by Kavala on March 3rd, 2010, 7:12 pm
Kavala sighed and sat down beside Sorian for a moment. She felt bad because his burns were going to hurt like heck probably for days, but she needed to talk to him for sure. "Sorian, I ask too much of you. You've been living like a wild man for years now and I doubt you've been cooking during that time. I look at you and I forget, and thats why I'm apologizing. I'm apologizing because you get hurt when I forget. If you were a dog or a horse, I' d be very conscious of your strengths and weaknesses, but because your a man I forget. That's my fault. I'm really sorry you got hurt." She said softly, looking apologetic and slightly miserable.
Sometimes she felt like she was making more backwards progress with Sorian than she was making forward progress. She wanted to help him, but she wasn't sure exactly if that was possible, at least not for her. He might be better off helping himself in his own time - though she wasn't sure he was ready for that yet either.
Kavala patted his unburnt shoulder, and rose. "I'd better clean up this mess." She said, after he'd been tended too, and started picking up the pieces of the most recent disaster. "Why don't you relax?" She said, still concerned. It wasn't unusual, with Sorian around, for Sanctuary to be in a state of chaos or destruction. It wasn't something she was used too and indeed Kavala blamed the solid walls which if weren't present wouldn't allow for so much destruction. Kavala figured Sorian would like living in a tent.. perhaps even out on the grass. There wasn't much to destroy nor much to harm like there was in a solid stone structure. Her thoughts carried on as she cleaned, quickly setting everything right. And even though she was tired now, between worrying about the mare, and cleaning up Sorian's accident... she was hungry too. They'd all need to eat. Luckily the flank steak had survived.
There were also the steaks to start, so once the mess was cleaned up, Kavala placed the grill over the fire once more, and let the metal mesh heat up. She then took the flank steaks, salvaged from utter destruction, and lightly salted and peppered them. She wasn't sure what else to do with them so she cut up some carrots and celery raw, bought fresh from the market. She added the flank steaks to the grill and retrieved a round of bread and a wedge of cheese also bought in the city.
Then she carefully watched the meat cook. She dared not leave it, fussing over the grill and leaving Sorian to talk with Danica or show her to her room if the guest got too restless and wanted to retreat for some rest. Her plan was simple... slice bread and cheese, cook the flank steak, slice it up, and layer it between the bread with cheese and add the carrots and celery raw on the side.
She watched the meat, tongs in hand, and shivered slightly because the side of her facing the fire was overly warm while the side facing away was chilled. The sky darkened, and the storm she was worried about earlier slowly descended. Snow started falling, not softly and magically, but harshly. The wind picked up, partially burning the meat on the fire side before she could get it flipped. Kavala regretted all over again that her kitchen was in essence outside. It was about as inconvenient as possible in the winter... though they'd use it a lot in the summer.
But still... she was determined to offer food, even burnt food, and stood out in the cold fussing over it.

Please Note:
- This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
- Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
- This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
- Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.