[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Addy teaches Eoin how to loosen up a little.

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on September 15th, 2011, 8:29 pm


"No! Don't go!"

It came out more like a command than Addy had anticipated. There was no question at how Eoin would react;while Addy normally paid no attention to such things, it had been obvious through out their whole interaction that the man was uncomfortably aware of the Caste separation between them. Had the Healer-made-Endal cared about such things, she would have never approached him in the first place.

"I mean... Eoin, am I so distasteful that you would leave so quickly?" She tried to soften the inadvertant command by dropping her voice to a husky whisper. She sounded closer than before. He had turned his back to her and Addy had stepped away from the bathtub and towards him, losing all of the strange indecisiveness that had plagued her. This hesitation to do what her hyperactive sex drive usually told her to do had only happened once before, and that was with Kovac. Every other instance had just...happened. But there was something about Eoin that gave her pause; something about the way he held himself, the guarded look about his eyes and face. She didn't want to hurt him.

But still, she wanted him. And usually Addy got what she wanted.

A dainty hand extended to trace the muscles that stood out on his shoulder, down around the shoulder blade to his spine. Her fingertips trailed lightly there, following the path his vertebrae made to the hem of his pants. This she gathered in her fist and pulled him gently backwards, away from his retreat towards the door.

"Please... don't leave..." Going to her tiptoes and pressing herself against his back as she attempted to whisper in his ear. She fell far short of accomplishing this, but it didn't really matter. Her arms had encircled his waist, clasping at the front around his belly button while she pressed her cheek to his back. There she stayed for a moment, simply listening to his breathing and the beat of his heart while she waited for his reaction to her bold moves.

Addy knew that Eoin was likely to only bolt faster, scared at the thought of relations with an Endal, but she had felt the need to make her intentions clear, leaving him a very open invitation. She hoped she was either attractive enough, or he was brave enough, to accept.

OOCKept this one short because there is a bit for him to respond too. Since he was the one walking away, I didn't want to assume that he would react positively to Addy's advances. She's still clothed. If he accepts, feel free to have him tear clothing off! haha

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on September 17th, 2011, 11:00 pm

Instinctively, Eoin froze, fear clinging to his posture. It was the first time Aidara had addressed him with such authority, her voice strong and words clear, finally sounding like what the man had initially imagined. He had unintentionally incurred the wrath of an Endal before, an old playmate named Fois, and it was not a pleasant experience in the least, humbling as it were but humiliating still. With a cool hand, she had struck him across the face, leaving the healthy sting of reality. Their caste were so far apart, she a chosen and he just a skilled peasant. Any other man would have thought less, worried less, but they did not share the same sense of worship toward the Endals and their winged companions. He almost felt as though he were tainting the sacred bond between the two by embracing Aidara, however much the two wished it to happen.

She retracted, a whisper filling the new space between them. Still, he couldn’t quite relax, his muscles tense upon the brushing of her fingertips. Even when they dipped into his Bryda, Eoin was quite unreceptive, following her light pull out of a habit of obedience. Aidara spoke once more, not as a command, but as a simple request as her body merged with his, clothes still a cold damp from before. The thin material acted as a devil of sorts, enabling the woman’s curves to be felt easily, challenging the man to resist further. What flesh he could feel was extraordinary soft, at least in comparison to his own, rougher skin, a calling card of the fairer sex and of privilege. He tried to refocus his thoughts, but it was growing increasingly difficult to ignore what he truly wanted; a connection, a bond, and the pleasures of the body that he had purposely neglected for so long. Heat radiated from his skin, almost searing as it was the only release his desires could find. Eoin thought to turn around, to convince Aidara that he meant no offence, but that his principles of caste merely dictated that he deny her and himself. Slowly, he made progress on his promise to himself, his hands moving to cover hers, fingers reaching in to ease hers apart. With a steady grasp, he pulled her arms down, allowing them to fall before turning to face her.

