Continued from here.
OOCPermission to guestmod given by DS Lariat.
Summer 42, 511 AV
Fire, there was only fire, hot, red fire that seemed to come from the depths of the earth, from somewhere deep under Endrykas or from the sun itself. It was the only thing that existed. It had consumed the whole world, had burned everything to cinders. It had taken a hold of Sama’el’s entire being as he lay there, in the tent, while the two healers desperately tried to find out what was wrong with him. His skin was so hot that touching it was almost painful. It was red as if he had walked through the desert for days and never found shade, never found a cool place to rest. The fire seemed to consume him from the inside ...
His eyes were glassy, and his throat was parched and swollen as if he hadn’t drunk anything in an eternity, and the cool water that Caelum had washed his face with only brought a temporary relief. The things one usually did if somebody had a fever just didn’t seem to work. Sama’el was slowly drifting away, into a different place, into some kind of coma, but never quite reaching it. He wasn’t conscious, but not completely unconscious either. His world hadn’t turned black as an unconscious man’s world would. Instead everything was filled with blinding, bright white sunlight as if he were suddenly high up in the sky.
It was hard to form any kind of coherent thoughts in that state. Everything was blurred. Everything seemed to be melting in the heat. It was incredibly hard for him to make out what Caelum and Denen were saying. Their voices seemed to come from far away, from the other side of the world. It was as if they weren’t important anymore. There was another voice that filled almost his entire being now, a woman’s voice, singing a song, a song of the sun that threatened to take his life. Or maybe it was just a hallucination, brought on by the fever, another step closer to the end.
OOCPermission to guestmod given by DS Lariat.
Summer 42, 511 AV
Fire, there was only fire, hot, red fire that seemed to come from the depths of the earth, from somewhere deep under Endrykas or from the sun itself. It was the only thing that existed. It had consumed the whole world, had burned everything to cinders. It had taken a hold of Sama’el’s entire being as he lay there, in the tent, while the two healers desperately tried to find out what was wrong with him. His skin was so hot that touching it was almost painful. It was red as if he had walked through the desert for days and never found shade, never found a cool place to rest. The fire seemed to consume him from the inside ...
His eyes were glassy, and his throat was parched and swollen as if he hadn’t drunk anything in an eternity, and the cool water that Caelum had washed his face with only brought a temporary relief. The things one usually did if somebody had a fever just didn’t seem to work. Sama’el was slowly drifting away, into a different place, into some kind of coma, but never quite reaching it. He wasn’t conscious, but not completely unconscious either. His world hadn’t turned black as an unconscious man’s world would. Instead everything was filled with blinding, bright white sunlight as if he were suddenly high up in the sky.
It was hard to form any kind of coherent thoughts in that state. Everything was blurred. Everything seemed to be melting in the heat. It was incredibly hard for him to make out what Caelum and Denen were saying. Their voices seemed to come from far away, from the other side of the world. It was as if they weren’t important anymore. There was another voice that filled almost his entire being now, a woman’s voice, singing a song, a song of the sun that threatened to take his life. Or maybe it was just a hallucination, brought on by the fever, another step closer to the end.