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Postby Carsten on October 6th, 2011, 1:32 pm



Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age: 16th of Spring 487, 24
Gender: Male
Heigt: 182 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Light brown


Fluent: Common
Basic:: Vani
Poor: Myrian

Physical Description

Carsten has brown eyes, and dark hair. The most noticeable with him, is however the enlarged left-forearm. At closer inspection, it is not only enlarged, but it seems to be twisted as well, and in fact you can see the white bone beneath the skin if you look closely. Otherwise he appears to be muscular, and in good shape. He stands at 1.82 cm and weighs 75kg. The way he moves suggests that he is used to walking, but that he is no stranger to riding. When he speaks, his voice is monotone and cold, and he almost never betrays his composure by showing feelings or emotions.

His fighting style is an elegant, but deadly, fencing style that he developed in Zeltiva among other fencers at the docks. It relies on speed and footwork, not power and endurance. This has affected his body, as he is fit, but sleek and had it not been for the scars covering his back and hands, and the deformed left-forearm, he would be considered a very pretty man by most women.

His clothing consists of very good boots, white linen pants and a light-blue linen shirt. Above this he often wears his leather armour. It is leather plates fastened on each part of his body, but not around his joints. His left forearm is not plated, as he hasn't been able to acquire a leather place that he could fasten on his misshaped arm. This gives him some protection, but also the mobility he requires for his fencing. He has a dirty and faded green cloak, and his black leather gloves are soft and well-worn.
Last edited by Carsten on November 16th, 2011, 7:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Carsten on October 6th, 2011, 1:41 pm

Character Concept

Carsten is a true follower of Gnora, but he is not devoted to only her, even though he is granted a Gnosis by her. He will often leave an offering to Myri before battle, and has great respect for the Myrians. He also holds great respect for Wysar, for his discipline and self-mastery. Those, along with Gnora, are the gods he mainly worships, but he has often prayed to both Zulrav, Dira and Eyris. Carsten is not a normal Pon, he does not live a normal life in a city, but rather travels the world. He has seen many places and met many people, but he has seen and experienced his share of pain and suffering.

Though he is a cold man, there is still one passion in his heart: Fencing. He does not view this as a weakness, like so many other passions, because without his fencing skills he would have died many times. It is for this reason he has dedicated all his fighting skills to the subject, and it has shaped him mentally and physically. Having spent countless hours practicing footwork, his behavior is clearly influenced by this. He admires finesse and speed, and he admires intelligence over brute strength, all important qualities for a fencer.

Many would call him cold or heartless, as many followers of Gnora are. He is constantly trying to suppress his emotions, but he is not mindless. He is still thinking, always thinking, always trying to find out what happens next and deciding what he should do himself. He does not like to make decisions without knowing everything about a situation, this had made him inquisitive and some would say that he is a reactive, but this is not true. He can be decisive and act quickly when he wishes to, as is evident in his fighting style.

Character History

Carsten was born in Sunberth, but his mother and father gave him away to his uncle in Zeltiva when he was born, a follower of Gnora. Carsten never knew why, and his uncle Marius never talked about it.
Marius was a poor fisherman, and Carsten did not have an easy life. From he was 5 years old he helped his uncle with something, anything from sweeping the house to gathering the fish, but it was never enough and they went hungry many nights. On his seventh birthday, Marius took Carsten on a walk.

They walked to the house of a known Pon of the Ano Cult, and Marius said nothing while they stood in front of the Pon. Though Carsten didn't want to leave his uncle he had often thought of it, because he knew Marius couldn't feed them both, and Carsten didn't want to spend his life as a fisherman. Carsten had seen the situation coming, the last months his uncle had talked to him about Gnora and he became more and more distant of his nephew. Carsten undertood what was happening, his uncle gave him away, but either couldn't or wouldn't face the Pon. He told the Pon that he wished to join the Cult, and without a proper goodbye to his uncle he was taken to a compound belonging to the Cult.

In this compound he trained and prayed for a years, before at the age of 12 being accepted to go through his initiation. In the room, a Counterweight and his Sponsor, Pon Jaquel stood in a dark room, and the Overweight spoke:

Counterweight: We offer you a path unerring. It is a way that divides like a sharpened sword parting chaos and order, justice and imbalance. The path will bring you pain and peace, denial and freedom. Can this child walk the edge of a sword?
Jaquel: The child wants to see the scales still.
Counterweight: And why would a child want that?
Carsten: "To bring order to the world, and to my life. To free myself from blinding emotions, to see true and do what is right. I do not turn away from the edge."
Counterweight: Then it shall not turn from you.
His Sponsor, the Pon from so many years past, cut him with his sword, but Carsten made no sound.
Jaquel: The Initiate wastes neither breath nor time under pain. We proudly accept him.

