Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Karis must decide if she will remain a healer or give it up to try and entice an Eagle to bond.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Postby Karis on September 22nd, 2011, 6:57 am

Early Fall 511 AV

“Mama wait!” Karis ran, but no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't catch up to her mother, who was only walking, her back tight...stiff. Karis could see the lean sculpted muscles bunch under her the sun-browned skin that stretched across her mother's back. Faster Karis ran, faster the flat soles of her sandals smacked against the stones of the courtyard. The white mist, tinged gray made it's way, curling and swirling around the base of her mother's booted feet. “No, no don't go Mama. Please!” She began to plead. The lump had already began to form in the pit of her stomach, a lump that grew until it made it's way up her throat until it seemed to stop all air, all sound. She couldn't even run any longer—only stand and watch her mother disappear. “Mama please, I'll do anything!” But, it was too late. No sound could get past the lump in her throat, and her mother was gone into the mist. “Mama!” She screamed, no sound escaping her, her throat feeling as though it would burst from the effort. “Mama!”

Karis flung forward, sitting straight up in her cot. Even with the chill to the early morning air, she could feel the sweat pooling in her neck, and armpits. Flinging off the blanket, she padded naked and barefoot to the table and a pitcher of water sitting there. She poured herself a glass, savoring it as, warm as it was, it eased her throat, dry from the nightmare and sore from her soundless screaming.

Not wanting to go back to sleep and needing time to thing, she grabbed a drying sheet and her soap and made her way to the tisuma baths. Maybe a warm soak would get her some time to think. There were only a few others around, and for this she was glad, she really did want to spend some time soaking in the hot waters. Unwrapping the sheet, she eased her way into the baths. Taking her time so that her body adjusted to the heat, she allowed herself to submerge until only her head was visible, and that just barely. Resting so that a natural ledge supported her weight, she signaled that she wanted no company simply by closing her eyes.

With a slow sigh, she released some of the tension that had built up inside her since waking. Tonight was the third night she had had that nightmare about her mother. Well, the third night in the past eight days. It was always the same too, the mist taking her mother. Her promise. The silent scream. The feeling of the lump in her stomach that just grew and grew. If she wanted to be honest with herself, she felt that lump often when she thought of her parents. Since that terrible night three years ago, right before she'd turned fifteen, she'd been such a stubborn and headstrong Yasi, so sure of herself; when she had defied her parents' wishes about giving up her gnosis mark and training in hunting, bow, martial arts so that she stood a better chance at becoming an Endal-- a rider, like they were. But how could she? She loved being a healer. Loved everything about it. She hated hurting anything. She simply said, “No.” Her parents turned their back on her. She was no longer their child, unless she came to her senses. But, there was no time for that; they were both killed two seasons later.

Since July Karis has been having the same dream like last night, though it's either her mother or father. Only now, it's more frequent. Lifting a hand from the water, she began to worry at her thumbnail. What do I do? She wondered to herself? Are they telling me that I was wrong? Should I have tried to train to be a rider?

No! Don't be crazy. You can't train to be a rider. No one can! She scoffed at herself. Besides, you are a healer and healers do not kill.

Well, as much as one can train. She rolled her eyes, arguing with herself. Anyway, you've never tried to kill. How do you know you can't? Maybe it's just a matter of won't.

I've never thought about it that way.Her eyebrows flew up at the thought, though a queasy feeling invaded her tummy as well.
I don't want to not be able to heal. The idea of losing her gnosis mark and making the goddess angry made her chest ache.

But, you can at least find out. You don't actually have to kill anything, just see if you can.
The other side of her continued to argue. Can you keep having these dreams and keep wondering?

No. And as suddenly as her argument with herself began, it was over.

She sat there for a few more minutes her mind whirling. “What can I do, what, what?” She mumbled.
Then she had it. Herbs. There were still quite a few in the meadow to be harvested. Also, she needed some dyes and there were some plants that were in final bloom right about now. She had only to talk to Aidara and see if she could perhaps have the time to go. While there, she could steal some time away to practice the bow.

Now that she had a plan, she was anxious to put it into action. Grabbing her soap from its resting place, she gave herself a vigorous wash, beginning with her hair. Wrapping her bathing towel around herself, she made her way quickly back to her room to dress.
Last edited by Karis on September 22nd, 2011, 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Postby Karis on September 22nd, 2011, 7:12 am

Early Fall 511 AV

Karis made her way up to where Aidara was standing. She'd waited until there was a break in the work before she approached her, not wanting there to be any interruptions, but also knowing that timing was important to everything. Karis already had a fondness for the slightly older woman, and a real respect for her, for not only was she a healer, she was an Endal. proving that it could be done, though her circumstances and that of her bonded were special indeed. A soft smile broke across her face as she thought about Sara, Aidara's mate, and the fact that they were soon to be blessed with children.

