Location [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Gossamer on August 3rd, 2009, 6:09 am



Somewhat dusty and removed of all its supplies, the Inner Sanctum has sat empty since the beginning of Summer 510 AV. It's resident Magecrafter, a man named Akvin Kultra, disappeared abruptly the day Glav Navik left for Wind Reach. There have been no reports of when if ever Akvin will return or if another magecrafter will take up residence. While the tables, chairs, and cupboards of the Inner Sanctum are all still in place, every last piece of lab equipment has been stripped bare and shipped onward, reportedly loaded into the vessel "The Blue Horizon" destined for Karjin and parts unknown.

The newest Magecrafter of Syliras, Devandil Nightshade, found the Sanctum unsatisfactory for his particular needs and left it to serve as a workshop for those wishing to practice their magics. He has instead set up shop in the Dra-Kalinor Laboratory in the Fourth Tier behind the Great Bazaar.

He has installed several magecrafted items to ensure the protection of those who wish to practice, including glyphs that are triggered during fires to snuff out the flames and magecrafted windows and wall-hangings which soundproof the room. He stops in occasionally to check the progress of some of the local wizards who haven't quite gotten up the gumption to brave his suites in the basement.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 3rd, 2009, 8:08 pm

Summer 1 509 av

Voreasos just smiled as he heard the stories here. There was another rare Magesmith in the city who could help him learn more. His black cloak warping around him as tightly as it could as he looked around as he made his way inside Stormhold Castle. He heard from the townspeople where the area was at. Even the guards knew even if people were wary of his kind.

He could not help his race was looked down in a fearful way. He knew he could kill but he also knew he would die easily being outnumbered and out classed in terms of just mass. His bones could not handle normal blows meant for other races yet he could do far more then just the simple human could.

His white cloth light blade in hand as he knocked hard on the door before opening it. He was to see Akvin Kultra. An young looking human yet he was told in such a way that he had to question what would be young. Voreasos looked young and was yet what was young to an human or any other race if one took the time to think about it. Age was meaningless in the end as life and death were just stages of being that had the final say in anything. He saw babies just days old die and yet elders live on just because of fate.

The sword was an Gladius ornate short sword type blade that was forged in a good craftsmanship. It was meant as an gift and a way to prove himself. He did not want money, just enough to buy the base items and some on the side and he wanted to learn the craft more. He learned some of it before he left home and now he was seeking an new master and a way to help others.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Gossamer on August 4th, 2009, 8:45 pm


"Don't you wait for a door to be answered before you open it?"
A voice called out from the other side of a worktable where a young man was busy stirring something that was bubbling on a burner fueled by what looked to be a small glowing gemstone. "What do you think this is? A shop? No. Wrong. It's a laboratory and one must wait at the door when knocking otherwise one will be considered extremely rude. Now, go back outside and do it right this time." The man advised, adding something to the bubbling brew and sniffing at the fumes as if to see if his measurements were accurate. He never once looked at Voreasos as his sharp words stretched across the room like an arrow in flight.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 4th, 2009, 9:23 pm

He just did what he was told, quickly back tracking and closing the door as he stayed on the outside. He guessed it was a bit foolish to enter without a word but he was use to things differently at home. Home seemed to be so far away theses days.

He would wait, even if it took hours or days he would wait in the spot. His hands gripping the blade that he just got, his eyes on the door that was closed as his mind moved from thought to thought yet overall staying clear.

He was hoping he did not ruin his slim chance as you only had one when it came to things but he would find out sooner or later. If it came to it he would have to find another area to learn more but that would be a pain and wasted time that could have been spent better.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Gossamer on August 5th, 2009, 8:48 pm


Eventually the door was answered. It wasn't a prompt response, nor was Voreasos left to wait for hours in the hallway. The young man who opened the doorway looked mildly displeased by the interuption, but otherwise said nothing else besides... "Hello. Can I help you with something?" The smell of spicy soup filled the air mixed with fresh baked bread. It was the midday meal time for certain, and Voreasos realized that was probably what was being cooked over the burner in the flask.

He wasn't invited in. Not yet, at least, as Akvin waited for the Symenestra's reply.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 6th, 2009, 7:15 pm

"I am looking for Master Akvin Kultra. From what I have heard of the people in this city I believe you are him. I know my kind here is not the most welcome of all the races in the land but I am not here to find people nor casuse war. I wish to learn more of Magecraft and I heard you were the best....I sadly lack the funds to make any items but I would like to work under you if I may. I have some funds but I lack the funds for all the low-level reagents and materials. However I will buy the items needed of weapons or amour and such and help out around you even if it means staying out of your way."

His voice was soft, prefect in common as they learn the tongue when they were young but Vor was really not like his other kind. He was different and was more or less trying to help others understand that there race was not evil yet he knew he would not be able to as his race was more of the lawful evil type.