Carsten was now a Weight in the Ano Cult, and he continued training, both in controlling his emotions and his body. During this training he was taught swordsmanship and how to live of nature.

In his sixth year as a Weight Carsten began to spend his nights at the Zeltivan Docks, usually fencing with sailors. He had shown a talent for fencing at a young age, and he had already bested many sailors. It was one such night he walked towards the docks, and he heard a cry from a dark alley. Then he heard another cry, more muffled this time, and the sound of someone being hit. He turned, and slowly walked into the alley. In the darkness he could see a big man standing over a woman, her skirt torn off and his pants at his feet. Then he grunted of pleasure, and threw the woman back, then hoisting up his pants. Carsten noticed she was crying, and in fact shaking. He drew his rapier, and the sound made the man turn. Carsten recognized him immediately, Captain Christopher of the “Floating Maiden”, a ship that would sail out at dawn. “Well… If it isn’t the lackey of the Heartless One.” He spat, while fastening his belt.

Carsten wasted no more time, and immediately attacked with a flèche, lunging forward towards Christopher, who didn’t expect such an explosive attack. As he hadn’t gotten his weapon out yet, he tried to protect his face with his forearms. The rapier cut through his arm into the bone, and Christopher cried out in pain. The woman had stopped crying, she just watched as Carsten recovered his rapier and stabbed the man’s feet. He fell on the ground in pain. “D-don’t kill me!” he begged, as Carsten took his dagger and threw it away. “Pleasure must be offset by pain…,” Carsten said in his coldest and most emotionless way he could as he took out his dagger and cut open his stomach. Blood and acid started gushing out, the acid burning his wound and skin. “It will only get worse.” He said, and as Christopher writhed in pain on the ground, Carsten walked over to the woman. She was a pretty girl, but nothing unusual, Carsten suspected she worked as a barmaid whom Christopher followed home. He shot a glance over at the man, still lying and writhing in a pool of his own blood.

“And pain must be offset by pleasure.” He said matter-of-factly to her, and knelt beside her, offering her his waterskin. She reluctantly accepted and drank down. “Come. Your wounds shall be tended to.” He said as he got up. “Wh-what about h-him?” she asked, pointing at the now dying captain. “He will bleed out.” He said, and started walking out to the street again. The woman followed him. They said nothing. Carsten knew it was no time to talk, she had been used and even though the offender was now dead, he hadn’t done it for her. No, that was for the world. Balance and order must rule. He cleared his mind. He could meditate on the events later.

They approached the house of a Pon of the Ano Cult, one Marked by Rak’keli. He explained the situation to him, and as Carsten washed the blood of his clothes, he tended to the woman’s wounds. When they were finished, she looked shaken, but not as broken as earlier. “I can’t thank you enough.” She stammered out. “Come with me.” Was all Carsten said, and she reluctantly followed him out into the street. They walked in silence for a while. “I am Isabella.” She said quietly. “I am Weight Carsten of the Ano Cult.” He responded, but another word wasn’t uttered until they reached “The Kelp Bar”. Carsten paid for a room for her, and followed her up. “Goodbye.” Was the only word he said, then he left before Isabella could utter a word.

On his way back, he stopped by the alley, to confirm that Christopher was dead. The body didn’t move, and the eyes were lifeless. Carsten stood looking at the body for a while, then he returned to the compound. For the first time in his life, he had murdered someone.

That night, he lay in his bed and slept, alone in his dorm, when he awoke from a sound. He got up, and noticed a woman draped in the robes of a Counterweight, but something was off. “What is most dear to you?” a voice said. It was a female voice, but it did not sound like it came from the woman, it sounded like it came from the entire tent. “I have none,” Carsten replied, he now suspected this Counterweight to be Gnora. She took a step towards him. Then another one. Carsten could see her features from under the veil, but he avoided to do so. It would not be good to stare at his goddess, he suspected. Then she suddenly grabbed his left forearm, and held it. An excruciating pain shot through Carsten’s body, and he grunted, but remained upright. Then Gnora let go, and she disappeared, but the pain in his arm remained. As he looked closer, he saw it had grown, and twisted itself. Then he fell asleep. When it was discovered the next day, it took only a few more until he was taken to his Purjin Trials.