Not one to have idle hands, Karis began rolling clean linens into bandages as she spoke. "Aidara, I was thinking. There are some fall herbs that still need to be gathered from the meadows and some from the base of the mountain. Also, I was hoping to gather some flowers for dyes..." She ended the sentence, and grinned up at her supervisor. "Think it's possible to get a ride down?" Then as another thought hit her, she added, "Oh, wouldn't it be terrific if you could come too. I would get to pick your mind." Karis wiggled her fingers at Aidara, making little pincer motions as though picking information direction from the other girl. Her mind began to thrill at the thought of all the different herbs and plants they could find together, so much so, that she almost forgot her original intent asking to go. The thought of learning more about what she loved so much had a smile spread finally travel from her lips to her eyes for the first time in days.
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Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Postby Aidara on September 22nd, 2011, 8:48 pm


It was almost as if people were trying to get hurt these days. Climbing accidents, food posioning, bug bites, animal bites, people bites... the list went on and on. Luckily for Addy, Keah and Micquel, most of these required only a moderate amount of attention; there were no withstanding illnesses among those flooding the small Infirmary, so there was no lack of bed space. There was lack of waiting room space, however, and with all the clamoring in the usually quiet Infirmary, Addy's head was fit to explode.

"Why don't you step into the back and take a deep breath?" Keah was there, patient as always, leaving the emotional Healer towards the back of the sickbay. Leaning against the door frame as Addy sunk down into her chair, the petite assistant healer smiled knowingly.

"You can't do it all yourself, 'Dara." The lesser used of Addy's nicknames, it still brought a smile to the woman's lips. "It's okay to ask for help, you know."

"I do know.. I know!" Keah had fixed her with a skeptical look, her brows disappearing into her hairline. "Believe me or not, I trust you and Mic. You better than anyone should understand why I am like this.." She gazed pointedly a the gnosis mark that swirled around Keah's left temple.

"Ask for help, and you'll get it. Sit there for at least five minutes." It was a direct order, though Addy couldn't help but throw the younger woman a cheeky salute. "Oh, and drink some water." A healer to the core, Keah was.

"Yes ma'am!" Laughing softly as she reclined back into her chair, Addy closed her eyes and rubbed a hand across her brow. As good as Keah was at cheering the her up, it still didn't distract Addy from the fact that they were simply swamped.

"Karis is here!" Came the sudden shout from the front; Micquel was never good at being discrete, choosing to alert the entire infirmary along with Addy of this development rather than walk the hundred paces into the back. Either way, she didn't care. A rush of warm relief flooded through her and she quickly rose, and bounded to the front to greet the girl.

Karis had only started helping out recently, but it hadn't taken any of them long to realize what an asset she was to their staff. Though her goal was not to stay cooped up in the infirmary forever, this was the best way for Addy to keep an eye on Karis, as well as supplement the younger woman's already large knowledge base with some tricks of the trade.

"Strap in, this is going to be a haul. Why don't you start with Kevlin there. He just has a splinter, it seems. The nursery sent him." With Karis directed towards the squalling Yasi in the corner, Addy motioned over her own patient and got back to work.

"Aidara, I was thinking...."

A smile twitched at her lips, but Addy held her tongue. Karis was always thinking, it seemed. But she had good ideas, and the healer had learned to hear her out. She wasn't disappointed.

"That is actually a fabulous idea. We need a few things restocked, anyway. They've been low for a while and today just wiped us out of a few different herbs." Handing her own partially rolled bandage to Karis to finish, Addy absently dusted her hands off on her bryda as she strode across the room to where the medicinal jars were kept. A mental stock was taken as she began to obsessively straighten the jars back into the order she liked them best.

"Alright. Done with that." Turning, Addy pinned Karis with a smile. "Yes, of course you can have a ride. Be at my aerie at dawn and we'll head down nice and early. Sound fair?" Turning her grin to Keah and Mic as well, she enveloped all three in a hug, one by one. "Thank you all for the help today. You did faaaaabulous. But now.. it's time for my bath!"

