29th of Fall, 511 AV
Living in Syliras your entire life gives you a special insight to places of value. Some places just had a more inconsistent value than others. Over time the squire had heard of fine treasures and lore most valuable coming from within the crusty walls of Domniac's shop. He'd also heard of others getting swindled out of their miza's attempting to purchase some object, normally under some amount of urgency or duress. That as it was, Xalet couldn't help but find himself inside of the shops walls now and again, even as much as it agitated his allergy to such particles visibly floating through the air.
Shortly after waving to the old man just outside of the immediate entrance Xalet let out a loud sneeze. The place was getting to him more quickly than normal. When you were covered in armor, you couldn't even wipe your nose with your sleeve if you wanted to. The occasional oil rag was the only serviceable device for shielding anyone else present from that type of forceful expulsion and, as usual, Xalet was indeed dressed in the 'uniform of the day'. This was his full plate armor, as beaten and worn as it was, although his gauntlets and helm had been removed, not necessary for such an environment. His large shield lay strapped against his back, a large circular disk wide enough to span past the width of his reasonably broad shoulders, while his training short blade was seated serenely within its unremarkable sheath.
The akalak never had any interest in magic. Or more specifically, he never had any intent on learning magic, although he did have some interest in understanding how it worked, if only so that he could protect himself against it as a Knight. There were many Mage Knights with powerful capabilities, and even Domniac was said to possess more than one type of mystic art. No matter how Xalet looked at it, no matter what direction he approached the concept of magic; it seemed more dangerous than it was worth. Worse yet, it seemed like just the thing to set off his dark-half, something he struggled to bury below layers of emotional and disciplinary fortifications.
Today his particular research was involving methods of protecting against magic. Not wanting to wield the stuff himself, finding a weakness in the various arts were imperative to defeating it when he encountered it. To say he would never encounter it was not viable, as even in his short years he had already been the target of magic several times. Both for training purposes, by covert citizens and passers by, and by more overt methods simply meant to distract or humiliate the squire.