[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Talen Stirling on August 3rd, 2011, 11:00 am

11th Summer 504 A.V. 45 Chimes after the 12th Bell.

By Denvali standards it was a warm day, with a bright sun and little wind. The air was still and brooding; abit like before a thunderstorm yet no skies were in sight. Talen's almost patchwork shirt clung to him as he ran across the cobblestone road in a pair of tough leather sandals. A few people were in the houses and street, and smiled at him when he ran past, the sound of his feet hitting stone the loudest noise in the street on a drowsy day like this. He ran with alot of arm movement, it helped him gain and hold speed easier somehow.

He'd just had lunch at home, and was running towards The Passenger Quays with the speed of a boy looking forward to excitement. He knew other kids would be there, but earlier today before being called in for lunch, he'd talked to Lena meeting up there. They were going to explode the docks, and he was excited to see what secrets and things lay in that area of town. He virtually never came there; especially the freight docks were not considered a good place for kids to hang out, but that wouldn't stop him. At least so he imagined, a shiver of anticipation and fear crawling up his spine.

He slowed down in a few halting jumps and started walking as he passed The Stranger's Welcome. It was mostly full of the usual suspects, a couple of docking hands, sailors, farmers and someone from The Watch to look out for everyone. A robed man stood out, and Talen wanted to investigate but managed to pull away his curious eyes and move on before he stopped up to find out who he was. Besides, there was plenty else to see all around him.

A group of Denvali were watching a ship dock and earnestly greeted the people in it. The newcomers were mostly simple sailors, though a few Vantha and others were amongst the group. He smiled and walked up next to the Quay and sat on one of the pier's wooden supporters. He waved at the newcomers if they looked over, but mostly just sat there and inspected everyone who passed as well as looked around for Lena. The boat was a long one, he didn't know much about them but this one seemed to have a wide hull as well, which would let it float fairly lightly on the water. It carried one mainsail and a small one in the rear, for what purpose they were he couldn't phatom.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Lena Estelain on August 12th, 2011, 12:19 am

When Talen had asked her to meet at the Passenger's Quay she was reluctant to go. She had so many chores to do. Between keeping the house clean and the farm animals kept up. She had no energy by the end of the day. It was especially worse when she was needed the most. Her young muscles ached from hours of work and all she wanted to do was lay in bed. Her mother almost made her go to field and help today but she begged her father Boris to convince her otherwise.

Lena sat on the stoney beach. Looking out on the bay. Large stones broke through the waters surface here and there. The sky was a little over cast despite the unusual heat. A rather nasty day in her opinion. A new group of passengers and sailors came in a small barge. Slowly edging up to the docks.

Sitting on the rocky beach. She kicked a pebble into the water with one of her leather sandals. Slowly and not without some aching. She got up and brushed the dirt off her faded dirty black breeches. As usual her clothes were muddy and well worn. She wore a large white shirt and blue bandanna wrapped around her hair. She hated dresses, they always got in the way as you worked. If you didn't look close enough you would suspect she was just another boy.

Looking around she quickly spotted her young friend. Wearing clothes no were near as messy as hers. She sprinted up the beach and waved at him. All thoughts of weariness forgotten with the idea of exploring the beach. Although there was little to explore and she told him that. Lena was still excited to be away from the farm.

”Hey Talen! You do know they don't wave back to rutty little children like you.” She said in a fake snotty voice. ”Besides waving at people why have you asked me out here. Come on out with it. I want to know where we are heading. As I said before there ain't much”
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Lena Estelain
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Talen Stirling on August 14th, 2011, 9:38 pm

Talen turned his head and sneered at her. "Of course I didn't just wanna wave at the stranger's, and who asked for a lil' snotty girl's opinion?" His frown turned to a mischievous grin, filled with expectancy and mystery. "We're going to explore!" He jumped down the pole and stood in front of her with the same grin as before. Lena was not like the other girls, she was braver, smarter and stronger. Shyke, she was even more courageous than some of the boys, and a hell-uv-a-lot smarter, though he'd never admit it.

"Well, If you've got the guts, of cours'.. " The taunt was accompanied by a questioning doubt, as if he didn't believe she was good enough to go on whatever secret quest he was planning. Assuming she'd react by making it clear she was made of the right stuff for the job, Talen spilled his guts with a acknowledging and mischievous smile. "We're gon'a visit the The Freight Docks, see what's what!" Children didn't come and weren't welcome in The Docks, where wares, work and perhaps even the only little crime in Denval was being done. The area was pretty much off-limits, and it was even patrolled by guardsmen. Talen was curious to see whatever they were watching over, 'n' he'd bet Lena was too.

