[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Revy enters Falyndar, including all of it's dangers.

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Revy Hiroe on October 6th, 2011, 10:54 am

Timestamp: 25th Fall 511 AV
A regular size trade vessel anchored in front of the small dock, but far from the shore. Men were anxiously waiting at the side of the ship as a small rowboat was left down to water. A single person was on it and a long rope lead from the rear of the small craft back up to the ship. "Well, cya guys. Have a safe journey.", the woman shouted from the raft as she started rowing towards the small dock. She had all of her equipment with her, tied down properly to her new and bigger backpack. She had used a bit of the Mizas she got as reimbursement for her horse to get it from the crew. They just happened to have one laying around. So now there lay two backpacks in the boat, one filled with the small items and the other filled with her tent, while the sticks for it were tied on top.

But what lead up to this was a single woman in Riverfall managing to intimidate a captain enough so that he'd allow her to do it. Here's a quick flashback of the event itself.

Small Flashback :
Revy walked up to a trade vessel, her horse behind her, her shield strapped on her back and her sword at her hip. She wanted to get to Falyndar as she had gotten very curious what these savage myrians were, that everyone was talking about. They couldn't be that dangerous, right? Everything that lives could get killed, so did the myrians then.

The mercenary noticed the captain giving orders to get the cargo loaded onto the ship and walked right up to him. Her tread was certain, unfaltering and bold. "You the captain of this ship?", she asked bruskly.

The captain then turned to the person talking to him and was a little surprised to see a woman fully clad in armor, standing there as if she owned guy. He was taken a little aback, but quickly regained his composure again. "Yes I am, may I ask who you are, asking me so disrespectful?"

The mercenary looked coldly at the captain, not flinching ones by his words. It was more as if what he said didn't affect her in the least. "I want you to set me ashore at Falyndar. As a return I'll sell you my horse with the saddles, for only the halfprice of the horse. I don't care what you think of doing it, as long as you do it.", she said coldly. Right after she turned around and started to walk to the ship, not waiting for a reply. Just before she reached the plank to get on the ship, she turned around and said: "Oh right, forgot to mention this... You don't have a choice in the matter. so deal with it."

The captain stood there watching with his mouth open as the woman demanded to be taken to Falyndar. The crew shifted uncertain around the deck as they had heard the full conversation. None of them really wanted to go against her, but they certainly didn't want to get even near the dock where she could be dropped off. The captain looked at his crew and heaved a sigh. He looked at the horse the mercenary had with her and saw that it was still in good condition luckily. As a bonus the saddle and tack seemed to be in good condition as well. "Sorry everyone, I'll try to get a good solution to this problem along the way, but I don't want to anger this mercenary. All of them are unreasonable at all times.", he thought as he started to shout to get the mercenary aboard with her gear and everything.

The mercenary rowed to the dock without much problems, though a couple crocodiles did come up to check her out. She didn't react much to them, but she kept her eye on them anyway, for when they'd try to attack she'd have to react quickly. As she reached the dock, she got out, got both of her backpacks and waved at the ship to show that she'd safely reached the dock. Just as she started waving, the rowboat was getting pulled back quickly. The crew was in a real rush to get the heck out of there.

"What a bunch of wussies.", she thought to herself as she laughed seeing the rowboat getting pulled back fast. Turning around, she put one of the backpacks on her back, and the other in front of her. It was the easiest and lightest way to carry them. The wood cracked a little under the weight of the mercenary, but that was so with any dock. Revy felt that she was being watched, but simply walked to the shore, where she waited to see what would happen.

OOCI hope this is a good entry post, just PM me or nudge me on chat if it isn't. I hope that minor flashback is allowed as well. Can't timestamp it yet, but the journey itself is calm and everything. I don't know how long it would take for a regular trade vessel to reach that spot.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Siiri on October 6th, 2011, 2:50 pm

"Guard duty, can you believe it?" Siiri griped as she whittled away on a block of wood with one of her daggers. The keen edge of the steel blade easily shaved chips off the mahogany block, the sheared pieces falling noiselessly to the ground below. The Myrian warrioress did not know was going to carve yet as she was only beginning to peel away the corners of the rectangular object. She had learned well from one of her mentors, Baba, allowing her fingers to 'see' the wood by tactile feel as she imposed her will, not to mention her blade, on it to change its shape.