In the warm light of the sconces, Aidara seemed to glow with an unnatural beauty, her lips softer, her eyes more inviting. Eoin almost lost his resolve upon the sight, his gaze growing more penetrating the more he continued to struggle. For a while, he solely looked at her in silence, his expression conflicted. It was then a thought occurred to him, a contradiction to be exact. Who was he to deny another’s wish for equal respect, to be treated as themselves and as no one else? Was Aidara not simply acting as he does with those of lower castes by inviting him to stay? The slight strain of his contemplation melted from the man’s features, a look of acceptance and understanding gradually taking its place.

“The opposite.” After much delay, he replied, breaking the silence with a genuine answer. If he did not desire her so, he wouldn’t be here now, standing before a waiting woman. Fortunately, Eoin wasn’t going to keep her wondering much longer.

With a gentle hand, he reached toward her cheek, cupping the side of her face with care. The Avora wanted to be careful not to hurt Aidara somehow, despite been proven earlier that the woman was more than able to take care of herself. He leaned in, green eyes partially concealed by hooded eyes, his lips dangling temptingly before hers. The Avora was more confident, his calm breathing a sure indicator as it brushed against her skin, his ego showing signs. Eoin waited until Aidara grew impatient and closed the gap for herself, the taste of liquid courage sweet and tangy. In a way, he wanted to reaffirm her wish by teasing her so and in another it was a much needed boost to his bravery. It began somewhat innocently, lips closed and the pressure gentle, but eventually it spiralled into deep, tongue-tied kisses. His hand slid gradually to the back of her head, deepening the sensation further. When they became nearly breathless, Eoin moved his hand once more, creating a path from the last held position, down along her shoulder and the side of her body until he hit her waistline. There, his free hand joined in, and with a slight push of the lips, Aidara fell into his steady arms. Having had to break the kiss, the man focused on carrying the Endal safely toward the bath bridal-style, which also allowed him to catch his breath. Stepping into the waters, Eoin released her from his hold only to capture her in another, the two now standing in the bath in sensual embrace with lips connected. He leaned, bended his knees, his arm gripping to the rim and the other securing Aidara safely to him before rolling into a lazy seated position with her on top. Still clad in their now wet clothing, the two broke apart once more, exchanging muted, hungry eyes.

oocI stopped here in case Aidara wants to do some (more) seducing of her own with the whole clothing removal :P.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on September 20th, 2011, 5:26 pm



Though Eoin reacted exactly as Addy had wished, she nonetheless felt a blush rise to her cheeks when he ever so tenderly cupped her cheek. All of a sudden, there was nothing but the strapping young man before her. She could imagine no better feeling than that of his arms encircling her, fingers tangling in her hair. She had risen quickly to his bait, reaching his lips only by going up to her tiptoes. Her arms laced around his neck, effectively pulling herself up and pressing against him. His body was warm and soft and hard all at once. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel his skin against hers. The healer tried to urge the kiss along faster, her tongue flicking against his lips, but Eoin was adamant, keeping them locked in a soft, passionate embrace. He gave in eventually and Addy leapt on the opportunity, pulling herself closer into his arms and sliding her fingers up along the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of hair as leverage to pull him closer to her.

But he was one step ahead of her. Breaking off their deep, tangled kiss, Eoin smiled as he completed the circle of his arms around her, lifting her off her feet. Gasping in surprise and panting a bit from the passion of it all, Addy found herself cuddling down in Eoin's arms as he walked her over to the tub. She smiled, turning her face into his shoulder so that he couldn't see. Since they didn't run in the same social circles, Addy doubted Eoin knew the type that she usually slept with: something easily attained and quick. However, such encounters became less and less satisfying as time went on. She also doubted that he knew that, other than Sira, she had never been treated so tenderly in a situation like this. And she was starting to find that she liked it... a lot.

The water was still steaming when Eoin stepped into the tub, bringing them both up to the waist in the warm water. The contrast with the cool air above made gooseprickles stand up all over Addy's arms. She smiled down at the Avora as he settled her on top; she wasn't surprised at all, since she was the bolder of the two. What was more, he didn't even try to touch her clothes, or his own for that matter.

