[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Tetran on October 27th, 2011, 10:30 am

1st Fall, 511 AV

With the knowledge of Winter coming, and the winds of Fall about, his parents having settled as of now, Tetran decided it was time to find what sort of jobs were available for him within the city of which he was raised. Walking into the Welcome Center's Employment office, he approached the desk with obvious curiosity and nervousness.

With his cloak swishing slightly as he walked towards the desk, Tetran raised a hand to the woman at the desk, bowing politely to her, "Greetings, ma'am" he offered, "My family worked as Merchants within this region and have recently settled, and I have residence here, however with their settling, I have need to seek a profession or contract that would allow me to acquire the wages required for basic expenses," the human's voice was gentle as he also added, "My skills within the Merchant trade do not have quite the practice that any sort of profession involving it would not likely work well, however, I do have experience with traveling, hunting, and medicine," the human now awaiting a reply from the woman.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dusk on November 9th, 2011, 2:50 am


The elderly woman behind the desk looked down at his mark, and then smiled up at him with obvious respect. "Ah, a good thing to have in our city. We are always happy to have healers. You must be from the Sea of Grass, yes? It's the only place I've heard of with tents, except for Yahebah and we almost never see the Benshira this far from home."

She didn't even have to check her books, knowing immediately where he would be needed. "If you wish to make money, you're best to head to Soothing Waters. They take paying customers for healing. Though if you plan to be here long-term, you might consider working with the Knights. They're always looking for healers, but they're more like to trade room and board instead of coin." She snatched up a piece of paper and began scribbling down a rough map of how to get to Soothing Waters. "If you're interested in that, just ask any Knight to direct you where you need to go. Otherwise, this is your destination," she said, handing him the paper with a smile.


Trega smiled as the young woman approached, more than used to the nervous and wary making their way to her desk.

"Ah, a musician! Well, let me see. I think I remember hearing about something..." she murmured, pulling a leatherbound book across the desk and flipping through the pages to find what she was looking for. "Yes! Ah, here we go. The Temple of the All Gods keeps a small group of musicians to play during daily services, and Lira asked us to keep an eye out for anyone who might be interested in joining up. If you're interested, you can head over to the Roshin District and see if they've something that will interest you."


OOC Note: Please pick a specific date for your timestamp. Also, as this is a moderated thread, the moderators get to say what the NPCs are thinking and how they're reacting. :P

Trega peered up at the long-haired man, a twist of amusement touching her lips at his arrogance. Oh, he would have fun in this city. She'd paid five silvers to be there the first time her tried that attitude on a knight.

"Well if you're interested in Sultros Blades, you should go apply there. We are simply a directory - if you'd come in and said, 'I am a blacksmith, where should I go for work?' we would have told you to head to Sultros Blades. As you already know that... well, you should head to Sultros Blades," she chuckled. "Do you need directions? I can draw you a map if you like."


Trega gave a warm smile to the man, finding his politeness refreshing after a long day of dealing with the rude and desperate. "Traveling, hunting, and medicine," she said, raising a brow as she considered. "Well, if you're familiar with the area you could hire out as a guide for hunters. That's more freelance than anything else, though. You might be able to get something with one of the taverns as a sort of personal hunter, they sometimes do that if you've the skill for it. Otherwise, your best bet when it comes to hunting is just to go out and see what you can take down, and then sell it off to the Leatherworks and the Butcher of Alban."
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Gabrielle Seawind on November 17th, 2011, 12:47 pm

10th of Fall, 511 AV

Upon entering the city, Gabrielle quickly spotted the employment office. She decided to walk inside and try her chances upon landing an odd job before heading to the bazaar to do her errands. It had been a while since she added some new coins to her pocket, and she was getting quite low on cash. A job would be a good idea. She didn't have much trouble getting by with basic necessities, but having a few extra coins could always benefit someone.

When she entered the office, Gabrielle glanced around before walking towards the desk. She gave the person behind the desk a polite smile and said, "Good day, my name's Gabrielle of the Seawind pod. I was wondering if you had any odd jobs for me. I know how to use a long bow, so I might be able to do some hunting. If you need a job that concerns a boat, then I may also help out in that area."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dusk on December 9th, 2011, 12:16 am


OOCI'm so sorry, I thought I responded to this a while ago!