"You have to understand, Siiri, we were decimated pretty badly, what with Amir and Noni struck down from out last outing, and you on the shelf with your injury. Eena was glad to take any assignment she could get for us," the usually reserved Onna explained.

Siiri tuned out the younger woman. She did not need to be reminded of the fact, as she and Eena already had a heated and rather violent discussion about the state of their fang. A frown formed on her brow as she recalled that event and chips started flying from her carving as she worked on it furiously. Carving had always been a soothing exercise for her when she first discovered it, but now her frustrations - on both Eena and the slow healing of her own injured arm - were beginning to seep through the each flick of her dagger.

"Aye, and Mistress Swooping Talons wanted ye as far away from her as possible 'fore ye start running yer mouth again. She be wit' yer little doggy girl, findin' -"

"Shut up, Garou."

It was another sore point for the Snapping Jaws warrior: her bondmate was not with her, having been employed by Eena to act as messenger girl as she looked for temporary members to fill in for their absent comrades. The man Siiri had rudely cut off took no offense at her words, cackling instead from his position of hanging upside down from a tree branch. His laughter soon turned into coughing and it wasn't long before hocked up (or down as the case were) spit and phlegm and spat the wad out at her direction. It goopy missile narrowly missed Siiri's carving before it hit the tree trunk beside her with a soft splat.

"Ever are you a disgusting var'tsa,"
Siiri muttered sa she resumed the motions with her blade, boring shallow canals on the wood's surface this time using the dagger's tip. Onna, sitting cross-legged on a separate branch across her, long bow on her lap, chuckled in amusement at the pair. Her gaiety was interrupted when a shrill, bird-like whistle sounded right above them. It was Kai, the fourth member of their group, giving out the prearranged signal for trouble. All three stood immediately from their perches, instantly alert. Garou righted himself, Onna nocked an arrow on her bow, and Siiri sheathed her dagger and quickly stuffed the half-finished carving into her pack. She looked up questioningly at the girl who gave out the warning. In response, Kai raised her hand to point to the sea.

A small ship had dropped anchor a couple of hundred yards from the dock.

"Onna, take up positions with Kai,"
Siiri ordered without hesitation. "Garou, to me."

The pair immediately obeyed her commanding words, Onna climbing higher up the tree to hide within its canopy with her fellow archer, Kai. The two of them would stay out of sight and serve as missile support for the two fighters - standard Myrian tactic when operating within the jungle. The vessel was within the range of their arrows, but with the strong breeze coming from the open sea, Siiri knew that their aim would be quite off and they would just be wasting their ammunition if they fired. So she restrained from giving the order, instead turning to Garou to consult the more experienced veteran.

"That one of those from the Rock?"
she asked in a whisper.

Garou shook his wild hair in reply. He had seen the vessels coming from Black Rock before, and even had the chance to ride the strange ships, and the one they were spying on right now was certainly not from that unnatural place.

"Looks like a trading vessel."

"Then what's it doing stopping here? They're not getting anything from our land!"


Sage advise, one which Siiri complied to. In silence, the two Myrians kept their eyes glued on the ship. There seemed to be a fair bit of activity on its deck as a rowboat was lowered to the water and a lone figure climbed down to it. No one else among the crew joined the person, though they did provide him or her a length of rope which was then subsequently tied to the smaller craft's stern. The figure began to row for the docks.

"What's that? A prisoner exiled? A scout?"

"Not a prisoner. Saw 'em put two bags on the boat 'fore they dropped it in the water."

Siiri snorted. "Don't tell me that's a merchant coming in for trade?" she asked, her tone incredulous.

"Maybe. But seems a one way trip though. See the rope?" Garou pointed at the rowboat's tail end and traced his finger to point back at the ship's deck, where several men were uncoiling more of the rope's length as the boat drew nearer. "They be pullin' it back soon as it makes land. This one be comin' here willingly."

"A fool then," Siiri decided. She dropped down to the ground, the dead leaves on the jungle floor cushioning her fall. A rustle behind her told her that Garou had followed suit. "Come, let us welcome our guest."

The two of them broke from the cover of the trees, their pace matching the stranger's approach such that they would meet at the midpoint of the dock. Nearer now, Siiri could see that the lone boatman was in fact woman. She looked well-built, probably a warrior. And she carried herself with confidence as well. It was looking to be an interesting encounter. Still, Siiri was not worried.

