[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Archon on June 10th, 2011, 7:26 pm

Season of Summer, Day 2, 511 AV

Training was the life of the Squires, and even once one passed into the position of a Knight there was much training to be done. An unused blade goes dull, and no one in the Syliran Knights could afford to be dull.

So, as was frequent, the training grounds were busy this day. Some sparred with others, and some trained on their own. As Markus entered into the room most paid him no attention, but he drew a cold, blue eyed, stare from an older looking bald man that had a scar over most of his right eye. Standing around half a foot taller than Markus, also with a body that showed the result of years of training and work, he certainly cut an imposing figure, and after a moment of contemplation he strode away from the training dummy he had been fighting and towards Markus.

The man wore the lighter armor of the Syliran Knights, and on his collar were two silver swords. Holding a dagger in his right hand he came up to Markus and clapped a rough and strong hand on his shoulder, "You look somewhat capable," his voice was low and gravely, with the strength of someone used to commanding, "Care to provide me some practice, boy?"
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Markus Andres on July 15th, 2011, 5:44 pm

Markus strode into the training area. He found a place with a free. He had to prepare for his knighting mission. He knew the time for the quest was drawing nearer and he wanted to be at the peak of his physical and mental condition when it started. Markus had his family heirloom strapped to his left side and just above it he had a dagger holstered. Both easy to get in case of a fight. He placed his shield on the ground and was about to stretch out when a hand clasped him on his back. Markus could feel the strength of the man. Even through the lighter armor he was wearing.

Markus had intended to hone his sword skill and try to perfect some of his strikes. But Markus looked at the man and quickly realized that declining his offer, would be unwise. But the same intimidating appearance was what intrigued Markus. The man had experience fighting and Markus could learn some new tricks from him.

"Of course, ser. And thank you." Markus said in a respectful tone of voice. Thanking him for his 'compliment' and agreeing to help him. Just reversed. "What kind of practice are we talking about, ser?" Markus asked curiously.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Archon on July 18th, 2011, 3:40 pm

For a moment after Markus' question the older Knight simply stared at him for a moment, a faint frown curving the edges of his lips downwards. After almost a chime the man spoke again, his voice a little chillier than it had been before, "Practicing combat, what else would we do here? I didn't take you to be one of thick headed kinds, boy, or one who trained in much more than fighting."

The older Knight took a couple steps away, and then turned to face Markus in a ready stance, legs lightly bent and arms out and prepared to move in defense or offence with the dagger in his hand, "I don't know you, and you don't know me. All the better for training in fighting. Now come show me what you have, or stop wasting my time, boy."
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Markus Andres on August 2nd, 2011, 6:29 pm

The frown he received for his question, rivaled his master's in many ways. Something that bothered Markus greatly, yet he didn't lower his eyes in shame, instead he defiantly stared into the ranked knight's eyes. Not caring one bit if the man would raise his hands to strike him. Markus was ready. He could feel every muscle in his body were ready and all of his senses at alert. But the man did not lash out, not with his limbs, at least.

Although the words stung his pride, he didn't let the anger affect him. Those days had long past when he would let a superiors dismissive words affect him greatly. It was obvious it was combat! But what kind of combat! - Markus silently raged within his mind. Once again. Just staring at the knight with a blank expression. As the knight retreated a couple of steps, Markus grabbed the edge of his shield and raised it before sliding his left arm through the straps. Assuming the older knight had let him do this without attacking. Markus reached down for his blade. Covering his movement with his shield. Hiding it from the Scarred Knight. Markus' fingers gripped around the hilt of his dagger. In one smooth move, he unsheathed the dagger and made a backhanded throw with said dagger at the knight. He did not care whether it connected or not, that had not been the goal. It was merely to distract the man as he used a technique a knight named Wystern once had taught him. Quick drawing. In a single fluid motion Markus drew his blade and when Markus took a step forward with his blade thrusting forward from Markus' right side, aimed at the man's right arm.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Archon on August 4th, 2011, 4:16 pm

The older Knight shifted just enough to dodge Markus' off-handed throw, his frown disappearing into a more neutral and focused expression, and as the Squire dashed forward with a thrust from his sword the man managed to just barely deflect the blade with a quick sweep of his dagger. There was just a hint of surprise in the man's eyes, but there was also a faint upwards curve of his lips of enjoyment or amusement.

Without a word the scarred Knight dodged to Markus' shield side, showing an agility and speed that seemed at odds with his age, and delivered a quick slash with his dagger aimed at Markus' torso. Even as the blow was deflected the man continued his movement around Markus, and it would take quick footwork from Markus to manage to even keep the man in sight. As the man moved Markus also noticed that he seemed to reaching for a slightly odd looking belt pouch at his side with his free hand. As the man deftly opened the pouch Markus caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a bunch of thin metal plates painted with circles and strange symbols.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Markus Andres on August 9th, 2011, 3:51 pm

Markus' blade was slapped aside with relative ease. Then the man surprised Markus, his speed, certainly something Markus didn't expect from someone his age. Or rather, expect at all. The man must have gone through hellish discipline to achieve such an impressive speed. Markus spun around, his shield deflecting the first attack at his chest. Markus had underestimated the older man. Markus slid his right leg so it crossed in front of his left and then spun around quickly as he uncrossed the legs by turning around.

