[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

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[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

Postby Erzotol Silverden on April 11th, 2011, 5:17 am

The tale of a woman whom taught me love..

In certain grove that is never found, nor ever heard of resides a woman, possessed of the fairest grace, and beauty and clutching a delicate pink lily with blue edges close to her bosom. The haven is a life substaining place, and she is never possessed of any need or want she could ever desire, exept for the feeling of being loved. One day by sheer chance, a certain thief, named Faldor stumbled onto her grove, and encountered the woman, whoms name was Serene.

The two swapped tales of their respective lives, places they had been, and things they had been involved in, and he soon found himself falling in love with the girl and she with him. The place was timeless, and as such the young woman did not know how long she had been there, only remembering the moments of purest happiness it inspired in her. Enjoying the grove as much as her, he decided to stay there for a while spending time with here, and enjoying many, many good conversations with her.

Eventually he realized he would have to leave this blessed place for he had matters back at home to deal with, but he hoped to take this fair maiden with him when he left. Because of this they had not kissed or anyway otherwise consumated their love, on his promise that he wanted to do everything proper, and they become wed first. To do this they would of course need to leave the grove, and despite her desire to stay there she granted that she did long to see the outside world again and thus agreed to his terms.

So the day finally came for them to leave the shelter of the trees, and he walked out without hesitance, and she followed him in kind trusting him fully. As she exited the grove that had kept her alive and young so long, she felt her entire body suddenly begin to age all at once, as all time seemed to catch back up with her. Faldor's smile quickly faded from his face as he saw his love wither before his eyes and she fell weakly into his arms. Softly she whispered "Thank you" and he leaned down and kissed her and then her fastly aging heart finally gave out, and the light fled from her eyes. He turned and tried to take her back into the grove, but he found it was no longer there, only plain open tundra where it once was. Faldor fell on his knees, and wept openly at the death of one so pure, and didn't move as the chill crept over him, and eventually froze him solid, so overcome by grief was he. Eventually, her body aged until it was dust, and blew away, but the ice statue of a man still kneels where he had fallen, and in his lap a pink lily, with blue tips rests, in rememberance of the woman, finally loved, and then lost all in a instant.
Last edited by Erzotol Silverden on April 23rd, 2011, 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Erzotol Silverden
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[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

Postby Erzotol Silverden on April 12th, 2011, 4:52 pm

A Love Great and Small
Some where in the remote wilderness of the mountains lies a old ruined castle. Its fountation has been severly comprimised by time, and it looks as if it is constantly on the brink of toppling. Should one dare it however, and venture far enough inside, they would find a hoard of treasure, a kings ransoms worth. A slender beautiful woman gaurds it however, and although she looks rather weak is possesed of a supernatural strength. People say that the woman was the previous king's Queen, and a witch, and possesed utold powers. Others say that she was somthing wholly unworldy and took over the castle long ago, the sheer amount of treasure slaking her insatible bloodlust. Should you initiate conversation with this woman she will suddenly notice that you are there as if you had been invisible up until that point. She will weave you a tale or two about her history rarely true, and most of them false all in a effort to lure you into dropping your gaurd. By the time you realize that she has changed ever so slightly you can no longer move and you are mostlikely dead. Oh how you wish you could close your eyes now but at last you can't...

History of Her:
A long, long time ago there lived a happy fiefdom, with a kind king and a loving queen and the villagers lives where alright. One night a young woman stole away into the village, her garb revealing her to be from distant lands that they had never seen before. Bright, and flowing with colors the woman's dress soon attracted the attention of every one who by happened to be awake at this time and hour, including the King and Queen. The two benevolent rulers immediatly fell in love with girl and adopted her as their daughter. For a time this was well, and everyone was happy. After a while however, strange things began happening on the castle and village. Phantom's appeared and disappeared and people walked into walls that where previously doors. At the very end of the week the king was looking out of his window to see other atrocities on the villagers. He immediatly grabbed his sword and on his way outside one of the invading soldiers charged at him. Startled that the castle had already been breached, he scarcely got his blade up in time to impale the man rushing him. As the illusion dissolved though he saw that his village was not being invaded, and was not being attacked, and instead had just killed his beloved queen. Overcome by grief he immediatly flung himself through a window, to smash against the stone bridge below. The adopted daughter then assumed rule over the small hamlet, but know one knows what happened from there, only that everyone else besides her was dead, some still caught in the action of killing one another before they themselves where killed.
Last edited by Erzotol Silverden on April 23rd, 2011, 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Erzotol Silverden
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[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