Leaning forward, Addy pressed herself against his chest once more, peppering his face and neck with soft little kisses as her hands wandered. They found the hem of his bryda and she grasped a fistful of fabric, gently easing it down over his hips. She bit down hard on his neck at the same time, as if to distract him as she stripped him down, laughing softly against his skin as she held the flesh between her teeth. Pushing the wet, tangled fabric down past where she sat upon his legs, Addy left Eoin the job of getting the bryda off the rest of the way. Instead, she started on her own clothing.

It was wet and clinging, leaving nothing to the imagination as it was, but still she pulled it off slowly, teasingly. The shirt was almost over her head, leaving her entire upper half exposed, when she changed her mind. Letting it drop back down into place, the little woman smirked at Eoin and stood. Instead, she made a process of slowly tugging her own bryda down over her hips. A pause. Another little tug, and a pause. Her gaze was locked on Eoin's face, a smirk twisting her lips as she shimmied and taunted him, watching his eyes watch her slowly lowering pants. There was a hunger there, as muted as it was in his attempt to hide it, but seeing it simmering there made something awaken inside of her, roaring to get out.

Taken by this sudden, undeniable passion, Addy forwent the strip tease and simply tore the sodden clothes from her body, tossing them onto the stone floor. She was upon him in seconds, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull his face to hers while her legs tangled around his waist. Her chest was heaving and her little body was practically vibrating with her desire. After a few moments, Addy pulled back and sat up, pushing Eoin back down into the tub if he tried to follow her into the sitting position. Her face was flushed and she was still, of course, breathing hard. Green eyes found and held his own gaze, and she reached to cup his cheek, mimicking his action from earlier.

"I like you." The words were weighted, and she meant more than she said. With Eoin as shy and ready to flee as he had been the whole night, Addy held back what she really wanted to say, not wanting to scare him away. It was true, that she felt deeper for this man than should have been possible on their first encounter.

"I'm glad you stayed." It was an understatement, but for once, the healer was at a loss for words. Instead, she blushed prettily before sinking back down into his arms.

OOCI kept it PC because I didn't put a rating on the thread. Describe his actions however detailed you want, or skip over it completely. We can add a rating to the thread if you want to go further, but you don't have too. You can skip to the aftermath if you want too, or whatever. :)

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Eoin on September 24th, 2011, 6:06 pm

Prompted by Aidara’s busy hands, the Avora was able to focus all of his attention on removing his bryda even with such an exposed woman before him, fingers digging and pulling with little rush. It was only when his eyes found the Endal again that his pulse quickened and body tensed, a feeble attempt to restrain his passions. One could only imagine the depth of disappointment felt when the small woman failed to remove her top, Eoin could swear he hadn’t felt such an unnecessary and unfortunate emotion in ages. A part of him was relieved, for there was still a fragment of fear and anxiety swimming in the sea of desire within him. However, it was almost all forgotten when Aidara began her playful tease, his eyes forgetting where to look. Fortunately, he appeared relatively calm when the woman turned to flash him a smirk, but the fire never left his gaze no matter how much he tried to suppress it. Then, quicker than he expected and yet not soon enough, the Endal returned with an inspired heat that threatened to overwhelm his own. He pulled her gently toward him, his lips brushing against her own, wandering across her jaw line and down to the base of her neck, just above her collar bone. He nibbled and kissed the area, but as Aidara sped along, his concentration deteriorated and instead, the rush drove him to plant a bite on her shoulder before he removed his lips to taste hers. It soon became too hard to tell, to differentiate between what was hers and what was his. The unity of it all frightened him almost irrationally, and in retrospect, the man would be horrified to recall the sensation.