With a laugh and a wave thrown over her shoulder, Addy flounced from the Infirmary and disappeared around the corner.

OOCNormally I like to take more charge of the thread, but I figured since we haven't actually RP'd together before, we can take it a bit slow at first. Post whatever you want next, but have her eventually get to the aerie and assume Addy opens the door and lets her in. There is a description of their Aerie in the link map. :)

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Karis's conundrum and Expedition with Aidara(Karis and Aidar

Postby Karis on September 25th, 2011, 10:28 pm

Early Fall 511 AV

Karis laughed at the exuberant Aidara's grand exit before returning to the task at hand, the never ending rolling of bandages. She didn't really mind though. At times, she even enjoyed the steady, rhythmic pace of it. It allowed her to let her mind roam while keeping her busy with needed work. White teeth pulled at her bottom lip as she thought on how she could manage some alone time now that she'd invited Aidara along for the trip. She gave herself a mental scold, but it wasn't a fierce one. She really loved spending time with the other healer...learned a lot from her in fact. Truth be told, she was really quite excited that the Endal was coming along. She couldn't wait for her to show her some more of the plant life that Karis had been dying to harvest, but hadn't seen much of yet for herself, well...not in it's wild form. She would have kept woolgathering as she rolled had a shout from the main doors brought her quickly to attention.

“Some help, please.” Came a call from the main door, as a shaft of light hit Karis in the eyes, blocking her from seeing who was being brought to the infirmary. Setting the finished roll into the basket, she made her way over to where the the new comers had entered.

“What's happened?” She asked, long, tanned legs taking her quickly across the floor to the doorway where two boys were. They would be mirror images had not one of the two had a piece of an arrow pierced through the fleshy part of his upper thigh. Blood ran down the length of his scrawny leg and began to pool on the infirmary floor. The than had been leached from his skin and now, a pasty, sweaty countenance painted the contours of his still childish face. Karis took a breath and stilled her own face into one that was soft and accepting, forcing her self not to scold, and in a calm voice asked, “How?”

The uninjured of the two, whom Karis recognized as Jebi, the eldest, answered, his eyes, large and round in his face, “I shot him.” Karis thought as much, but more details were needed. “She nodded, and waved her hand, motioning for him to continue as she directed one of the helpers to settle Lobi, the youngest of the twin sons of a powerful Endal. There was no way Karis was going to refuse him, Yasi or not. She eased Lobi, who had begun to shake, his teeth chattering as low moans escaped him, onto the cot, injured leg suspended so as not to do more damage. “We was practicing...the long bow healer...” Jebi continued on a swallow, his ten year old voice growing more panicked, getting higher pitched, yet softer as he continued. “I just wanted to show Lobi that I was good aim. If the fox hadn't a run out from the brush behind me it wouldn't have happened.” He turned his head towards her, green. Tears pooled in his eyes that plead with her to understand, as he bit his lip and refused to let the tears fall. Eagle Riders do not cry!

As he spoke,

She nodded. “OK." Let's get Lobi well.” She gave Jebi a soft smile. As he had been speaking, she had been using her gift to stop the bleeding as she had his sip a drought of the herb Valerian, a sedative, mixed with a dose of poppy seed for pain. When he began to shake, she plied him with warmed blankets, to fend off shock, and keep him warm until the drugs took more effect. She knew that the would would be too deep for her to heal with her mark alone, and she couldn't move the arrow until he was less conscious. At least she was able to stop the flow of blood, she sent up a thank you to Viratas for his help and intervention. She was fairly certain she hadn't been alone in stopping the bleeding. That seemed to be too large an amount of blood loss for such a little boy.

“Ah, finally.” She murmured as Lobi began to breath easier. “Jebi, you go with Len here.” She motioned to one of the Yari who had been assigned to help in the Infirmary that shift. He will get you a drink of water. She scooted them both out of the sectioned area where she was working, and settled to her work. Taking a deep breath she began, “Lobi, I come to heal you freely. I do this with the thanks to and in honor of Rak' Keli , who has blessed me with her gift.” She chanted as she felt the rush of light go through her as she began to remove the arrow and direct healing toward the Yasi.

As she knew, the would had been too deep for her to completely heal, but where there had been a jagged, rough, dirty hole that went completely through the boys upper thigh, there now was a clean, germ free, even three inch cut on the upper thigh that was now only an inch deep. He would not have nerve damage, nor would he lose muscle mass. Though, she thought to herself, He will needed stitches. After scrubbing her hands for three minutes, she sat next to the bed. Turning her head first to the left, then to the right, she studied to see which would be the best angle as she threaded the her hooked needle with cat-gut thread. Cat-gut is the best to use on Yasi. It dissolves itself. No need for them to comeback to the infirmary. She repeated her training in her mind.

