Dancing Across Your Soul

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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Noelle on September 22nd, 2011, 7:03 pm

I'm so bored that it's really not so funny no more. @3@ May make my fifth character now. Look forward to a Myrian in Sunberth~ I think her name may be Mao (I don't know. As you can see, I changed Iora's name to Noelle because it popped in my head today during Art. BLAH. That is all for this parenthesis!).


The funny thing about this sentence is that by the time you realize it says absolutely nothing, it will be too late to stop reading.

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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Noelle on September 23rd, 2011, 9:42 pm

/: Mizahar people aren't nice.


They are nice. I love the people here and I love the anonymity. I love it all, freedom and everything. Some places you just don't get an experience like this.

However, someone doesn't like me at all. Oh, I know who this person is. I scan her Scrapbook's recent entries every so often to see if she's mentioned me at all. In all honesty, I am quite the insecure person. If I know a person dislikes me, and for whatever reason, then I am going to investigate why and how this can be corrected, or at least, explained. I don't like feeling disliked for any reason at all, and if it's just because I said one thing that pisses her off then OKAY! I get it! What I said pissed you off! There is no reason to speak condescendingly to me and to make me feel like a real idiot. I'm not some god-damned child and I can understand if you speak logically and try to be polite to me. Don't continuously give me the impression that you'd rather not have to deal with me at all, because then I'll just feel worse and worse and it will start to bring up some dark, nasty thoughts I've had about myself from the past.

I can be mature about this, other than my incessant whining and pitiful rants, and I want you to at least do the same for me! I don't dislike you, not at all! It bothers me that one teensy incident has totally ruined your perception of me, though! In all seriousness, it shouldn't! You made your point after I made mine, and I apologized because I understand what your saying and the thought process behind it! That doesn't mean that later on you must speak condescendingly and treat me like I'm egotistical. I'm not, just so you know. At least, I don't think I am. I can apologize to you for everything and anything that you may find unsavoury about my personal character, as in myself. In all honesty, I have good practice at it because I've had to do it for someone before since he hated everything that I was and wanted it to change into what he wanted.

I won't change for you, though. I don't like that you don't like me, but I doubt I can change that especially since I am ranting about it. I won't ask you for anything though, okay? I don't want to interact with someone who dislikes me so. I like you enough to want to, but I understand why you wouldn't.

I edited everything you mentioned. Please remove your post.

Thank you.

Have a nice day~

>owo< Alice~
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Riley LaRose on September 25th, 2011, 4:46 am

I like how I said I'd make this about my characters, yet it's insanely personal.

Sometimes, I just wanna go "SQUEE!" and take some of the people here and pull them into a hug! You guys remind me of people I know, and a few remind me of my boyfriend and baby girl. Haha, you guys are so adorable~!!! I wish I knew you all in real life!

Now, I may make the next post a plot post.

Riley likes Jaiun, fyi~
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Riley LaRose on September 25th, 2011, 7:11 am


Me and Chris watched Apollo 18 earlier this evening about an hour after work and OMFG. I am still creeped. Not scared, creeped, because Apollo 18 is creepy. Of course, Chris laughed his arse off about it. :3

I am going to rant about me and Chris making the number 10 whenever we walk up and down the street now. This is going to be a hyper personal post. @-@

So, I'm probably 5'7" right? Or 5'8", depending on who's measuring I suppose. Chris is 5'11. I weigh say, 180. People call me fat. Whatever. Chris says I'm curvy, so I'm curvy and f*** you skinny little whores. Chris, however, weighs 130 and is as lean as a extra lean ground beef. He's a 500 at the place I work, which means he's allowed to empty the baler and carry weights exceeding 50 kg. I work in the babies and I get to call up help every so often and he will come to my rescue because I'm so short. Now, imagine someone like me standing next to Chris. We are the number 10. I got this analogy from Video on Trial or something one day, where the dark haired woman... Omg, what's her name... I want to say Deborah or something, so I'll go with that. Well, Deborah was saying that she has a thing for skinny guys and because she was overweight she and her ideal boyfriend would look like the number ten. I wear this proudly now whenever I'm with Chris, because that's what we are together.