After a time, Aidara eased off him, their chests rising and falling in harmony as they caught their breaths. Eoin was much less tired than the fiery woman considering his position, and if it were not for the flush of his cheeks and neck, the man would look as relaxed as ever. She began to sit and naturally, he moved to follow her but was denied the opportunity, a small, discouraging push to remind him of his place. Easily, his mind drifted to thoughts of caste before even considering their opposing personalities as the reason behind their current positions. Even when the Endal cupped his face, the Avora was still preoccupied with his thoughts.

I like you

Instantly, he focused his vision as he gradually recognized the beautiful woman before him as the speaker. With that one phrase, she had managed to eradicate all of his mental processes for a single, held moment. Eoin remained silent, unable to speak, allowing his body to compensate for his mind’s absence. His arms moved instinctively to catch Aidara as she sunk into his firm embrace, and after a short silence, he moved to tip her chin upwards, entrapping her into another slow yet urgent kiss.

Eventually, the two had moved from the bath to the bed, managing to navigate to and through the circular room successfully in the dark, aside from a few slight bumps with the furniture. The night was passed comfortably yet passionately, the Avora’s enduring patience and strength demonstrated well in the bedroom alongside the Endal’s spirited and playful nature. When the morning came, the two Inartans were overcome with sleep. Aidara’s head laid unawares on top of Eoin’s arm, and though it ached considerably when he woke, he did not complain nor budge, allowing her to sleep soundly.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin, Open)

Postby Aidara on September 27th, 2011, 3:30 am


So completely worn out after the nights...festivities... Addy slept as soundly as a rock. It was no surprise that Eoin's arm was cramped by the morning, since on average the woman picked a comfortable position in which to sleep and stayed that way.

The morning came slowly for the Endal, her consciousness flickering between dreamland and reality. She was vaguely aware of the Avora who still shared her bed and the way her naked body was pressed along his side, her head cradled against his shoulder as he crooked his arm around her. In dreamland, they were both flying without the help of any eagles, alternately soaring up through the clouds and plummeting among the foliage of the forest below.

As was understandable, when Eoin's arm got to be too uncomfortable, or when he simply tired of just laying there awake, his little twitches and movements in attempt to get comfortable roused Addy enough that the dream slipped away. With a fluttering of her long lashes, the healer woke and stretched luxuriously, checking first to see the amount of light that crept beneath her closed door before turning and proping herself up on an elbow to face Eoin.

He looked as good as he had the night before, even better now that he was mussed and tangled in her sheets. Unable to stop the impish smile that tugged at her lips, Addy gave Eoin a smoldering look from beneath her lashes.

"Good morning, Handsome."

Slipping back down against his side, she nuzzled into the little spot beneath his arm, hiding her pleased smile against the skin of his chest; it was like she had been made to fit there. The Avora's arms were strong and warm, instinctively moving to hold her close when she settled against him. He had a musky yet sweet smell to him, as if he had just come from the kitchens and had it's aroma still lingering on his flesh. It was nice...very nice.

Addy felt something flare inside her; it was the passion that they had tried to exhaust the night before, burning through all their energy without even making a dent in the want, the need they had both felt. Since it seemed as good a time as any to give into her most basic urges, Addy slid herself even closer, pulling herself partially over onto his chest. Kisses were peppered there, tracing the muscles with her lips before they moved to the soft skin at his throat. Her tongue trailed the fine bone of his collar, up his neck and into his hairline where she nuzzled with a soft giggle.

Wanting to catch him off guard, the nuzzle turned to kisses that moved to his ear and the soft flesh behind it. Without warning, she took a good portion of the flesh between her teeth and bit down, sucking and teasing the blood to the surface, where it would show. When she pulled away, there was a good sized mark just below his ear, already dark red and going to darken even more considerably before the day was done.

"Oops..." Tracing the mark she left with the tips of her fingers, Addy gave Eoin another sideways look from beneath her lashes before leaning in and pressing her lips to his. She allowed the kiss to linger, to gain some momentum and passion before she broke away.