However he hoped he could work for Akvin, he hoped he could learn more of his craft and maybe more. If he said no then he would have wasted a very long trip for nothing and feared he would be lost once more.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Gossamer on August 9th, 2009, 2:47 am

Akvin Kultra smiled slightly, adjusted a lock of his hair out of his eyes, and looked thoughtful. The man pretended the previous incident hadn't ever happened. He listened carefully to what Voreasos said then opened the door a bit wider, inviting him in. There was a small crude sitting area with two wing-backed chairs and a crude table in one corner by a hearth opposite of the workbenches. It was to here that Akvin escorted him.

"Have a seat." He said, pouring two cups of tea and offering one to the Symenestra. "Its only tea, but I do enjoy a good cup of Syliran once in a while." He admitted. Akvin looked far too young to be the type to enjoy sitting down having a conversation with a stranger over a spot of tea.

"So, tell me about yourself. I want to know who exactly you are. You want to work for me... but your penniless in that regard. Magecrafting takes a great deal of funding - and even those of us with it find it too expensive to work most of the projects we'd like too. I have an extensive knowledge of it, but to take on an apprentice, I'll need to be getting something out of it. Training someone isn't charity work. There's a time commitment involved that I'm not sure I want to make. I'm sure you can understand that. There has to be some benefit to me. You say you will work, and that's all well and good, but I don't need hard labor. Magecrafting takes very little. Do you have anything you'd trade in exchange for the training? Knowledge perhaps? Sometimes, knowledge here in Syliras is more lucrative than a common gold-rimmed miza." He said, smiling and leaning back.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 9th, 2009, 3:27 am

Voreasos took the cup and slowly drinked a bit of it before placing it down as he looked at him with a smile, trying hard not to scare him and show fangs which took skill from time and pratice.

"My name is Voreasos Alisier, as you can see I am an Symenestra and nineteen. I lived in south of Kalea for most of my life and took up magecraft with a few other things before leaving home. The old Master had to stop due to health reasons and I was not in any shape to really do anything so I do know some of Magecraft work. I also know a bit of Glyphing and Auristics but more of Magecraft. I have made only a few small items but I do know of catalysts and reagents and how to use them effectively but never have used them in the field due to they are hard to come by. I wish to learn all I can and help out." He said as he smiled drinking some more tea.

"I come from the Alisier Web, our eye color are the more colorful type and our outlook is different from other Webs or families as humans would call them. I am not a fighter but I will fight for what I stand for and will not let blood spill that is unneeded both my race and other races. I value life and death along with the idea that blood ties us all together family or not."

"As for what I can offer...is sadly not a whole lot. I can always give more information about my race however some topics I will not be able to talk about as I am sure you can understand as we are a dying race and keep our secrets close. I am not stupid and a quick learner so I am not coming to you with zero understanding. However I can always find more knowledge to give you be it in any area that you wish. I will be able to get small items like this small blade to work with but I would like it if I could get paid for my out of pocket and maybe just a bit more so I won't die of lack of food as I do not prefer to hunt live...things." He said biting his tongue on the word people as he really did not eat people.

Once more placing the tea cup that was now empty on the table watching him with a smile after telling his short tell.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Gossamer on August 9th, 2009, 6:04 am

Akvin looked intrigued. "You wish to help all you can? How so? Aren't humans typically Symenestra prey?" He asked, though his tone wasn't defensive, it was instead curious. "What is so special about Alisier Web other than your eye color? I'd be curious to know why you think that webs outlook is different from other webs?" Akvin couldn't help it. He asked a lot of questions. He always had throughout his life. It was one of the reason he was where he was today and with those that sponsored him.

"What exactly do you stand for, Voreasos? What good is more information when it is censored? Voreasos, if you make a bargin with me for training, its going to be for something I value. I VALUE information, not rhetoric. I can read rhetoric up at Stormhold's library. Thats all humanity knows about the Symenestra. So if you want to make a bargain, make sure its with something that has true value... like information. Information is not common knowledge." Akvin said lugubriously. "If you aren't stupid, then you understand exactly where I'm coming from. There are not a lot of people out here that can teach you magecraft. I know of only a handful that know as much about it as I do. Its an artform AND a skill. It's probably one of the single most powerful magical skills out there. I must be careful of who I teach it too... always." He said, rising to refill the tea cups again.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Inner Sanctum

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 21st, 2009, 9:01 pm

Voreasos just stayed in the chair, a bit lost at the human's words. He wanted information that books could not give, he knew what he meant but it was not common for Symenestra's to share there information with other races due to they were so low in numbers that if humans or other races knew everything of them it could be there downfall not that time was doing a good job on its own.

"Information comes at a price in the end of things...Your books will only have rhetoric information due to not even a single person of my race will willing talk about what we know of us. I know there are stories of my race that you tell your children and they all end the same. Death. You seek a bargain with me in a sense we both seek an unwritten bargain. Then how about this I will share with you bits and fill in the gaps that your books fail on and in return you share with me of the skills and art form of Magecraft."

He said after some thought, he was not running from the human and his idea but he was still unsure as there races never did get along to well. Yet Vor would listen and work something out.
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