A few days after being Marked by Gnora, Carsten's swordsmanship tutor took him toa dark room. In the room stood Jaquel and a Counterweight, and in front of the Counterweight there was a table filled with food and drink. He ate and drank without a word, and the Counterweight took him into another room. On the table there lay a piece of paper with questions, and quill and ink. Carsten sat down, and started answering, but the mirage started working. Carsten concentrated all he could on the questions and ignored the hallucinations, and was finished with less than a minute of the time remaining. The Counterweight looked over his answers, before leading the drugged Weight into another room. The Counterweight immediatly started questioning him, with questions ranging from his thoughts on the city to philosofical questions to riddles. Carsten replied as quickly as he could, sweat running from his body and the mix of the drugs and difficult questions confused him.
Despite this, he seemed to answer satisfactory. Time was difficult to measure during the Trials, but he remembered that a sword was thrown at his feet, and he was told to attack the Counterweight. Wasting no time, he grabbed the sword and lunged at the Counterweight. The Counterweight parried and counter-attacked, but Carsten had already moved away. After parrying a few of the Counterweight's attacks, Carsten knew he couldn't keep it up for long, and switched to a more aggressive tactic. With fast and heavy blows he hammered at the Counterweight, until finally catching him off guard and managed to kick him down and disarm him.
Without a word, the Counterweight got up and took Carsten into another room, completly dark. Suddenly the Counterweight was no longer behind him, and he felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder. He made a grunt, but quickly fell to his knees to meditate and calm himself. Then an even fiercer questioning started, trying to get him off balance. Carsten remained on his knees, even when he was cut, and didn't make a sound or even flinch when he was cut.
He didn't remember much of the questioning, only that he answered the questions as calmly as he could. Then suddenly the questioning stopped, and he was given some water to drink. The dehydrated Carsten knew it was drugged, but he gulped it down as quickly as possible. Then the hallucinations got really bad. Carsten has to this day not told anyone that what he faced was in fact his parents giving him to his uncle, outright saying they did not want him. Through the hallucination, he remained seated on his knees, and only watched in silence.

When he left the room, he was tired, bloodied, beaten and starving, he entered a room, where his tutors, Jaquel, and a Counterweight congratulated him. The rest of the night he ate, drank and his wounds were tended to, and his hood was removed. Finally a full Pon.

Carsten spent another year in Zeltiva, practicing and learning. He would spend his days reading, praying and praciting, before spending his evenings fencing against sailors at the docks. But after a year he felt that he could no longer remain. Unlike many other Pons, he wanted to make a bigger difference than solving small conflicts in a city, and he wanted to see the world. He packed his things, and set out for Sunberth, but he left after only a week, in which he had been tried robbed or mudered over five times. The next five years of his life was spent travelling, visiting the snowy wastes of Avanthal, the metropolis of Syliras, the pavilions of Endrykas, the canals of Ravok, the deserts of Eyktol, and many other places, setting himself a goal to meet every race in the world, and setting his foot in every city in the world.
Last edited by Carsten on November 16th, 2011, 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The duelist
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Postby Carsten on October 6th, 2011, 1:47 pm

Skill Rank Acquisition
Weapon, rapier 37 +30 SP, +3 XP, +1 XP, +3 XP
Weapon, dagger 17 +15 SP, +2 XP
Wilderness Survival 15 +15 RB
Riding, horse 7 +5 SP, +2 XP
Rhetoric 5 +5 XP
Interrogation 4 +4 XP
Weapon, cutlass 3 +1 XP, +2 XP
Mathematics 2 +2 XP
Teaching 2 +2 XP
Meditation 1 +1 XP
Intimidation 1 +1 XP
Observation 1 +1 XP
Socialization 1 +1 XP

Lore Acquisition
Facts and Myths about the Barbarians of Falyndar SP
The Zeltivan School of Fencing SP
The Pain of a Good Workout [Flashback] Fencing on the docks
Making it to the Finals [Flashback] Fencing on the docks
Severing First Hand [Flashback] Fencing on the docks
Noticing and Using Advantages [Flashback] Fencing on the docks
Almost Winning..Otherwise Known and Losing [Flashback] Fencing on the docks
Entering the Jungle [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Myrians (basic) [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Talking of the Gods [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Dhani (basic) [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Not Feeling Worthy [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Hoping not to Offend [The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar
Normality in Suffering [Flashback]One Final Duel
Feinting in Combat [Flashback]One Final Duel
Burials at See [Flashback]One Final Duel
A Change of Heart [Flashback]One Final Duel

Severing - Rank 1

Secret :
[color=black]In his sixth year as a Weight Carsten began to spend his nights at the Zeltivan Docks, usually fencing with sailors. He had shown a talent for fencing at a young age, and he had already bested many sailors. It was one such night he walked towards the docks, and he heard a cry from a dark alley. Then he heard another cry, more muffled this time, and the sound of someone being hit. He turned, and slowly walked into the alley. In the darkness he could see a big man standing over a woman, her skirt torn off and his pants at his feet. Then he grunted of pleasure, and threw the woman back, then hoisting up his pants. Carsten noticed she was crying, and in fact shaking. He drew his rapier, and the sound made the man turn. Carsten recognized him immediately, Captain Christopher of the “Floating Maiden”, a ship that would sail out at dawn. “Well… If it isn’t the lackey of the Heartless One.” He spat, while fastening his belt.