With steady hands, she slipped the tip of the needle through the upper skin on the lower part of the would and pulled the cat-gut through, making sure that she had captured enough skin and flesh so that the stitch held firmly, but didn't leave too harsh of a scar. Sliding the tip of the needle under the flesh of the top layer of the would, she again measured, then pulling gently while using her the fingers of her opposite hand to hold his flesh together, she made sure the two wholes matched up as much as possible. Satisfied, she made a looped knot, and repeated the whole process in the middle of his would, then again at the end. But she wasn't finished. Those were just the anchor stitches. She went back then and put in two stitches each between the first and middle stitch so that the wound was almost completely closed. The whole time, she used her gift to keep the would clean and free of blood flow. Now, the boy could brag as well as show off his seven stitches. She smiled to herself.

She gave it another clean, and then added a healing salve before covering it with a soft cloth and binding it. The heat and rest had done it's purpose as well, and soon after she had finished, Lobi awoke.

“Hi.” She smiled. “You will be fine.” She nodded. She imagined his thigh hurt, but not nearly as badly as it had.

“He gave her a sly smile that brought a mischievous sparkle to his green eyes, and said, “Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” She winked. “No more human target though please.”

Blushing red, he nodded, before breaking into a snorting laugh.

She couldn't quite stop the grin that made it's way to her lips either.

The rest of the evening flew as Karis bent to her tasks of making more antiseptics as well as putting those antiseptics to good use. Every bed received a scrubbing, and every sheet, pillow case and blanket were [laundered, folded and put on the beds, or back into the laundry closet.

oocThis scene switches to the next day and from the infirmary to the aeries and then to the base of Mt. Skyinarta and meadow.

It was a tired, but happy girl that fell into bed that evening. She couldn't wait for the trip with Aidara!

Karis woke early, too excited to oversleep as she woke constantly to check the time. Finally, about a bell earlier than she needed to, she rose and bathed. Dressing quickly in a simple brown top and pants, she added her boots and jacket. Grabbing her filled water pouch, knapsack, she threw in her comb, blanket, and soap,added the traveler's soup mix, herbologist kit, torch, flint and steel, mug, bowl, pan, sword, and a few other things she would need for the trip. She even threw in a little surprise for Aidara, a grin plastered her face as she did so.

Making her way to the aeries, she knocked once on Aidara's quarters before the healer promptly let her inside.

“Good morning.” She smiled, face glowing. “I can not wait to get started.” She shifted her pack before smiling at Aidara's mate. “Thank you so kindly Sira for your generosity and kindness in flying me down to the meadow. Especially now. I'm sorry I missed the party, or...most of it. I was on duty at the infirmary.” She explained, though she knew they'd understand. It was Wind Reach after all. And she had managed to make it for some of the festivities. She smiled to herself, remembering.

Taking something from her back, looked to Sari before bowed to the lovely woman, and giving her a bright smile as she handed her a gaily colored package. Inside was a length of soft wool fabric she'd died with the last of her dawnsky. “I tried a new dying technique and loved the way the fabric came out. It's soft and warm too.” She added. “Unfortunately,” her lips twisted sideways, as she explained, I am not that good at haggling yet, so...” She shrugged and opened her arms wide as if to say, “What are you going to do?” Then added with a snark, “The seamstress is waiting for your order.” Her true smiled returned as she explained, “I figured this way you could get what you wished or needed. She loved the fabric as well, and the tab is settled.” Karis added so that her friends would know for certain that whatever they ordered made with the fabric, the seamstress would charge no fee or barter. She smiled at the two women, looked back from one to the other, stopping herself from bouncing from foot to foot.
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Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Postby Aidara on September 28th, 2011, 12:04 am


Addy didn't answer the door as prompty as Karis had thought.

The young woman, exhuberant in the prospect of the trip that awaited them that day, had arrived much earlier than Addy anticipated.

In fact, Addy and Sira were wrapped around each other in an intense display of passion when Sira heard the knock on the door. Addy, who had been moaning quiet loudly and unable to hear anything over the sound of her own breathing, sat bolt upright when Sira mention the knock.

She had forgotten to tell Sira the plan for the day.

