Fall 4th, 511 AV
Deventur sat at the bar with a scowl that said, more clearly than the rattle of a snake, 'Stay Away'. He nursed a mug of beer as he surveyed the room. Why am I drinking this filth? he thought disgustedly, looking at the glass that would have needed a pint of paint stripper to properly clear it of filth. The beer itself wasn't much better than the glass, to be honest. As he downed another steaming mouthful, he shuddered. Oh, yes, that's why I'm drinking this bilge. I want to get very drunk and pick a fight with some petching vagik who'd be dumb enough to come after me.
It would seem that at least the first part of the plan was working out. His vision was ever so sightly blurred and the floor seemed just a tad unsteady. I think I've found the perfect fighting drunk. he thought slowly. He could make out people, but it seemed it would be possible to fight while this enebriated.
I do hope someone easy to offend comes in soon he thought crossly or I'll have to start drinking that slop again