Race: Vantha Birthday & Age : 90th day of Winter, 492 AV (17 years old) Gender: Female Physical Description: Kaii stands at an average 5 feet 1 inch for her race, and weighs about 100lbs. She is not very muscular, but has acquired very little from lifting the occasional heavy bag of feed or bucket of water. Her body is not lanky, nor curvy, but probably somewhere more in the middle of the two. She has light, caramel toned skin that contrasts with her dark, chocolate brown hair. She usually keeps the wavy locks down and loose, for it makes her feel more comfortable with a thick sheet of hair covering her face. She has a heart shaped face with high cheekbones that gives her a elegant and classical appearance. She has intense eyes that when content are a deep purple hue. When she is feeling sad, which is unfortunately too much for her liking, are a boring blue. If you look into her eyes when she is unhappy, there is a haunting feeling that nothing is left inside her body. But on the rare times that she is truly happy, her eyes are a bright, bubbly color of pink. Her lips are full, and when relaxed, always seem to have a slight frown to them. She has a small button nose, and clean, dark eyebrows. Her Morwen's mark is an icy blue snowflake located on the back of her neck, just below her hairline. It shimmers just slightly when caught by Syna's or Leth's rays of light.
Character Concept: Kaiielle is a fairly shy girl, mostly keeping to herself when she can. She is a loner of some sort, but she doesn't intentionally try to be. Although one would consider her as pretty, no one wants to be friends with the girl who was depressed and lonely. And even now that she's finally pulling out of her depression and getting over her mother's death, the same people from her hold have known her since birth and don't want to get involved. It is now like she is seeing the world in a new light since she has clawed her way out of the darkness. She is still truly trying to figure herself out as she goes along with life. She's very curious to new things either shown to her or discovered, but still doesn't give up her whole self to one thing in fear that it might be taken away from her somehow. Though, she has taken a strong interest in the Icewatch; the kelvic branch in particular. She has always had a passion for animals, growing up with one always by her side. The massive polar bears, and even the small cubs never cease to amaze her. Bears have always been a favorite of hers, but she still loves every other type of animal as well. Whenever she is around animals, she's a bit more prone to talk more and open up, even though she really doesn't notice it. She is also being reawakened to singing. Her mother was a Snowsong, and always used to sing her lullabies when she was much younger. When no one is around her, or she thinks no one is around her, she is usually humming or singing one of these songs. She has a beautiful voice, but has terrible stage fright and would never sing in front of someone unless she was very very close to them. Kaii tends to control her emotions better now, but maybe a trigger of some sort reminding her of her past seems to get her wound up. She mostly isolates herself when this happens even though her father disproves of it, scared that she might become depressed again. Though, she knows she will never fall to it again. Her hurting time is over, and it's time for the new Kaiielle to shine through.
Character History: Kaii had a relatively normal upbringing until the age of about nine years old. She was born into the Frostfawn hold by a loving couple with the names of Paelli and Maleki. Throughout her young childhood, she learned the ways of the Frostfawns, and some of the musical tricks the Snowsongs with her mother originally being one. She was a happy and friendly child, always socializing with her friends and playing with the animals in the frosty city of Avanthal. Then suddenly one day, things took a turn for the worst. Her mother, Paelli, fell victim to the strong influence of drugs. At first it was only a social, recreational thing to do. But then the drugs took a hold of her, letting it's influence take over her body. They began eating at Paelli's brain, tainting it and making it almost useless. Only a couple of months into it and she was no longer there. The drugs had possessed her body, making her a totally different person. The once loving and caring mother, loyal and devoted wife was gone, replaced by a stranger in her skin. Maleki, Kaii's father grew concerned of Paelli's actions as she neglected her child and her responsibilities. There was nothing he could do about it though besides just let her kill herself. She became violent when someone tried to take the drugs away, even once taking a hand to Kaii's face. Kaii of course was devastated when her father told her what was happening to her mother. She wasn't old enough to understand the full effect of what the drugs could actually accomplish, but she did know that they were changing her mother into a very scary figure. After her mother finally died, she isolated herself and fell into a very deep depression. It was a lot for a ten year old girl to take in, and she didn't know what to do with herself. She was scared and confused, as would any other girl her age would be. Maleki tried to comfort his daughter, but the motherly love she was so used to was absent now, and ultimately failed at his attempts. It hurt him dearly to see his daughter transform into a quiet, shy, and depressed girl right before his eyes. The sparkle in her eyes seemed to vanish overnight, almost always a crude shade of black. It left her feeling blank and empty with no one to conform to. She felt guilty, that it was somehow her fault that her mother passed, like she could've helped her or found someway to make her stop, but she didn't understand. No one could've helped the woman out of her deep hole her dug by herself. Kaii was forever changed and still can't look anyone in the eyes till this day, afraid that she might somehow feel the extreme grief and hurt she did not too many years ago. It is now her seventeenth year of life, but she does not appeal to any of the men wanting a strong and loving mother to bear their children. The thought of getting that close to a person makes her heart pound in anxiety. She has a hard time trusting very many people, and it might take a while to pry her out of her shell.
Companions: Ivanka is a 6 year old Artic fox, originally belonging to Kaii's mother. She was sort of like an heirloom from her mother when she died. Ivanka has thick, all white fur and bright yellow eyes that seem to pierce right though your head. She is a fiercely loyal companionship from staying with the family since she was born. She is very sweet and friendly to children and teenagers, though she does not like adult men of any race. Ivanka is almost the exact opposite of Kaii, but they fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Kaii is the subtleness to Ivanka's raging personality and Ivanka is bright light that helps Kaii going.
Lores: The layout of Avanthal Avanthal Lullabies
Skills: Animal Husbandry - 31 pts. (SP) (x) Singing - 20 pts. (SP) Storytelling - 10 pts. (RB) Interrogation - 2 pts. (x) Rhetoric - 2 pts. (x) Observation - 1 pt. (x)
Languages: Fluent: Vani Conversational: Common Poor: Kontinese
Gnosis Ice Reaving (Morwen) - Mark 1
Possessions 1 Set of Clothing 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains:
Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel An Artic Fox, Ivanka (Family Heirloom) 1 Linen Blouse 1 pair of Cotton Pants 1 pair of High Boots
Ledger: 100 GM (SP) - 1 Linen Blouse: 1 GM - 1 Cotton pair of Pants: 1 SM - 1 pair of High Boots: 5 SM Grand Total: 99 GM, 94 SM
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