"It's time to get up, my dear. Sira is waiting outside. I think she wants to change out of the clothes she wore on the watch last night." Addy had slipped away and was standing next to the bed with her hand extended when she finished a series of stretches that removed most of the sleepiness from her muscles. Addy had once more taken fore granted the difference between their casts, forgetting that one night of awesome wasn't going to rid Eoin of a lifelong sense of awkwardness towards the Endals. She hoped, of course, that when they woke he would look at he as an equal and not a superior, but she didn't realize how much of a long shot that was.

It was as she stood there, waiting for Eoin to react, that she was reminded of how much she had simply adored his eyes upon their meeting. And last night, the passion and hunger that she saw... a shiver worked it's way down her spine. Eoin's inability to instantly accept that Addy was not like the other members of her caste would be a blow, for sure. And the fact that he didn't feel comfortable about her while she wanted nothing more than his presence? A second blow, hanging in the wings, ready to drop.

"Come on, Come here. We should see to some breakfast." Still expecting Eoin to react the way she would have if she had woken up in someone elses aerie and their partner was waiting to get into the room, as in not even blinking an eye, Addy smiled happily. "Sira, come meet Eoin!"

OOCNow, I know Eoin is going to freak out, basically. I tried to give you Addy's reaction ahead of time so that you would have something to work off of, but I think I might have executed it awkwardly. If you want it to go so far that Sira actually see's Eoin, that's fine. I can NPC her. But if Eoin ends up reacting in a way that Addy tells Sira to go away, also fine. You said you wanted to embarrass him!!! :D :D
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Eoin on September 29th, 2011, 12:44 am

Despite his intentions, the ache in his arm grew increasingly uncomfortable, spilling over in the form of small twitches and fidgeting movements. He had remained still in fear of waking Aidara, though at the same time, had wished for it. The discomfort was bearable, despite the hours his arm spent tucked underneath the sleeping Endal’s head. What was of greater concern was in realizing what he had done, and what could await him outside those doors: Sira. In fact, having Sairque or any other witnessing his departure would be a distressing thought. However, trapped as he was, there was only festering apprehension coursing through his veins as he laid waiting for the inevitable.

Eventually, Aidara awoke, her beauty evident even with her hair messy and gently skewed. She spoke quietly, nestling into his arms, sprinkling the scent of her skin throughout. His arm quaked internally with need when the constant pressure disappeared, numb, much like his current emotions. All he could do was find relief in Aidara’s presence, pulling her close, his lips gently brushing against her forehead as he contemplated his actions. Even as she began to play, her kisses left little impression upon his mind, the man still absorbed in thought as he was. Then, she clamped down, drawing blood and redness to the surface of the skin. Eoin retracted in defense, shock clinging to the edges of his gaze before she enveloped him in another kiss. He returned timidly at first, but then grew more eager, fuelled by a mixture of irritation and passion. When the two broke apart, she presented yet another surprise she had in store.

Sira is waiting outside

He sat up quickly as though his chest had been launched from a springboard, startled as his fingers withdrew into his palm, slowly dragging in the fur blankets. His body grew rigid, matching the cavern walls around him, only his eyes remained functional as he watched the Endal go about her routine stretches, free of worry. Shock contained his mind to a hazy bubble, fear, concern and guilt its only residents. As he was, the Avora was unable to appreciate Aidara’s state of undress, watching the small woman as he planned for escape. Knowing there was little time for thought, Eoin shook off his worries for the moment. Hurriedly, he removed himself from the bed and stood, as nude as she, green eyes in slight panic as they scoured the floor for his bryda as though Sira would come waltzing in at any minute. Actually, he did not doubt the possibility of such a spontaneous entrance, not from an Inartan. Answering his nightmare was the voice of Aidara, calling her lover to meet her bed warmer as though they did not just sleep together, and in her own bed no less.