"Petch!" With one last lingering, tongue tangled kiss, Addy withdrew herself from Sira's arms and bolted to where she had thrown her clothes on the floor. Hoping that Karis wouldn't notice that she was wearing the same thing as the day before, Addy hurridly explained the situation to her lover.

"..so basically, you just have to fly us down and pick us up later. She young, and excited and this would be a perfect opportunity for us to learn a lot from each other." Addy had pride in the certain level of closeness she had with those she worked with. It was important to her to develop a relationship with those around her in order to properly work as a team. Not only that, but she loved being around people, especially those who shared her interests.. and good looking. Luckily for Karis, she was both!

Green eyes were big and begging when she looked up at Sira, having finished strapping on her sandals, as the Kelvic rose from the bed and slowly stretched, baring all the naked lines of her body for the healer as she stood and impatiently waited for a response. Even with a bulging belly, there was something about the glow Sira had developed during her pregnancy that made her utterly delicious. It was the ultimate tease and it took most of Addy's willpower to not pounce the taller Endal then and there.

"Yes, of course I will fly you. Don't be foolish...You do owe me though. Back rubs and such. I'll be claiming the repayment later tonight.." Grinning and laughing softly, Addy stuck out her tongue and left Sira to finish getting ready for their flight.

The door was flung open, and Karis was invited in. Addy couldn't help but giggle at the way the young woman practically bounced into the room, her excitement even clearer now than it had been the day before. "I can tell you're ready to go! Come on, the nest room is this way... Ignore the mess, right now it's being shared by both Catabasis and Sira both."

Smiling and waving her to follow, Addy lead the way through the common room, around the comfy furniture they had there, and through the door that was adjacent to Addy and Sira's bedroom.

Inside, expecting to see Sira all eagel-ized and ready to go, Addy simply sighed and shook her head. Instead, Sira was lounging on the wall that opened to the side of the mountain, as naked as ever, as she waited for the pair. Clearing her throat, Addy hoped that Karis's line of work would prevent her from feeling too awkward; sometimes patients had to be naked to be treated, and the human body was not a mystery to any healer. Still, this was clearly an act of revenge by the Kevlic, since Addy had dropped the ball.

"Um, Sira, Karis..Karis, Sira." Of course, they had met briefly before and knew of each other by reputation but Addy felt it was the polite thing to do. After the introductions had been made, Karis' pulled a package out of no where. The soft wool inside brought a gasp to the healers lips.

"Oh! It's beautiful! I think it would make a beautiful cloak, don't you?" Turning to Sira for her opinion, Addy passed the fabric over to her love to examine closely.

"Maybe for when she is older. It would be a waste to cut this pretty stuff up just to make a tiny cloak she'll grow out of." A little more reserved than her bondmate, Sira simply gave a smile of thanks and an incline of her head,leaving the two woman alone for a moment while she went to put the wool away somewhere safe.

"Alright lets get this stuff situated, shall we? How about you check that pack over there to make sure I packed enough food. Peek at the camping supplies too, in the one next to it. If we end up staying the night, we don't want to be stuck without a tent." Indicating the set of saddle bags that leaned against the door next to the wall, Addy gathered up the larger bag and the saddle, dragging them both to the middle of the room. Karis and Addy were both marked by the same goddess, and so bringing food along was a necessity, especially since Sira wasn't going to be staying with them. The Endal pair had put away the humane traps they had been practicing using, as a couple of them had been damaged and still sat in disrepair. They wouldn't do the women any good this day.

Stooping down next to the larger bag, Addy pulled out the contents individuality, checking them carefully before setting them back inside and moving onto the next. She had bandages, and fresh strips of linen cloth in case a poultice was needed. She seriously doubted it, but better safe than sorry. The disastrous hunt that had happened almost four seasons ago, when Renol and Kovac had almost died of a bear attack and snake bite, Addy never left home without her kit. A mortar and pestle were carefully wrapped in their own thick woolen pouch for protection, small flasks of dried herbs tucked away in little pockets sewn into the side of the saddle bag.

Stopping here, with a bottle of dried herbs in her hand, Addy motioned Karis over. "Do you know much about picking these herbs? I've only done so once myself... You'd be surprised how little time there is when you're balancing two jobs." Giving the young woman a lopsided smile, Addy held up the glass bottle in her hand for Karis to see "What I've brought with me are the most commonly used in a poultice. This is Chaparral. It helps relieve itchy skin...rashes and the like, as do Dandelion, and Yellow Dock. Our supplies of all three are dwindling. Whether we can find those herbs down there.." a toss of her head towards where the forest below them would lay, "..is a good question. I don't know, but we're going to find out. When I took over the Infirmary, we had a large stock of most of the herbs that we needed, but no records what so ever of how they got here. For all I know, they were donated by an outsider, and that would mean a problem getting more."

