Alric was skipping along in the Alvadas Bazaar, observing the interesting things for sale and services offered. He had run out of salt and needed to restock. Lucky for him, Alvadas was in a cheery mood today and led his feet straight where he needed to be. The bazaar had only been a block away from his house, which put Alric in a good mood.
However, as he walked, he noticed several things that he really wanted to have. Fresh clothes, a mirror, furniture, and countless cooking ingredients. Alric wanted to buy these things, but the trouble was, he was unemployed. And he was living on the very last of the Wilmot Family fortune. His father was on the lookout for employment opportunities, but he was not having the best of luck.
Alric had searched for a job several times before. All attempts had ended in horrible failure. Failure seemed to really like Alric, unfortunately the attraction wasn't mutual. Alric scratched his chin, thinking about his little problem. If he couldn't get others to employ him, maybe he could employ himself? Now there was an idea! He could employ himself.
After deciding that it was a good idea, he looked about the bazaar for an idea. What service could he offer people? What did he have, that others would pay for? After an hour or two he soon became frustrated, he hadn't found anything of interest. Suddenly a loud crash caught his attention, as well as the patrons surrounding him.
What greeted his eyes was a a rather fat middle aged man, sobbing in front of an even fatter woman. The woman was yelling at the man, and the man was taking it very badly. Alric observed the surroundings, hoping to piece together what happened before this strange performance. He saw that they were both outside of a drinking establishment, and the man was red in the face. The way he was tumbling, also gave away that the man was drunk. Alric noticed a busted bottle near the woman's feet. Finally, he noticed a ring on both people's fingers.
As Alric pieced the scene together, he determined that the man and woman were married (though it was possible that they weren't married to each other). In addition, the man was intoxicated, and his (supposed) wife did not approve. Also, it seemed the man was repentant, what with the sobbing and all.
Alric thought he might be able to learn more by getting closer.
"And you promised Louis! You promised that you would stop! Do I mean nothing to you? Does a promise mean nothing? Or maybe I'm not worth it. Is that it?"
"No! that's not it at (hic) all! I...I tried honey! I did. But, but work was gett-getting so stressful! I needed some relief you c-can understand that right?"
Alric walked up behind the man, observing the last few instances of the fight. After a couple of nearly identical sentences, the woman stormed off. The man just sulked and sat at the side of the road. Apparently, the argument was over, and the man had lost. Alric, however, was still confused. What exactly did the man do? Sure, he got drunk, but that was pretty common. Alric didn't drink of course, but that was actually pretty strange. Those who didn't drink were few and far between. Alcohol was very enticing, able to lure in just about anyone with a problem. Sometimes it could even lure in someone who had no problems at all. It was quite persuasive that way.
Seeing the man alone, Alric decided to cheer the man up. He honestly looked quite dreadful. He skipped up to the man and tapped him on the shoulder. The man, still intoxicated, nearly jumped out of his skin at the contact. Alric stifled a laugh, and attempted to hide his mirth. The man calmed down quickly, and after a display of masterful cursing, finally realized that he was not in any danger, and turned to Alric.
"What d'ya want? C-can't you (hic) see I'm busy?"
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry sir, I did not. I thought you were just sobbing on the side of the road. My mistake. Although, I couldn't help but notice that woman chastise you as though you had made a mistake too."
"Yeah? Well what business is it to you?" the man said with a scowl.
"Well, none at all I suppose, I just thought I might be able to cheer you up. You know, make things all hunky dory again."
"Hunky wha? No, no, I appreciate the concern (hic) wierdo, but unless you can turn back time, their ain't nothin' you can (hic) d-do."
Alric scratched his head, a thought had just occurred to him. "Sir, was this all started because your wife was upset at your drinking?"
After a quick sniffle, the man nodded.
"And you want to stop right? you want to stop drinking?"