“Wait, Aidara!” Eoin replied, controlling his volume to a loud whisper despite the rush behind his words. Remembering that he had left the bryda by the bath, the Avora returned to the bed and quickly covered his lower half with the furs that were within reach. When Sira entered, she would be greeted by a man sitting in perfect form on the bed. Unmistakably, he could hear a slight buzzing in his ear and feel the painful pull of forehead muscles, his body burning in attempt to dispel the nervous energy. Never had he been so unprepared, thoughtless and most of all, embarrassed, easily adding the current situation at the top of his list, bumping off Rista’s very public slap to an honourable number two. With his gaze a mix of confusion and shame, Sira realized the man wasn’t exactly comfortable and had introduced herself first, allowing the Avora to follow along obediently.

“I’m Eoin. I’m glad we’ve met.” The man wasn’t exactly in a conversing mood at the moment, though it was difficult to tell from the words alone. His tone was formal, contradicting hilariously with the current situation. Even so, Eoin was not about to tarnish her first impression of him further, though he too, felt a genuine desire to express his respect for her. After all, this was Sira the Wind Eagle Kelvic, a child of the skies and the Inarta. The Avora felt humbled to be in her presence, as with all other Wind Eagles, his gaze fixated on the woman before him as a sign of admiration. To be near these magnificent beings never failed to drag Eoin into a short reverie, but reality was patient, and soon he remembered his place. Embarrassment revisited, the tense man was left speechless, knowing words were never the ones to get him out of an uncomfortable situation.

oocIf Sira is interested in popping in, I would love for her to join. Otherwise, I think NPC her would be fine. :)
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Sira on September 29th, 2011, 12:20 pm

What a terrible night. Not only was Sira tired, but she was cold and wet. At some point during the night it had started raining, which wouldn't have bothered Sira too much since she was indoors for the most part, but some idiotic Avora decided to work through the night and tried to drive his cart down the road to Thunder Bay only to get caught in the storm. His wagon ended up stuck in the mud, and it fell to Sira to rescue the man from the storm and save the precious materials he had been working with. So rather than a simple night sitting in the watch building looking out over the bay, Sira had to ferry a cart full of wet furs and an avora down the mountain. It was still raining when she returned home, leaving Sira in not the most pleasant of moods.

When she came home she was further irritated to find that she was barred from her own room and had to stand outside with dripping clothes in hand waiting for Addy to invite her in. No, Sira was not clothed. Why would she be? She had just flown in, her clothes were wet, and she had assumed she would be going straight to bed. If Addy hadn't awoken when she did she would have been bombarded with mental alarms until she did wake, but luckily for the healer and her Avora dalliance Addy did wake before Sira's patience ran out. "Sira, come meet Eoin!" Sighing, Sira entered the room. The picture before her immediately changed her mood. Aidara was standing next to the bed in all her glorious nudity, and hidden under the covers was a very uncomfortable man who Sira could only assume was Eoin. Forcing the grin from appearing on her lips Sira walked over to Addy and wrapped her in a wet kiss. Wet lips and wet because she was still soaking wet from the rain outside. "I hope you left some for me," she whispered, just loud enough for Eoin to hear as well. She then glanced down at the Avora and offered a slight nod. "Hello, I'm Sira."

Sira turned away as Eoin introduced himself, walking over to the dresser and dropping her clothes on the floor next to it. She knew this might irritate Addy, but Sira was in a mood and didn't care. It wasn't that she was mad at Addy, no, she understood perfectly what she saw in the man, at least physically, but she did feel like being a brat. And the sight of the nervous Avora was too good to pass up. Sira couldn't help herself when she turned around, her golden eyes fixing themselves on Eoin in the bed. They were not the warm playful eyes that Aidara sported, but the cold eyes of a predator looking upon her prey. Wind Eagle eyes. ...of course, Addy would see right through the facade and spot the impish twinkle beneath, but it was something only Addy who knew Sira so well could ever spot. To Eoin it looked like she was about to do something very nasty to him.

"Well, Eoin. I hope you know you are in my spot. Get up now, out of the way. I've had a long night."

