Well here it is a thread where I will feature one badass every month or so. Maybe more often if I feel like it or get an overwhelming amount of submissions for one person. You may ask yourself "What defines a badass?" or "Do I qualify?" well my friends the wait for a thread that features Mizahar badasses is finally here. So let's get this thread of badassery on line and answer a few questions. But let me get one important notice out there first. This thread is meant to be both comical and serious at the same time. Take it for what it is. Satire meant to flatter the person being featured. What defines a badass? You will know when you see it. Trust me. That is the only guideline I can give for that. Do I qualify? No. If you are asking about yourself or any of your PC's the answer is no. A player only qualifies to be mentioned here and featured if nominated by someone else. But how do I nominate? Easy message me with the reasons why a character qualifies and support for your claim. What do I need as support? Threads, chat log stuff anything solid. Ok I gave Cachet the info now what? Now I will make my decision. Your person may not get featured this go around. But know this if they are badass enough they will be featured. Now enough of that who is first you ask? Well it seemed pretty obvious to me. The very first featured badass of the month... There is a variety of reasons this badass is featured first on this thread. If you really have to ask the below reasons for his badassery follows. IF you don't have to ask then you know what a badass Tarot really is. 1) The creation of thread summaries. He didn't just code this by hand for the entire site, troubleshoot it, test it and get it to work. All this by itself is indeed impressive he did it ON HIS BIRTHDAY! That's right the one day a year you are supposed to sit around and do nothing Tarot decided that he would show his almost manic devotion to the site and do something for all of us. Instead of sitting around and watching some badass movie while eating cake with a combat knife he would give us something awesome. 2) Ever wonder Who kicks the site around and makes it behave like it needs to? Well tada! Tarot does. If he chooses he can beat the site around like a rented mule and make it behave ANY WAY he decides to. That is indeed why he is the webmaster for the site. I can only imagine what would happen if he just vanished...complete chaos. And I have to say we should all respect him for not going AWAL and destroying the place. Because he could indeed drop a digital nukefest on the place like some twisted digital Cold War era Mutually Assured Destruction plan gone horribly wrong (or right). 3) His office Ok if it wasn't enough that he can do what he wants, and does so for the good and enjoyment of all of us he has several other qualities that make his badassery simply tip off scale. I'm going to quote directly from Tarot's office for this.
Yes you read that correctly. Tarot will indeed devise some horrible mouse trap from hell for your character if you request a thread from him. But the mousetrap is indeed engineered specifically to "challenge your PC on every moral and ethical ground" Meaning Tarot is not only a badass, but his threads (traps) turn out badasses. SO basically each and every thread Tarot mods would make Charles Darwin scream like a giddy schoolgirl in excitement. Because it is indeed survival of the fittest. If you request a thread by Tarot you better have the balls and conviction to stand up for what you wrote down on your character sheet. Because Tarot WILL engineer up an elaborate trap that will test EVERYTHING your character is. But it doesn't end there. Oh no how could it? 4) Despite this Tarot can't seem to conjure up mouse traps fast enough for the number of victims he has waiting to be thrown through. That's right despite the fact that he his machines are weapons of character destruction his threads remain sold out. Meaning he has people waiting in line to be tortured. Why you ask? Because Tarot is a badass. He is a gifted writer and plotter and I swear if he really wanted to he and he alone could take over the entire world with a well developed plot and plan of action. The very same method he uses to devise the ornate and wonderful threads that he mods for people. And despite this PC's keep coming back for more like crazed drug addicts. 5) He is who he is Like nearly every great badass in history who has a foundation or award named after them there is indeed a Nobel Prize of Mizahar out there. It is called the "Being Tarot Award". There is only one catch. Only one person has it. And that mysterious individual is the very badass being featured here and now. Unlike the Nobel Prize this award isn't handed out to just anyone. No and the guidelines for receiving this award are cryptic at best; and the only hint comes from Tarot himself.
So the basic schema here is that only Tarot knows and somehow you have to beat Mizahar on Nightmare level. Which I can guess has something to do with somehow surviving multiple threads moderated only by Tarot without your character going insane or killing themselves...or getting killed. Might I add that it seems only Tarot owns this so called strategy guide...and to this day he hasn't let anyone no matter their level of badassery see it. In all I am glad that I could feature Tarot as the first badass. And now that you have an idea of what qualifies; please feel free to send me further nominations. |