The man nodded once more. "I do! I really do! It's cost me my last five jobs! But w-work gets so stressful sometimes! I'm always late, and the boss is always t-threatening to (hic) fire me! and my wife is always mad because I come home drunk. I know it'd help me in the long run, but, by Ionu! I've been drinking five bottles a day for 15 years! It hurts to stop! Life is just so stressful, y'know? It just helps to have a little booze in yeah... to calm t-the nerves. C-come to think of it, I think I need another bottle. Wife broke the l-last one."
The portly man lifted himself up then, intent on returning to the drinking establishment. Alric, however, grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around. "Now, Sir, I think I can help you if your willing to stop drinking. But you'll have to be willing. Alcohol is very persuasive, and I'm not. So I won't be able to win you over. However, if your already on my side, i can help. You see, I'm a hypnotist. And I can, most likely, break your addiction."
"S-seriously? Y-ya really mean it?"
Alric gave off a broad smile and a curt nod as a sign that he was indeed serious.
"Well what are we waitin' (hic) for! Let's do it! T-this will get the wife off my b-back for sure!"
Alric gazed deeply into the man's bloodshot eyes, and attempted to do what he had done only once before, to induce a trance.
"You will now go into that place between sleep and consciousness," He said. "You need to relax and accept this, you want this, you know you do. All you need to do, is obey me. Go back to your most painful experience with alcohol."
Suddenly, the man began to squirm and stutter. Alric could see, the man attempted to banish the thought from his mind, but Alric kept it there. It was barely a fight. The man gave up quickly, too drunk to pose more of a challenge. Alric had no idea what was going inside the man's mind, but whatever it was, it was quite obviously painful. The man began to sob heavily. Alric decided to continue.
"That's very good sir, but we need to go further, further okay? You need to go back. Go back to the time that you refused a drink, for your wife's sake. Did it feel rewarding? like you had accomplished something important? It did didn't it?."
Alric honestly had no idea if the man felt that way or not, but he sent a flash of feeling content into the man as soon as he brought up the question. In addition, he began to put images of alcoholic beverages into the man's head and then, immediately after, send in the feeling the man just experienced when Alric asked about his painful memory. He kept going back and forth, attempting to establish a connection in the man's head. It was hard, because he had to make it feel natural, and do it over a dozen times. Usually, a natural memory would stay in your head for a long time, but it was beyond Alric's abilities right now.
Alric continued to talk to the man, each suggestion both verbal and hypnotic. He also added several flashes and vague feelings into the mix for good measure. He finally seemed to have triggered something, because the man was getting calmer.
Alric, convinced that the man was cured of his Alcoholism, released the trance. He had taken about an hour to do it.
The man, who was now only slightly drunk, blinked several times, as though he had just awoken from a nap. " Well, did it work?"
Alric gave off a smirk, "Only one way to find out!"
Alric took out a Silver Miza and held it up to the man, "Care to buy a drink?"
The man eyed the Miza, but only for a second. He shook his head. "No, no I don't" Suddenly, the man shivered and gave off a smile. Surprised, the man stared at Alric, dumbstruck.
"Why, why that wasn't hard at all! It was always so hard to say no before! But, but that felt absolutely great! Thanks, Mr...."
"Wilmot. Thanks a bunch! I don't know if this will last, but, for what its worth, thanks for trying to help! I think it might even have worked. You know, a fella could make a lot of money off of doing what you just did. Thanks again"
With that, the man skipped after the Bazaar exit, intent on sharing the news with his wife. Alric, however, was returning the man's dumbstruck look. 'A fella could make a lot of money off of doing what you just did', it hung in his mind for a few minutes before he smacked himself. That was what he had to offer! That was a service he could give, that very few other could! He could solve people's addictions and other undesirable traits using hypnotism. It was his greatest strength, and all he needed was a booth to lure in customers.
With an idea at last, Alric set out after a booth. It took a few hours, but Alric had soon found a small tented booth for 75 Gold Miza. It was a steep price, but it was the best deal that Alric could find. After the transaction was made, Alric quickly and sloppily painted a wooden sign.
Alric's Hypnotic Cures!
Come cure yourself of ugly personalities, bad tempers, home-wrecking addictions and more!
Come cure yourself of ugly personalities, bad tempers, home-wrecking addictions and more!