That bottle was stowed, small fingers plucking up the next and handing it to Karis. "This is one of two herbs we used in treating inflammation, do you know what it is?" If Karis got it right, Addy grinned and gave her the praise she deserved. If she got it wrong, Addy took the bottle and pointed out the distinct shape of the leaves, the smell, the texture. "It's flaxseed. Slippery elm is the other...but that is also used to treat poisoning of the bloody and joint aches." That bottle was also slipped away, and Addy suddenly laughed. "Most of what I know has come from books and circumstances where there was no choice but for me to put theory into action. I would not be surprised if you knew more than I, and if that is the case... educate me!"

Addy looked at her lack of knowledge in her profession as one of her major downfalls, not realizing that be acknowledging her ignorance to some branches of medicine, she was actually a step ahead of a lot of other healers out there, who thought they knew everything. Necessity for her city had caused Addy to take over the Infirmary, which was under poor management that wasn't giving patients the care they needed and deserved. Being only person to step up to the monumental job, it all fell on Aidara's shoulders now.

"Lets get this party started. No need to keep Sira waiting when we can talk shop while we look for little plants."

I don't know if you got lost or something, but we're ready... Please behave. I don't have all day to saddle you.

Sira strolled back in at Addy's mental call, smirking softly as she moved to the center of the room. She changed without much ado, and where there was a beautiful woman one moment, there was a giant golden eagle the next.

Even having seen this more times than she could count, the novelty of what just happened was not lost upon Addy. She tossed Karis another grin and raised her brows as if to ask "Cool, right!?" before picking up the saddle and moving to toss it over Sira's back.

Either the kelvic woman was actually heeding Addy's plea for once, or was simply too tired to bother messing with her, the saddling process went faster than ever before. There was no fidgeting or throwing of the saddle, nor did she take a deep breath and puff out her chest right as Addy cinched the girth like she normally did, causing the saddle to slide and tip the healer back onto the ground when she mounted.

"Is this your first time riding?" Unsure of how long this cooperation would last, Addy hastily tied on the bags and mounted. "I forgot to request the two person saddle; we don't have one of our own. So we'll have to ride double. I hope you don't mind getting a little close." Grinning and extending her hand, Addy pulled Karis up and gave her a few moments to settle in. "Wrap your arms tight now, like you love me, and don't let go."

Be nice, lady love. If you aren't, she might not want to play with us anymore.

I'm always nice, I don't know what your talking about. Came the overly sweet reply, which made Addy a little nervous. Since Sira had progressed further along in her pregnancy, it was becoming harder and harder to read her partners moods and intentions. It was like walking on eggshells, and Addy always found herself nervous that she would unintentionally do something to set Sira off.

But everything went smooth as can be. The right was short and swift, Sira gliding low over the trees and choosing the thermals that gave the smoothest ride, so as to make the trip as comfortable as possible for the women. Spotting an opening in the trees near the edge of the forest, only a few short chimes from the mountain it's self, Sira tucked one of her wings, dipping it down as she banked towards the glade.

The saddle and bags were removed, the former left on the ground in a neat pile for Sira to grasp as she flew away while the others were put off to the side for the healers to take care of.

Have fun, and be careful. I'm going to go take a nap. Sira said, speaking into the minds of both the women.

I love you, be safe Was tossed Addy's way as she moved foward to wrap her arms around Sira's feathery neck, placing a kiss on the wickedly curved beak. Grasping the saddle carefully in her talons, Sira fixed them both with one intense golden eye before she was off and away. Addy turned to Karis then as she moved to pick up one of the bags.

"Alright. Lets do this."

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Karis's conundrum (Karis and Aidara)

Postby Gossamer on October 31st, 2012, 10:42 am


Character: Aidara
Experience: +1 Medicine, +2 Persuasion, +2 Leadership, +2 Planning, +2 Herbalism, +1 Teaching
Lore: Taking On Students, Planning Outings For Herb Gathering

Additional Note: Another short but sweet thread. It was a good idea. I would have loved to see it run its course and get done. If Karis comes back, I'll grade her portion.
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