His heater shield leading. Brushing another attack off as he turned, his sword lowered and swinging out to hit the man around the lower couple of ribs. That was when Markus noticed the open bag. He could only see some strange symbols and he immediately thought magic. Was the old man going to use magic on him? Markus hoped his blade would reach the man before whatever enchantment he had could take effect.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Archon on August 11th, 2011, 3:38 pm

Even though the Knight managed to get his dagger down and in the way of Markus' sword the Squire's strength and the momentum of the larger weapon allowed it to push aside the defense and still connect with the older man's ribs with a bit of reduced force. The Knight gave a slightly surprised and pained grunt in response, but the blow wasn't enough to keep him from drawing out one of the metal plates, about the size of a man's palm, and toss it to the ground as he growled out a phrase in a language Markus didn't recognize.

Markus heard the metal plate strike the stone floor, and then the world went dark. Though Markus could still hear the sounds of training about him, could still feel the weight of his equipment, he could not even see the nose on his face. It was as if all light had been banished, leaving the Squire in absolute darkness.

The faint sound of movement, booted feet on stone, came from Markus' left, and that was all the warning he had before a powerful blow collided with his side. Even through his armor it was one of, if not the, strongest strikes he had ever felt, but it wasn't enough to end the fight. It certainly did hurt, but Markus' years of training made it bearable.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Markus Andres on August 21st, 2011, 8:23 pm

The unknown words that followed the man's grunt, alarmed Markus greatly. For he had seen those weird symbols and the man had dropped something. The instant later Markus' realized with a surprised scream that he had gone blind. Markus panicked and only thought of keeping the man away until his sight would return or even stop the fight. His blade wooshed back and forth in front of him, but it didn't keep the strange knight at bay. For he felt something connect to his side. Markus groaned as the strike connected. It felt like his armor hadn't even softened the blow. Markus feared that the man had pierced the armor and had managed to strike a vital blow to his lungs. It certainly hurt as if he had.

Markus growled in anger as he spun around. All thoughts of staying on the defensive disregarded by his anger and a sliver of logic. His left arm raised and held in a manner that was quite unorthodox as Markus had it lying horizontal on his arm as he swung around. Using it as some sort of weapon to keep the strange knight at bay. Until Markus' much longer reaching bastard sword could come sweeping around in a full 360 degrees swing. The shield leading the whole way as he spun.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Archon on September 20th, 2011, 6:32 pm

Engulfed in darkness as he was it was difficult for Markus to tell if he attacks hit. He felt his shield connect with something solid, followed by a pained grunt, but his sword sailed smoothly through the air. If it had been the Knight that Markus had struck with his shield it seemed he had enough sense to get out of the way of his sword.

For a moment there was no response to the Squire's attack, but then his legs were yanked out from under him with enough force that they shot around and up as if he was a doll being played with by a child. As his head flung back in the opposite direction his vision returned, and revealed that he had not been blind but that the Knight had created a pillar of darkness that Markus had been standing in.

No sooner had Markus collided with the ground, with enough force to rattle his brain a bit, than the bald Knight jumped through the pillar of darkness. He looked like he was going for the killing blow, dagger at the ready and heading to Markus' neck, but thanks to Markus' training he wasn't rattled enough that he couldn't react to the attack.
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[Training Grounds] Flexing and Fluxing (Markus)

Postby Markus Andres on September 22nd, 2011, 7:47 pm

Markus' shield connected with something solid and the following sound made it even clearer that he had hit something living. If it was the older knight or not, Markus couldn't tell. His sword came in, closely following the shield, but that hit nothing and Markus was once again impressed by the speed of the older knight and his respect doubled once again. But he didn't have much time to admire the knight for suddenly his feet were swept away under him and he landed hard on his armored back. It wasn't the first time he had tried landing like that on his back and last time, a man with a dagger had been quicker than Markus and put him in an undesirable position.

Other people had been at risk because of his inability to react in time.

Pulling on the similar event, Markus reacted faster with his nearest arm, swinging his blade out in front of him. Just to keep the man at bay until Markus could get his shield back and get his defenses up again. Markus was quite strong, or he considered himself quite strong. But lying flat on the ground with his amount of armor. It would be very difficult to get back up again. Markus was in a very bad position. Especially when he was blinded on top of that... Some people would give in then and admit defeat. But not Markus. This just gave him the desire to fight on even harder. His sword, hopefully, having fended off the most obvious attempt at getting to Markus' position. He would try to force himself up into a sitting position. His shield covering his face the whole way up. Right arm and sword pressing against the ground. Helping him in his endeavors in doing a sit up. His back completely exposed, but desperate times took for desperate measures. It was really bothering him that he couldn't even visually defend himself. He would have to take guesses at where he would attack. But by exposing his back like that, he hoped the knight would take the bait.

He would suddenly swing around. His bastard blade swinging around. Or as far around he could. His blade hopefully hitting the mage-knight as he tried to descend on Markus' back.
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