Trega smiled warmly as the girl introduced herself. "Ah, one of the Sea's children! I'm sure we've something that might suit you. Now, if you really want to do some hunting, you can always head into the woods and see what you can catch. Whatever skins and meat you bring back, you can sell at the Butcher of Alban or the Leatherworks. If you've an itch to use your skills with a boat, though, we can likely find you something down on the docks. The Knights are always looking for someone who can mend nets or sails, or if you're a strong swimmer you could help with repairs on boats. Does that sounds like something you'd be interested in?
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Nithus on December 10th, 2011, 5:54 pm

1st of Winter 511 AV
Nithus wandered into the Employment Office. He figured if he'd stay in Syrilas for the winter then he better get employment and find a place to stay. He was wearing patched up shirt and a thick leather jacket and pants with a metal belt his work boots thumping loudly which each step he made toward the receptionist. She gave the usual questions and Nithus answered "I'll be staying Syrilas for all of the winter and I'll be leaving some time late spring, I'm a bit skilled in the family profession of undertaking."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Etrius on December 14th, 2011, 7:53 pm

1st of Winter 511 AV

Etrius walked into the Employment Office with his head down. He looked down at his gauntlet and flexed his fingers. Could this place really have a job suitable for him? He looked up and saw the woman sitting at the desk. She seemed friendly enough but that did not help him relax, if anything it only made him all the more nervous.

He finally walked up to the woman and began to speak. "Hello." he said in a polite tone. "I'm looking for a job. I don't know how long I'll be here, but I should only be in Syliras for a short while. Maybe about twenty days." He took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and continued. "I could do some mercenary work, maybe help with a caravan escort or catch a wanted man." He looked down at his gauntlet again, and flexed his fingers. He felt guilty asking for such work from the sweet old woman before him. "If you don't have anything like that I could deliver packages or letters. I am a fast runner. I could also do some heavy lifting if you need something like that."

He breathed a deep sigh of relief. All that was left was to wait for her reply.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Krishpeh on February 22nd, 2012, 12:40 am

63 day of Winter, 511 AV

Krishpeh walked calmly into the building. He still had no lodging or job. He was here to remedy the latter of the two. He did get a few odd looks on the street at the black Chaktawe eyes he had gotten from his father, or perhaps at how his black hair had an light orange sheen from his Vantha mother. The looks didn't bother him. What did bother him was the possibility of not finding work. If he didn't find anything, he would have to move to a different city and find work there. When he left Snowsong hold, he hadn't know how difficult an independent life would be.

He strode up to the welcome desk. "Hello. I am Krishpeh. I am in need of employment. I hope to be here in Syliras for at least a season. I would like to find a job where I can sing, or play my father's fiddle, or tell stories. Failing that, I can fight." He gestured to the scythe he had tied awkwardly across his back. "Employment involving thought and logic would be welcome as well."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby ZenaRoth on February 22nd, 2012, 10:44 pm

63 day of winter, 511 AV

Zena walked into the employment building for the first time bubbling with silent excitement as she looked for the person/people manning the welcome desk. This being her first day in Syliras, she had yet to find something to do and planned on just camping outside the city...if that was allowed she didn't know. she looked toward the lady, who she had not seen a moment ago, manning the desk. She smiled at her trying to not show her longer Kelvic canines. Zena rubbed her hands nervously as she wait for her turn.

" Hello....I'm new to the city and looking for a job. I don't know how long I plan on being here...but I suspect it will be at least 2 weeks. I have no job experience but I can hunt and do some errand work. I can fight but I would prefer not to. do you think you have anything for me?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Latoni on March 3rd, 2012, 2:23 am

1st day of Spring, 512 AV
Latoni was new to the city. She wasn't nervous, just new. Her whole aura reeked of confidence and sass. But she was new, and the meant she needed a job, or risk running out of money. She didn't have all that much. Lodgings were also important, but a job needed to be secured before she could think about that.
She strutted inside the door and walked up to the desk. "I'm Latoni, got anything? I'm artistic, I can play music and sculpt, and I will not hunt or fight, but I can do both. No experience, and I'll be here for at least 2 seasons." Latoni believed that being straightforward was the best plan.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Chevalier on April 7th, 2012, 6:15 am


Trega raised her eyebrows a bit, the right most corner of her mouth lifting upward at the most interesting skillset. "We don't have too many come into Syliras with that knowledge, or the desire to work with the dead. There's most definitely a place for you at La Mauta, and you can't miss it. It has the tallest spire within Syliras, and the smokestack is also a bit of a give away. Plenty of work there when you consider the population of our city. There you'll need to find Benoit Grivin. Good luck to you!" the elder woman replied as she gave Nithus the knowledge needed to pursue his career.


Adjusting herself slightly behind her desk, Trega took a moment to listen to all of Etrius's qualifications before revealing a bit of information that could effect his choices. "Well, for Mercenary work you'd have to go to the Starcleaver Bounty Service found a days ride north in the Eventide Outpost. Typically involving yourself with apprehension or retrieval of goods would mean joining up with the Knights, but the Bounty Service has something of a contract to operate within the jurisdiction of Syliras. So long as you observe their rules, of course." a few creases within her face revealed themselves as she smiled and continued onward.

"Now, heavy lifting is always appreciated. If you don't mind breaking a sweat, Syliras operates the largest mine around. The Lykolav Iron Mine is responsible for hundreds of jobs here in Syliras, and good paying ones at that. Another thing I could think of is the Ironworks itself, but you'd be needing to have an interest in smithing most likely. For a short stay, I'd put some time in at the mine. You'll bring in some decent coins for a good days work."
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