Timestamp: 19th of Fall, 511 AV Location: Cedar Amphitheater The sky seemed so far away. The blue color was deep and darkened slowly as the day drew towards its end, and clouds gathered up slowly in a silent promise of yet another warm day. The setting sun colored the stone of the mountain in hues of gray and brown and red, in some places glittering faintly where the light bounced against shards of polished obsidian, pieces of crystal and glistening minerals. A slow breeze searched its way in onto the open space and played around at the stage, gently caressing the face of the girl as she stared unblinking up at the revolving sky. Lying stretched out on one of the broad upper terraces of the giant amphitheater with a hand dangling over the edge, Rista enjoyed an unusual moment of peace and quiet. It was calm around her; practice had ended for most of the young and not so young Inarta that came here to learn and play, and only a few youths lingered on the steps somewhere below her. She could hear them talking and laughing with muffled voices, someone playing softly on a stringed instrument; they were singing and telling stories with shawls and scarves wrapped around their shoulders to stave off the cooling of the wind, and had lit some candles around their feet to be able to see one another in the disappearing light. The shimmer of the flickering candles danced at the outer range of her vision, but Rista held no desire to join the young men and women in their quiet games. It was enough to lie where she was, listening to the drifting tones and watching as the sun slowly abandoned the sky. It was growing a bit cold in the air but the rock beneath her back was still warm from the exposure of the sun and the breathing of the volcano; nothing more than she could endure. She didn't want to move anywhere. One of her hands played slowly with a tangled braid, her thoughts drifting slowly through the mind. It had been quiet around her for a while now, and Rista found that she appreciated it. The summer had been long and eventful, and the change of the season had brought along many surprises. Not all of them were pleasant. Sometimes she felt as if her life was slowly turning in some direction she couldn't quite discern. It was true that things had changed lately. Her mind wasn't the same as it had been a season ago; strange thoughts and new impressions had invaded her, like her thoughts had been invaded by Seleer some two market days ago. Questions had been asked, difficult and penetrating, and the more she thought about it the more Rista could understand why the Eagle had rejected her after hearing her answers. It was true that in some ways, she wasn't as strong as she should be. There was a lot of fear and doubt within her mind, emotions that stemmed from the very real fact that she wasn't a full-blooded Inarta. She was different, she would always be, and that fact was hard to come to terms with. It was also true that she didn't know what it meant to be half Chaktawe. While the old gatekeeper had begun to teach her the language of the black-eyed people and sometimes spoke of their customs and traditions, the girl found it hard to relate to many of the things he spoke about. For instance, she couldn't picture a place so weathered by sun and wind that the mountains had been torn down and the growth dried away. A land without water, what was that like? Here they had it in abundance, it fell from the sky and ran in the rivers; how could water ever be so rare that lives would be taken because of it? She didn't understand, and it increased her insecurity in herself. This blood that ran through her veins, what kind of secrets did it hold? What kind of hidden abilities was it that Val tried to coax out of her, with that intense look to the piercing blue stare? It was frightening, and yet it was exciting at the same time. If she hadn't already so thoroughly rejected the idea of going to visit the desert-dwelling people, she would have been very tempted to... But there was no way that she would leave Wind Reach. She still had to become more skilled with the bow, and her knowledge of hunting and tracking were far from exemplary. She had so many things to do, so much that she wanted to accomplish. Not to mention that she was starting to find friends among the other casts, strong-minded and wonderful people that to the surprise of the girl actually seemed to care for her.. Voices calling out cheerfully pulled the dark-haired little yasi from her thoughts for a moment, and with a faint sense of curiosity she lifted her head up and turned it, glancing back at the group of people to see what was going on. Their attention seemed to have been drawn from each other, several faces looked up towards a newcomer as they made their way down the tall steps. Squinting a bit, Rista found that it had become quite dark while she mused to herself; she couldn't quite see who it was, only noticing the gestures of the musicians as they offered the person to join them with cheerful smiles, alluring tones of music and laughter drifting from skilled fingers. The light of the candles seemed warm and bright from where she lay, and with a sudden shudder the girl sat up and wrapped the arms around her torso. When did it get so cold? Perhaps it was autumn after all, the nights were getting chilly. |