Postby Erzotol Silverden on April 12th, 2011, 4:55 pm

The Lightning flashes like a firefly, spreading darkness through the night.
The lightning is a moment of clarity and the end of the haze.
The wind mutes noise like a unstrumed note, echoing the sound for all to hear.
The wind is the power of will, and the strength of defiance
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Erzotol Silverden
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[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

Postby Erzotol Silverden on September 27th, 2011, 6:40 am

To do lists:

For Nex:

1. Catch up on posts
2. Get unarmed to expert
3. Get flux to competent
4. Find a good job.
5. Develop his relationship with Caiyha further

For Erzotol:

1. Catch up on posts
2. Get longsword, composite bow, and shield up to competent
3. Work on getting loses pertaining to knighthood, Erzotol's ultimate goal.
4. Delve deeper into Erzotols reasons for leaving Endrykas.

For Darian

1. Catch up on posts
2. Find stable work for him
3. Flesh out his past.
4. Develop a knowledge of Akajia

For Corrien

1. Catch up on posts
2. Flesh out her past.
3. Work more threads in the present to rp the difficulties she faces.

For Ragnor

1. Catch up on posts
2. Perhaps work on past.

For Lariat

1. Catch up on grading
2. Catch up on posting
3. Work on certain stuff.

And there we go, a list for myself to look upon.
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Erzotol Silverden
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[Scrapbook of Love] Tales of Love and Woe

Postby Erzotol Silverden on October 2nd, 2011, 6:25 am

Character Notes:

-Character Points (Rhombus, Diamond, Square)

Nex Paciscor

Permanent Traits:


His master made very sure that Nex always knew he was doing wrong. Conflicting with his desire to always please, it warps any pleasure he may get from helping another into a thick blanket of anxiety to the point that any compliments sound sarcastic.


He is nice to anyone unless they are undead, then he hates their guts. Everyone in his eyes deserves his trust, and utmost respect until they prove otherwise, and from then he usually goes his own way, or handles it like a conflict then and there if its serious enough.

Situational Traits:


Nex is often swayed by others ideas, jumping into things at a simple suggestion without much thought of where it might lead, even if he thinks that he has thought it through like a sane person would.


Nex can be bold, should the situation involve a person he cares about, and otherwise manipulate his actions to better reflect whomever wishes he is seeking to align with. Without such a person present, he succumbs to much of the same fears and impulses that distract him.

Erzotol Silverden

Permanent Traits:


His self pride isn't always immediate in conversation, especially with women, but tends to reflect more when he is around men, and especially when he is in battle, or believes something is truly wrong. If someone where to threaten him, or another and he was to view, he would be quick about trying to kill the man no matter what laws may be of the city, or how station might dictate him. Insolent is another word for it, and best reflected how those in the authority have viewed his actions in the past.


Even through his thick skull, he can identify with people if he sticks around to know them. He knows other people have had hard lives, life is harsh in Mizahar after all, and he knows that some people have issues that differ than his along with their own agenda. Peoples fears of touch or commitment don't surprise him, and often softens him, allowing for a small peak into his own mind should they care to look.



Directly in the present of a man higher in the chain of command, he manages to hold his tongue out of respect, and the sense of honor that runs through his blood. It's not to say he doesn't want to chew out the man for whatever he might disagree with only that he has the willpower to keep his mouth shut so long as the time and place dictates it. His honor on the battle field is another thing entirely.


If he doesn't like you, that isn't going to change no matter what you do unless he decides that he likes you again. In a argument, no matter if he might sound like a complete idiot talking way over his head, he will maintain the appearance, and belief that he is right, not caring if the conflict is resolved or not as long as he keeps up with his decision.


Permanent Traits:


Something held in common with the denizens of Sunberth, Darian holds a bleak view of the world, and trusts no one. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants and if someone gets in his way, then that is too bad.


Having a attention to detail is a life saver on the streets of Sunberth. He brings the same amount of attention to his work with bones, and in everything else he does finding it more than helpful with keeping his movements strong and sure. More than one case has such special attention saved his life.

Situational Traits:


Try as he might to constrain his emotions even he has his bad days as old memories and pains resurface, most of the time making him just very introspective and distant, but sometimes surfacing as a break of sanity in the form of hallucinations that makes him especially violent.


He can do what it takes to get what he wants and often times that means hurting, or even killing someone. With no notions of loyalty, and no such rules barring his blade from striking down anyone, he takes care of anyone in his way without a second thought. Sometimes he even enjoys the pain and anguish he inflicts depending on who it is.
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Erzotol Silverden
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