The woman was only ever a human, after all.

she called out while they were a mere spear's throw away from each other. "Identify yourself and your purpose here, deyhan!"

OOC Notes :
var'tsa - wild boar or feral pig. Var = pig-like, porcine; tsa = tusk or horn
deyhan - outsider

Siiri's Half-fang:
Garou - 37, M
Amir - 28, M (out of action)
Onna, 24, F
Kai - 18, F
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Revy Hiroe on October 6th, 2011, 6:01 pm

The large mercenary saw two people breaking through the foilage and smirked a little as she saw that the both of them were pretty muscular. Her body started to ache for a fight, seeing that she hadn't had one in a long while now. The last one she had was back in Sunberth, and that was more then a season ago. "Oh man I want to fight those two. But the woman seems injured. Tsk, wouldn't be a fair fight and thus no fun. Argh......", she thought to herself.

"Halt! Identify yourself and your purpose here, deyhan!"

Revy pulled up an eyebrow as the woman spoke to her. Her tone was offensive, even though the mercenary hadn't done anything wrong..... yet. But anyway, it wouldn't hurt to introduce herself. "I'm Revy Hiroe, a mercenary that hasn't been beaten once. I practically do any job if the pay is right. As for what I'm doing here..... Let's keep it to me being interested in the myrians and the goddess Myri." Her tone was calm, not really angered or anything and showed that she didn't really want to do anything bad yet. "But... if you weren't injured, woman whatever your name is, I would've wanted to fight you. You seem like a pretty good fighter and I've been itching for a fight lately."

The large woman took off her helmet and held it under her arm. The wood of the dock made a few noises as she shifted her weight onto her right foot. It wasn't a sound that Revy trusted much, but it should be shallow water where she was. That was her only hope right now, seeing that she couldn't possibly swim with that armor of hers. "Well, would you mind that I get off this dock? I'd rather not land in the water right now. This armor would prevent me from swimming........... not that I can swim anyway. Oh, right... would you also be so kind as to tell me your names?", she asked with an emotionless voice. She mostly kept her look pinned on the woman of the pair, she was intriguing. Revy just felt she HAD to fight her, but she did want a fair fight, as that would be the most fun.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Siiri on October 7th, 2011, 3:00 am

OOC Notes :
Unless otherwise stated, Myrians speaking to another Myrian will always converse in the Myrian language. Meaning they will only speak Common when directly addressing Revy.

The two Myrians exchanged a brief glance at each other at the woman's, Revy she said her name was, introduction before bursting into a fit of laughter. The sound of it would be harsh and demeaning to the human's ears. It was meant to be so, coming from the two warriors. Siiri herself thought the stranger had a bloated sense of pride in herself. She had seen the type even among her people, having trained a number of them herself the first time they joined the army - they were like children, playing as invincible fighters until their first crushing defeat. Some never truly recover from the blow to their egos. She wondered if this woman before her would be the same. She looked comfortable, too comfortable, in the alien landscape and hardly seemed fazed standing in front of two people who belonged to a race that was mainly featured in gruesome stories whispered around adventurers' campfires. The Myrians were well aware of the tales told about them by outsiders.

"What makes you think the Goddess-Queen has any interest in you?... That we Myrians have any interest in you? Sellswords like you will find no profit here, human. None know the art of war and combat better than we, and we are legion. We have no need of you."

"Now why don't ye be tellin' us what yer really doin' here?"

It was the first time Siiri had heard Garou speak to a trespasser. Usually, he just allowed her to confront them and followed her lead, whether it was engaging them in combat or giving them the chance to turn tail and flee. Right now he was acting nonchalant though, picking his teeth with a wicked-looking dagger and not even looking at Revy, as if he did not really care what the human would answer. Siiri sensed it was all an act, but it was one uncharacteristic of her companion. Did the man know something about this human that she did not? Or was he waiting for her to pick it up herself?

"A fight?" Siiri echoed, looking down at her bandaged arm when the human challenged her from out of the blue. It did not make sense to her. Did this woman come all the way here, risking death in the saltwater crocodile-infested waters around the dock just to challenge the first person she encountered? She wondered if the woman was daft, and she recalled a particular Konti she had met before who was slightly unhinged as well. Were all outsiders suicidal?

