[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Ishkaral on October 15th, 2011, 2:03 pm

PC Name: Ishkaral / Eshacro
Age & Sex: 27 Male
Reason for Being in Alvadas: To learn more about other types of combat aswell as magic. He might be in for a surprise if he, or someone else, somehow finds out about his troubled past/psyche.
Things I Like to Thread About: Everything, but especially training, teachings, combat, magic, quests, the mind/psyche, etc. etc.

Things I Dislike to Thread About: Getting-Acquainted-In-The-Bar-Threads
Favourite Fruit: Pears, yumyumyum
GREEN: Ishkaral speaking.
BLUE: Eshacro speaking.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Jilitse on October 16th, 2011, 12:16 pm


AGE and SEX:
Occupying a female Benshiran in late-twenties.

Need some mindfuck for my PC. Also, to practice Magic in a place where wizards aren't hanged. Maybe I could even learn a trick or two in this place! Will even be a permanent resident, Ionu willing.

Philosophical threads, Storytelling, but mostly I'd be doing Gadgeteering and Animation stuff here.

Anything that would bring me bodily harm.

I love me a good fruit basket of apples, mango, bananas, grapes, oranges, pineapples, cherries *sigh* Does fruit salad count as fruit?
I. Vox Populi, Vox Dei
II. The Night the Watchtowers Cried

I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common woman with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Siofra on October 17th, 2011, 8:18 pm

PC Name Siofra
Age and Sex Currently less than a year old and questionable. Some can say Siofra is male, some can say she is female. Siofra thinks she is female. She hasn't checked in some time.
Reason for being in Alvadas To explore the ingenuity of Ionu's city.
Things I like to Thread About Pretty much anything and everything!!!
Things I Don't Like to Thread About Hm... Politics.
Favorite Fruit ... This question has reminded me of something... I was writing the CS to a frutbat Kelvic. xD My favorite fruit is pears. Siofra's may be bananas.
We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?

OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Adareh on October 20th, 2011, 3:02 am

PC Name: Adareh
Age & Sex: 15 female
Reason for Being in Alvadas: Seeking an end to the emptiness inside herself
Things I Like to Thread About: Haven't been here long enough to really know.
Things I Dislike To Thread About: I personally would love to stay out of the fray of battle. I don't want to murder anyone and I certainly don't want Adareh to be murdered either. :)
Additional Comments: Looking for friendship and trust. Trust always has to come first though.
Your Favorite Fruit: Strawberries
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Corvus on October 21st, 2011, 1:12 am

PC Name: Corvus
Age & Sex: Male, Appears 28
Reason for Being in Alvadas: He's here to learn as much as possible and do whatever training he can.
Things I Like to Thread About: I haven't found anything I won't thread about yet.
Things I Dislike To Thread About: Like I said, I don't mind threading about anything, but I prefer that there's some kind of plot.
Additional Comments: Looking to learn, train, meet friends, find romance. Whatever happens!
Your Favorite Fruit: Watermelon for the win.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Dax on October 26th, 2011, 1:11 am

PC Name: Dax

Age & Sex: 20 years old, Male

Reason for Being in Alvadas: Returning to his birth place for no particular reason. He left at an age and has returned for a visit. Will try to learn any new information regarding hypnotism while he is here.

Things I Like to Thread About: Hypnotism, murders, stealing, lying, cheating, love interests. I am down for just about anything.

Things I Dislike To Thread About: Not looking to get Dax killed. Thats really my only concern at this point.

Additional Comments: Dax is a sociopath which means he doesn't feel typical emotions the way most normal people do. He has very little interest in the well being of others and is purely motivated by self interest. He gave himself the name Dax because he hated his original name. Anyway looking forward to getting started here!

Your Favorite Fruit: How dare you ask such a personal question! I mean I barely know you people and you blindside me with this? Uh...fine. Its grapes.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Gromhir on October 26th, 2011, 5:36 am

PC Name: Gromhir Whitemane
Age & Sex: Male, 4 Winters
Reason for Being in Alvadas: Gromhir is visiting Alvadas to find a way to help Kamalia with her insanity and to search for a way to find where she is now.
Things I Like to Thread About: Anything really, I particularly like adventuring sort of threads but I will do anything.
Things I Dislike To Thread About: None really.
Additional Comments: Looking to enjoy myself.
Your Favorite Fruit: Errr... Apples, no oranges
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Shkara on November 5th, 2011, 2:20 pm

PC Name: Shkara
Age & Sex: Female, 32 years, appears younger for being an Eypharian.
Reason for Being in Alvadas: Shkara is leaving Ahnatep behind. After years of seducing and manipulating men she found the city stagnant. It was no longer exciting to her, so she felt a change was necessary. She boarded a trade ship, by seducing one of the shiphands, and made her way to Alvadas.
Things I Like to Thread About: Not totally sure yet, I just like to thread.
Things I Dislike To Thread About: None really.
Additional Comments: Looking to seduce, manipulate, build relationships with PCs, and find her a career.
Your Favorite Fruit: MANGOES!!!!!!!!!

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Marius Valdemar on November 6th, 2011, 4:28 pm

PC Name: Marius Valdemar
Age & Sex: 15 and like, a quarter or something like that. I dunno. Oh, also male.
Reason for Being in Alvadas: I live here!
Things I Like to Thread About: Jokes, sneaking, jumping, running, stealing and fighting. I mean, what else is there in life, really?
Things I Dislike To Thread About: Oh you know. Me, dying. That kind of thing. I don't like dying.
Additional Comments: Wanna hear a joke? Okay, there's these two guys in a tavern and they... I forgot the rest.
Your Favorite Fruit: A leg of mutton! Wait, what? Ohhhh, okay. Uh, apples I guess.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Alvadas Character Cast

Postby Lucaius on November 7th, 2011, 3:30 am

PC Name: Lucaius Greenwood
Age & Sex: Male, 33
Reason for Being in Alvadas: Here to stock up on supplies and it he heard that a man who was very close to his father lives in Alvadas.
Naturally Lucaius wants to know what became of his father.
Things I Like to Thread About: Pretty much everything except for things listed below
Things I Dislike To Thread About: Romance, dying,
Additional Comments: None
Your Favorite Fruit: Bananas!!!!
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