The Jamoura had no idea who was living under their noses. Of course a Chaktawe wasn't exactly an outcast, but it felt that way. Living far away from you family doesn't exactly feel pleasant especially for 17 year old Damascus. He had been away from home for seven years now and has been on the move ever since. His current location was at The Spires and he didn't know where he was to next. He hadn't checked and wasn't planning on moving for another seven.
"And my parents are probably gone" he spoke in Tawna.
His Jamourain was very poor, but he could survive in the city with it. After walking for what felt like days he stopped at a small stall. His small stall. There he sold fruits and meats at reasonable prices, but those reasonable prices only bought him a small brown blanket and yellow cushion. Hardly sufficient for living. Whenever in it, he remembered his cosy tent back home.
The quickly put out his food and yelled out the words 'Open' in Jamourain. One of the only words he knew.
Today Damascus hoped someone would buy it. He quickly prayed to Xyna before sitting in his small chair to watch the people go by.