"Why would I bother fighting with you? Ten arrows are trained on you right now and I only have to give the signal before they pierce your flesh. Your blood would stain the rotted planks you stand on even before you can draw that pigsticker of yours." Siiri's lip curled as she gestured at Revy's longsword. She was lying about the number of archers of course, but the human did not know that. She wanted to see how the woman would react when faced with the possibility of her own doom.

"We could always just kill her," Garou offered, still picking his teeth. "I am kind of hungry..."

"Shut up." To Revy, Siiri said, "Not another step from you until we know what you have come to find in Falyndar. Seldom do deyhan willingly venture into our lands, and never do they come here looking for a fight."
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Revy Hiroe on October 7th, 2011, 7:18 am

The mercenary knew that a question like that would come. After all, she was just a visitor, unknown to them or the land to her. She didn't think for a second that the myrians would be interested in her at all, but she'd make it so that they would be. "I never said anything about that, I just said that I was interested in you guys. You see... there are no people from my race that have beaten me so far and I started to think there wouldn't be any either. That's why I came here in the hope of an interesting fight. I live for the fights, for the fray and adrenalin of a heated battle. There isn't anything that can get my blood boiling like a good fight can. And right now, my whole body is aching for a fight."

Revy smiled wickedly as she shifted her weight again, the wooden planks cracking a little under the stress. She wanted to grab her shield, but that would probably be seen as a form of aggression right now. While she was in no hurry to die, she wouldn't mind if she got killed in a fight. "Well, ten arrows is a bit much, but... I didn't want to fight a deathmatch, but more something like a good spar? Injuries would of course be regrettable, but those can't be avoided anyway." She licked her teeth as she fantasized about how steel would meet steal, causing her blood to start boiling. Her eyes got a little bloodcrazed and she started to give off an aura of her lust for battle.

Slowly the large woman set her backpacks on the rotten planks, revealing the towershield on her back. "Oh come on, I want to fight so bad. Can't they just let me on land so I can have a duel. I'd hate to lose, but if it's a good fight, no hard feelings. Give me a fight you piece of shyke.", were her thoughts as she started to loosen her towershield a little incase they'd attack. It was just a precaution, but she didn't want to take the risk of dying just yet.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Siiri on October 8th, 2011, 8:57 am

Storm clouds formed on Siiri's brow at the woman's persistent insistence in picking a fight with her. She seemed determined in her course and the Myrian realized that no amount of words would dissuade the fool from her chosen course of action. She could easily have ordered the two archers to bring the woman down and that would have been the end of it, but Siiri decided to teach her a lesson in humility instead. That and thinking before opening one's big mouth. Siiri motioned to draw her greatsword, but Garou's hand was there to catch her wrist.

"Let me fight the fool. We'll be feasting on her innards 'fore the end of the day."

"This is my fight."

"Piss, girlie, yer arm's not fully functioning yet an' ye don' even know how well this 'un fights. A fool she may be but she be built like a fool who knows how to handle herself, eh?"

Siiri leveled the man a hard stare, the scar running down her left eye lending malevolence in the severe expression. "She called me out. You expect me to just stand here?"

"Now yer soundin' like them uptight knights from out east..."

"Never heard of them. Now stand aside."

The man shrugged. "Suit yerself. Don't be callin' out to me to save ye when ye fall on yer ass."

"Stop watching my ass."

"I ain't Amir, girlie."

Siiri rolled her eyes at Grou's reminded of their injured comrade. Amir had been a lover to her once, an older man who showed her how it was to be a woman, but he failed in maintaining her interest and now he was nothing but another warrior under her command. Had he been here, he would be the first to insist to take out Revy, and would have put up more of a resistance compared to Garou's banter at Siiri's choice to fight the human. She sighed inwardly. Sometimes the man's affection bordered on being insulting. Siiri did not like being coddled.

