate interest, he pushed the money into the man’s impatient palm and searched the throng for an unusual face.