"Are you up for it?" He leaned against the pier pole nonchalantly, although it wasn't exactly relaxing since it was slippery and the wood a little rough.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Lena Estelain on August 24th, 2011, 6:32 am

The Warehouse you mean? I already been there. Nothing but boxes and barrels of food and drink. My mom makes me help her with deliveries from the farm. Only thing to do there is steal, and if we do that. The Captain himself will tan our hides. Lena shuddered with the thought. She heard stories from Therin that he kept a crude iron rod just for such purposes.

”I have a much better idea. How about we go see the road!” It was a desolate place and possibly full of monsters, but that was the best part! They could even pilfer a couple of loafs of bread from the farm and have an adventure. Of course that is if this sod of a boy could keep up?

”The ware houses are nothing but wood. The road isn't that much either but its worth exploring. Are you in or out. I will probably go alone but I want someone to help watch my back.” Her grin was big and a little fierce. There were few spots left in Denval she hadn't ventured to. The road would be the last under her belt.

She started to walk up the pier to get the point across. Leather sandal scraping against the cobble road. Bright red hair bobbing in a messy bun under her favorite bandanna. She would call it her lucky bandanna but Therin told her it wasn't lucky til it saves your life.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Talen Stirling on August 31st, 2011, 8:59 pm

His jaw dropped momentarily, and he stood confused for a moment. The Road? For a moment, the idea seemed mad. Dangerous, even. He'd heard stories, and had seen his dad leave to go there with arms on more than one occasion. There were creatures there, it was a great unknown... And now some petchin' girl was making him look a fool.

He felt afraid, though he'd never admit it. No way."Shyke, can't have some girl go running off getting lost in the wilds! Of course I'm with you." He sent her a self-important proud smile and followed her at a leisurely pace.

"What'd you reckon's out there?" Talen forced a calm voice, although excitement bubbled just below the surface. Of all the stupid girls, Lena really were one of the coolest.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Lena Estelain on September 11th, 2011, 9:27 am

Can't have some girl getting lost!? She was besides herself from the comment. Even the thought of some boy thinking to protect her was enough to make her seethe. She was helping tend fields with her mother at seven years old. She was made of Dirt and Stones dammit. And he pissed grass

”If anything happens on the Road. The only one who will save your sorry green behind is me.” Lena snapped back at him, but she gave him a warm smile. He was just a silly boy that's all. Boys were full of themselves. No point in getting mad at each one. At least that's what her father kept telling her.

”And my brother Therin Says nothing much lives their. He helps protect the men that dig their so he would know.” She walked around one of the carts heading along the road to the Markets. She hated walking behind any of the horses or mules, for obvious reasons.

”But... He has told me he would tan my hide if he ever caught me there.” She looked over at Talen and smiled innocently. ”But I have you to protect me right?” they kept walking up the road and towards the center of town. Right before they hit the markets they would need to head south and go through the houses and buildings littering the outskirts. Then head out to the fields. When they reached the little land the Denvali could cultivate. They would cross the many field hand paths and go out to the looming mountains of debris.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Talen Stirling on September 23rd, 2011, 7:16 pm

Talen just grinned, and nodded nonchalantly. Of course Lena was never one to admit that anything might be too much for her to handle. He walked up next to her quickly, carefully avoiding any mines in the animals tracks.

"Uh... Yeah.." He hesitated, and the reply was a little less flamboyant than his previous outbursts. Her brother was older than Talen, tall and strong and the prospect of Talen preventing him from tanning someone's hide didn't exactly seem very likely. It was so much more likely he'd end up getting his own hide skinned.

Nah, they wouldn't be caught. They were too small, too fast and too clever for that. At least so he told himself, as they walked out towards The Road, the landscape becoming increasingly wild and rocky. The entrance to the forbidden path quickly found it's way to them, and Talen stopped before it and took in the beginning of the foreign area with fearful excitement.
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[Flashback] Child's Play [Lena Estelain]

Postby Talen Stirling on September 23rd, 2011, 7:16 pm

Talen just grinned, and nodded nonchalantly. Of course Lena was never one to admit that anything might be too much for her to handle. He walked up next to her quickly, carefully avoiding any mines in the animals tracks.

"Uh... Yeah.." He hesitated, and the reply was a little less flamboyant than his previous outbursts. Her brother was older than Talen, tall and strong and the prospect of Talen preventing him from tanning someone's hide didn't exactly seem very likely. It was so much more likely he'd end up getting his own hide skinned.

Nah, they wouldn't be caught. They were too small, too fast and too clever for that. At least so he told himself, as they walked out towards The Road, the landscape becoming increasingly wild and rocky. The entrance to the forbidden path quickly found it's way to them, and Talen stopped before it and took in the beginning of the foreign area with fearful excitement.
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