Sira was well aware that by the man's nervousness and posture, and the covers pulled up concealing his body, that he was naked and uncomfortable about it. Had he been more casual none of this would have happened, but he had to be self conscious and that wasn't something Sira could let slide. She had to see what all the fuss was about, didn't she? If Eoin did not immediately remove himself from the bed Sira would walk over and yank the blankets off him. I'm sorry Addy, she mentally whispered across their bond, You can't give me such a cute guy who's this shy and not expect me to screw with him.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Aidara on September 30th, 2011, 12:56 am


Oh no...

That was the first thought that popped into Addy's mind when Sira strolled in through the door. She knew that by the look on her lovers face, it would only be a matter of time until Eoin ran screaming (or crying) from the bedroom. Sira was in a mood, and like a cat batting a mouse back and forth between it's paws, the taunting began.

Oh for the love of... Sira! Play nice! You're going to scare him, and he already thinks Endal's are scary enough! While she could never fully be angry at the woman, she could surely be frustrated; her mental tone was laden with the dejected tone of someone who realized too late that they made a mistake.

But Sira ignored her, parading around just as naked as Addy was. With her gaze flickering nervously to Eoin, trying to catch a reaction in that stoic mask of his, the healer shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Just as she opened her mouth to introduce the two, the Avora stiffly spoke a generic phrase of welcome, looking at Sira only long enough as was proper before he stared back down at his hands.

What.... had she done?

"I think-"

"I hope you left some for me." The very audible whisper echoed around the stilled room. Sira was really in a mood. Feeling a flush rise to her cheeks, Addy covered her hand with her mouth and shook her head, unable to look at Eoin any longer, unable to watch the torment that she knew he was going to be put through, and yet would be unable to stop it. And after all the trust she had gained from the man.... Addy felt a fierce blush rising to her cheeks as she lingered by the wall of the room, a shadow of her usually confident and boisterous self.

"Well, Eoin. I hope you know you are in my spot. Get up now, out of the way. I've had a long night." Of course Sira had good taste. She had perused Addy, after all, and both women were far from ugly. They also had similar taste in men, it turned out, as each brought a new fella home only to find out that one or the other had already slept with him. Sira wanted to see Eoin's goods, and she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

When Sira mentally apologized, Addy only grimaced. It was never like this; either the girls shared their nights catch or they left the other to enjoy their fling. Something- and though Addy could see that Sira was annoyed, she had no idea what- had happened. Something frustrating enough that Sira would feel the need to torment the next thing that crossed her path.

Poor Eoin was that next thing.

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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Eoin on September 30th, 2011, 1:11 pm

If it were not for a great amount of self-control, Eoin would have flinched at the predatory eyes that had settled upon his vulnerable state, memories of that distant nightmare still vivid in his mind. Instead, he shifted his gaze away from hers, watching her lips as she spoke. Obviously, Sira was not in the best of moods, her frame drenched by what he could only assume was rain, her tone sharp and irritated. Unaccustomed to the nature of Kelvics, the Avora was surprised to see the Endal as she was, the level of his discomfort climbing steadily. Even so, he was not one to disobey a command, swallowing his embarrassment for the sake of authority. No matter how often he had succumbed to an Endal’s wish against his will, he could never be rid of the effects of a damaged ego. Persuading himself to disrobe the furs proved to be an endeavour in itself, his gaze grew firm as he concentrated his efforts.

He stood, utilizing what had to be the entirety of his imaginative skills to convince himself that he was still clothed and was facing two clothed women. It had succeeded, to an extent, allowing the Avora to stand straight and at attention, but still his demeanour lacked a certain degree of confidence. Dragging the words from his throat, he responded in a heavier tone of respect, albeit with hints of genuine regret. “I’m sorry. I will be leaving now.” Forcing himself to meet her preying, golden eyes, he concluded. “Rest well, Sira Endal.” Though he felt the need to leave as soon as possible, Eoin could not help but add the courteous wish at the end, letting them slip before he had noticed.

Physically, Eoin was not very impressive, lacking the defined muscles of a hunter and their fleet-footed grace. From his work in the kitchens, he did gain some strength in his arms and endurance in his legs, but otherwise the Avora’s appearance could be said to be quite solid and sturdy, in all aspects. Fortunately, his neck is rather masculine and his shoulders broad, though others typically find his quiet confidence to be his most attractive trait.