Pushing all thoughts of the absent man to the back of her mind, the Snapping Jaws warrior eyed the human even she she pulled Slayer from the scabbard strapped to her back. Siiri's tactical mind was already at work as her hands unconsciously spun the weapon around her in slow circles, a brief exercise to warm up her muscles. The massive blade was longer than she was tall, giving her an exceptional reach advantage over Revy's relatively shorter longsword. She doubted the human could match her strength as well, even if it was true that her right arm was still healing from the injury she suffered last season. To Siiri's practiced eye, it would be the unique shield Revy wielded that could pose a problem to her. The spikes in front and on the sides of the shield provided the human with additional weapons, and she could attack behind its protection as well. Save for the frame, it was mostly made of wood, and that was something at least. Siiri could batter through wood. She decided her first order in the fight would be to separate the human from her shield. What kind of combatant fought behind a protective covering anyway? Were they warriors or turtles? Siiri had never believed in defensive fighting anyway. one could only protect themselves for so long before they grew tired and made mistakes because of it, leading to injury and death without going into the offensive. Better to smash through one's enemies with overwhelming force and end the fight quickly and decisively.

Slayer stopped its spin, standing rigid in front of Siiri now as she brought it into a neutral position. Her stance was in reverse traditional - right leg leading over her left, and her left hand gripping the hilt of her greatsword over her right - as she favored her injured arm. She did not care that presenting herself this way made it obvious to her opponent that the power of her swings would mostly come from the strength of her left arm.

"You should have stuck to fighting the sheep among your race as there is no such thing as a practice sparring among my people," Siiri said, her words coming out as both advice and insult. "Draw your sword then, human, and prepare to taste Myrian might."
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Revy Hiroe on October 8th, 2011, 9:57 am

The grin on the mercenary's face widened until it couldn't widen anymore. That myrian woman was going to fight her, despite her injury. It wouldn't be fair to her, but if she wanted to fight, then she could get one, after all, the mercenary was looking for one. Her eyes locked onto the guy that prevented the woman from drawing her sword, but apparently the woman didn't want to have any of this as she drew her massive weapon anyway.

"Hmm, that massive blade might be a bit of a problem, but that just makes it the more interesting.", Revy thought as she saw the twohander of the myrian. She also took note of the stance of the myrian. She favored her left which could mean that she was either left handed, or she wanted to lighten the burden on her right arm.

The large woman let out a soft chuckle at the attempt of the other to try and insult her like that. Too bad for her was that Revy thought exactly the same about the rest of the humans like that as well. "I didn't come here for a training spar. I came here for a fight.", she replied with a flared up voice. Her joy and bloodthirst seeped through as she spoke.

Slowly drawing her longsword and sliding the shield from her back, she went over her plan. The trick was getting in range and that would mean she had to either rush in, or manage to disarm the woman. In terms of strength Revy knew she would be the underdog, but she just had to use her shield to overcome that bit.

Sliding her arm through the leather bands on the inside of the shield, she mentally prepared herself to just rush in. "Rushing would be the best option. I'll have to block the initial blow with my shield and hope that I won't get knocked over, while I try to get in range for a swing myself. My blade is only 3.8feet long. Meh, gonna be tough, but fun!"

Lifting her shield up, she prepared herself in the regular stance, left foot front, shield in front of her, covering most of her body as she looks over it. Her longsword held horizontal next to her. "Come on. Let's get it on. I want to have some fun again.", she sneered. Her eyes showed her joy, her bloodlust and her confidence. She was slowly moving towards Siiri, as she didn't want to risk falling into the water just yet. But just as she would come in reach of the twohanded sword, Revy would suddenly rush in, shield lifted in front of her as she made herself small behind it, attempting to bash Siiri back onto the mainland.
Last edited by Revy Hiroe on October 9th, 2011, 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Siiri on October 9th, 2011, 12:45 pm

The human stalked forward and Siiri dipped the tip of her greatsword to eye level in response. SHe would use the length of the blade as a distance gauge to determine when and how she will react to whatever move her opponent will try to pull at her. Revy spent little time in trying to close the distance between them, using her tower shield to protect herself from any retaliatory strike from the Myrian as she did so. It was a good a tactic as any, but trained from her youth to find holes in her opponent's strategem, Siiri could already see the mistakes the human was making.

Intimidating as that shield may be, she's a novice at it, the Snapping Jaws warrior noted. She thinks to use it in defense first and foremost, and that will be her undoing.

