Stunned by my good fortune, I walk towards the treasure. My hand is outstretched, reaching eagerly for the countless stacks of gold and jewels...and then I promptly wake up to the sound of my dog chomping on my history book, my parents yelling at me school starts in 30 minutes and if I want to make it I better get my rear in gear, and my sister putting on makeup in my bathroom.
Another wonderful day of my life~
Anyways, yes. I've decided to start my own scrapbook, for whatever reason. Cuz you're bored and utterly obsessed with Mizahar, you ask? Yeah, probably.
So, in case y'all want to know, here is all my personal bits and bobs for you-
Name: Will. Y'see, the name of my scrapbook was a play off my name...yeah, my creativity is at an all-time low.
Gender: Male, since last check.
Location: The United States. I'm up in the Northeast part of the country, which means it's cold and damp most of the time. Fantastic, of course.
Relationship: In a relationship.

Hobbies: Well, now. I like to write, draw, play soccer, roleplay (mostly Mizahar nowadays) and hang out with my girlfriend. I also love history, especially of the dusty, ancient kind- an archaeologist sounds like a wonderful career option for me, if I may say so.
So, um, yeah. I just really opened this so I could post the errant thoughts I have while cruising Mizahar and in RL. Feel free to post- I'd love to hear any suggestions, thoughts, or comments you have for me. Especially when I go off on one of game-breaking plot ideas tangents.

That's all for now...I need a snack.