As Sira looked over Eoin’s frame, he could feel a slimy sense of shame slither up his spine, twisting and encircling, sending a slight chill through his body. The feeling of powerlessness was aggravating, as was the objectification he was now experiencing. When her eyes neared his lower half, the Avora realized with much delay that perhaps she was merely sizing him up, teasing. Being made aware of the possibility made no difference, for she was still Endal and he nothing in comparison, and there was no questioning someone of her position. For a moment, he wondered if Aidara had meant for this to happen, if this had simply been two Endals at play. Since calling her lover, Eoin had not laid his eyes on the petite woman, in part out of shame and the other out of fear of what he’d see. Right now, she could have the most devious expression on her face and he’d have no idea, but if there was a satisfied smirk awaiting him, he did not want to see it. To be so crudely made clear of his caste, he could not allow it.

When she had completed her inspection, Eoin headed for the door behind them, breaking eye contact from Sira’s lips.
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[Inclement Weather] Messing Around (Eoin)

Postby Sira on October 5th, 2011, 11:59 pm

Addy's apparent discomfort at the situation was immediately apparent and it threw Sira off for a second, but the endal did not relent. Addy should be used to this by now, and she should have known better to give Sira such an easy plaything. Besides, this was punishment for not even telling her good night while Sira was stuck transporting furs in the rain. Or not being there ready to greet Sira with loving arms and a warm embrace. She wasn't truly angry at her lover, just annoyed after a bad night. Eoin was just an unfortunate outlet for her anger. When he stood she did size him up in every sense of the way. He didn't have the body that some endal and hunters had but he was still physically appealing and he had a shy charm about him. But Eoin made a mistake in trying to dismiss himself.

When he tried to pass Sira and exit through the door Sira stopped him with a finger, her hand shooting up and her index finger pushing against his chest. If Eoin wanted he could have easily kept walking, it was just a finger after all, but Sira knew he wouldn't. Eoin had already displayed the same obedience most of the lower castes had and she knew what was running through his mind. Even Sira had once been an Avora. "I do hope you don't think you can just leave without saying goodbye to Aidara. After all, you are her guest, not mine. And I believe she would like to have breakfast with you."

No, Sira would not be joining them, much to Eoin's relief no doubt. But she wasn't going to just let him leave without being dismissed. Sira turned her head, having been looking at the place where Eoin stood before he decided to leave, and tried to make eye contact with the Avora. Eye contact would earn respect, but Sira understood if he looked away. There were few of lower caste man enough to meet her gaze, or any endal's for that matter. Still, she would wait a full chime if she had to before continuing. In his mind Eoin heard a voice, Sira's voice. Do try to have a good time with Addy. She works so hard and could use a man's touch every now and then. Fear not, you have my blessing. If Eoin made eye contact with her Sira also added, And now my respect.

A slight grin crept onto her face for the briefest of moments and she gave Eoin a little wink, something he would only see if he had been brave enough to make eye contact. At the angle they were at Aidara wouldn't have seen the wink. "Now, I think you should be punished for being so rude as to leave without saying goodbye to her. Let me think," Sira put her finger to her lips and made a scrunchy thinking face, "You should give Addy a bath and wash off all that sweat you so carelessly covered her in. Does that sound like a suitable punishment to you, Addy?" It was all a test. It was always a test. The first one, when she had ordered him to sand, was obedience, the second, when she tried to make eye contact, was to see if he was man enough, and the third was to see if he could bounce back and have a sense of humor about things. Sira remembered her time as an Avora, however short it had been, and knew that the only people worth their weight in glass were those who could look at their station with humor. She did not feel sorry, or at least not very sorry, for the lower castes because any one of them could suddenly become her equal if they merely proved they were worth it. If Eoin wanted to be a regular he at least needed to prove he had a sense of humor, which to Sira was very important.
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