The large tower shield did indeed cover Revy's body for the most part, but it also acted as a visual block of the battlefield. As Revy lunged into a charge, Siiri ducked under the blindspot it provided and sidle to her opponent's left, Revy's shield arm. The human would not be able to strike at her with her longsword, not without sacrificing the protection of her shield, and it also provided Siiri the chance for an attack as well.

With Slayer held horizontally in front of her, Siiri shoved the flat of the blade against the side of the shield, hoping to topple the human, or at least unbalance her, with the move. Her heavy armor should help her kiss the ground in this regard. It also served to prevent the woman from bashing her shield outward and utilizing the spikes to cause injury. To speed things along, Siiri threw a low kick at the back of Revy's left thigh, torquing her hips as she threw it to provide maximum force.

Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Revy Hiroe on October 9th, 2011, 1:44 pm

It had to be dumb luck, but the mercenary didn't get topped over from just the first attempt of the myrian to top her over. But as Revy looked to the left and saw the kick coming, she let herself fall a little to the front, reducing the force of the kick. But it didn't prevent her from hitting the wooden planks hard. They cracked loudly and bent a little under the sudden weight.

Revy turned around as fast as she could, ignoring the bent planks and lifted her shield to block a blow that didn't come. "Crap, she's good. Like this I won't have much use for my shield. But it did put me a little in an adventitious position. Now I can at least get a little better footing.", she thought as she stood up, but froze as she hear a louder cracking noise below her right foot.

As the woman had applied pressure on the already bent planks, they broke under the weight, causing the foot to fall through. Her surprise caused her to let out a short and high pitched yelp as the woman struggled to get her foot out of the hole. Her cool was completely lost now as she got a little frantic. "Crap! I need to get my foot out fast, I don't want to land in the water at all. Not wearing my armor, or any other time!", she thought scared. She did keep looking at Siiri with half an eye, but it was only at the feet.
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[The Eastern Docks]Falyndar, a new start or the end?(Siiri)

Postby Siiri on October 10th, 2011, 12:22 am

Siiri felt the human react to her counterattack, bending forward to put her weight on her other foot to lessen the force of the blow. It was partially successful, though Revy would still feel the sting of the swiftly delivered kick, but the added weight of her armor also caused the planks beneath her to cave under the stress. The woman's foot shot through the bottom of the wooden floor, trapping her and placing her at Siiri's mercy. At the corner of her eye, the warrioress could see Garou grinning at the turn of events. Hardly a single blow was delivered from their edged weapons and already the human was on the brink of defeat. Siiri only had to bring her greatsword up and smash it down and that would be the end of the fight. Shield or no shield, Revy could not possibly block Siiri's weapon, not at the speed and strength she would deliver it, certainly not at the angles she would choose to strike.

The blow did not come.

Slayer remained poised to block any attempt of the woman to stab or slash at Siiri's legs, though at the angle Revy had fallen, it was doubtful there would be much force behind her attacks. Not if she intended to keep her balance and remain upright. Still, Siiri did take a step back, both to move out of range of the human's longsword as well as to give her room together her composure.

"What the Navre's name ye doin', girlie?!" Garou hollered at her.

Siiri did not spare him a look, merely motioning with one hand for him to keep silent. She wanted to give the human the fight she was looking for, and she wouldn't accept victory as the result of some unfortunate set of circumstances thet befell Revy. Of course, that did not mean she would give the human an easy time of it. In relative safety away from the reach of the woman's blade, Siiri raised one foot and violently stomped on the part of the broken plank that remained nailed to the rest of the wooden dock. The action would cause the plank to fall completely, taking with it what little remained of Revy's footing and leaving the limb to fall even deeper in the gap between the boards. Siiri could imagine the crocodiles swimming beneath, eying the human's dangling leg like a piece of morsel. However, it would be easier now for Revy to pull her leg up with the obstruction gone. That would still leave her open to any of Siiri's attacks should the Myrian choose to strike while she tried to get up.

But Siiri stayed where she stood, even going so far as to rest the tip of her blade on the ground as she leaned upon it. She was careful to brace it against one of the logs that acted as support structure for the dock, not wanting to experience the same mishap as the human did.

"We never fight fair," she said flippantly, as if to explain her last action to Revy.

Contrary to her tone and words however, was the fact that what she did still removed the piece of broken board that prevented Revy from pulling her foot up.
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
"If it doesn't solve all your problems, maybe you're not using enough of it." - Violence
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