I sooooooooooooooooooooooooo dislike it when girls get all uptight because they are too heavy for their friend's likes or their image. My own adoptive mother is this way, and I just find it so frustrating when people call themselves fat or massive or even "too skinny". Like make up your damn mind! What is ideal these days?! For me and Chris, we seem ideal for each other. He's gorgeous with a fantastic smile and personality. He says I am perfect for him and that I ought to never change, and I never will! For someone else I had to, but I learned my lesson from that particular incident. I love myself the way I am, childish personality, short little plump body and all. I don't give a rat's toxic fart what any skinny little bigot wants to say about me. You wanna know why I'm so fat you tramp? Neon worms. Give them a shot, then join the club. They are so addictive~

I think people need to grow up. They are all too left-brained. I live for the right-brain. Everyone is beautiful just the way they are. Bruno Mars' song should damn well apply to every woman, and I'm sure he wrote it for that. Love your body, your personality, and whatever else you are being put down for. If your depressed be like me! I surround myself with perpetually happy, beautiful people every single day and make magic with our laughter. Need a distraction? Watch Simon's Cat. Want to hear music? Listen to a baby laugh.

People, just please see my point. I'm round and fluffy, so if you're tall and fluffy be happy! You're tall! You don't need to call for assistance! I still would, though, just to see Mr Cuteness come waltzing from the assembly area. I'm incredibly glad to be the way I am, rough edges and all.

Now, I'm gonna go back to Paranormal Activity and then end my evening because I work again tomorrow. Goodnight Miz~ <3
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Riley LaRose on September 28th, 2011, 4:56 pm

Riley LaRose, at this point, has two theme songs.

Breaking the Habit, Linkin Park

The Bird and the Worm, the Used

I shall be sketching the hell out of my fingers to work on concept art to show what a video for these songs would be like when it shows her mind and life. Breaking the Habit is more mentally-attuned to Riley, whereas the Bird and the Worm is partially her physical self.
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Alanys Hyacinth on October 12th, 2011, 12:08 am

Just read the entirety of several Alvadas threads and found particular interest in the one between Seven Xu and Laszlo.

This is why: the discussion on Ethaefal.

It raises a question in me. I wondered if Lethborns are more prone to fits of darkness than Synaborns because Leth himself, as brother of Dira, is a creature of darkness and coldness tempered only by the healthy radiance of Syna. I've read Runas' CS and her Journal, as well as some IC posts, and have found her to be dark, where Laszlo is struggling to be light in some of his Flashbacks. Is it harder for a Synaborn to be angrier? Is it harder for them to feel despair?

I previously had a Synaborn, Noelle, but I deactivated her. She had lived for years upon years and was not filled with the despair written into Runas' character. So age may not be a factor.

Currently, I have a Lethborn: Hoshiko. I am indecisive about her. Will she be angry or calm? She will be one of the eldest Ethaefal, on Mizahar since the first century AV. What should time do to her?
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Cayenne on October 15th, 2011, 9:59 pm

You know, I don't normally make it a habit to comment on people's scraps, but I'd just like to say something in yours.

I think it is extremely hypocritical of you to go "hey, everybody's beautiful" RIGHT after you say:

Chris says I'm curvy, so I'm curvy and f*** you skinny little whores

People come in all shapes and body sizes. Just as some people can't help being overweight, some can't help being slender. It's just the way they're built.

And speaking strictly for myself, calling other women 'whores' because they don't live up to your own 'standards' is basically doing the same thing you rail about, except in reverse.

Also, as a feminist? That is NEVER appropriate to call another woman a whore. Ever.
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Dancing Across Your Soul

Postby Aidara on October 15th, 2011, 10:31 pm

I have to agree with Cayenne. For what you call "mature topics" on "contaoversial subjects" you don't seem to think about what you say at all.
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