Carsten wasted no more time, and immediately attacked with a flèche, lunging forward towards Christopher, who didn’t expect such an explosive attack. As he hadn’t gotten his weapon out yet, he tried to protect his face with his forearms. The rapier cut through his arm into the bone, and Christopher cried out in pain. The woman had stopped crying, she just watched as Carsten recovered his rapier and stabbed the man’s feet. He fell on the ground in pain. “D-don’t kill me!” he begged, as Carsten took his dagger and threw it away. “Pleasure must be offset by pain…,” Carsten said in his coldest and most emotionless way he could as he took out his dagger and cut open his stomach. Blood and acid started gushing out, the acid burning his wound and skin. “It will only get worse.” He said, and as Christopher writhed in pain on the ground, Carsten walked over to the woman. She was a pretty girl, but nothing unusual, Carsten suspected she worked as a barmaid whom Christopher followed home. He shot a glance over at the man, still lying and writhing in a pool of his own blood.

“And pain must be offset by pleasure.” He said matter-of-factly to her, and knelt beside her, offering her his waterskin. She reluctantly accepted and drank down. “Come. Your wounds shall be tended to.” He said as he got up. “Wh-what about h-him?” she asked, pointing at the now dying captain. “He will bleed out.” He said, and started walking out to the street again. The woman followed him. They said nothing. Carsten knew it was no time to talk, she had been used and even though the offender was now dead, he hadn’t done it for her. No, that was for the world. Balance and order must rule. He cleared his mind. He could meditate on the events later.

They approached the house of a Pon of the Ano Cult, one Marked by Rak’keli. He explained the situation to him, and as Carsten washed the blood of his clothes, he tended to the woman’s wounds. When they were finished, she looked shaken, but not as broken as earlier. “I can’t thank you enough.” She stammered out. “Come with me.” Was all Carsten said, and she reluctantly followed him out into the street. They walked in silence for a while. “I am Isabella.” She said quietly. “I am Weight Carsten of the Ano Cult.” He responded, but another word wasn’t uttered until they reached “The Kelp Bar”. Carsten paid for a room for her, and followed her up. “Goodbye.” Was the only word he said, then he left before Isabella could utter a word.

On his way back, he stopped by the alley, to confirm that Christopher was dead. The body didn’t move, and the eyes were lifeless. Carsten stood looking at the body for a while, then he returned to the compound. For the first time in his life, he had murdered someone.

That night, he lay in his bed and slept, alone in his dorm, when he awoke from a sound. He got up, and noticed a woman draped in the robes of a Counterweight, but something was off. “What is most dear to you?” a voice said. It was a female voice, but it did not sound like it came from the woman, it sounded like it came from the entire tent. “I have none,” Carsten replied, he now suspected this Counterweight to be Gnora. She took a step towards him. Then another one. Carsten could see her features from under the veil, but he avoided to do so. It would not be good to stare at his goddess, he suspected. Then she suddenly grabbed his left forearm, and held it. An excruciating pain shot through Carsten’s body, and he grunted, but remained upright. Then Gnora let go, and she disappeared, but the pain in his arm remained. As he looked closer, he saw it had grown, and twisted itself. Then he fell asleep.

Equipment and Possessions
Item Acquisition
1 Set of linen clothing Starting package
1 Waterskin Starting package
1 Backpack Starting package
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Starting package
Food for a week Starting package
1 eating knife Starting package
Flint & Steel Starting package
1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags Starting package
One Kavinka Paintedmount named Diego Starting package
1 Dagger Starting package
One empty book, 2 vials of ink and a quill Bought outside any threads

ImageA finely crafted rapier that was given to him not long after becoming Pon. The rapier was a gift from a Zeltivan captain, who set out the next day but shipwrecked near the Eyktolian coast.[/center]
Last edited by Carsten on January 16th, 2012, 2:35 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby Carsten on October 6th, 2011, 1:48 pm

100 gold Mizas, Starting Package
- 10 gm, Leather Armour
- 2 gm, Dagger
- 10 gm, book
- 4 gm, 2 vials of ink
- 0,005 gm, quill

= 73,995 gold Mizas
Last edited by Carsten on November 15th, 2011, 1:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Carsten on October 10th, 2011, 6:14 pm

Thread List

Thread Date Participants Status
[Flashback] Fencing at the docks 3rd of Summer 506 AV Solo Completed
[Flashback] One Final Duel 78th of Summer 507 AV Solo Completed
[Flashback] A Smith and a Fencer 69th of Fall 507 AV Rhuryc Ongoing
[Flashback] A Needle and a Horse 56th of Fall 509 AV Bolden Denusk Ongoing
[Flashback] A New Weapon and a New Price 19th of Summer 510 AV Mazirion & Stranger Halted
[The Northern Pass] Entering Falyndar 51st of Fall 511 AV Siiri & Revy Hiroe Completed
Last edited by Carsten on November 5th, 2011, 11:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The duelist
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