Timestamp: 4th of Fall, 511AV Time: Evening Lucy was flying around the city to find something to wear or someone. Luna. Images of her appeared and faded away while she was looking at the places they've used to play. She also remembered Galio. Little Galio running around with them. But he is really just a fading image, but Luna is somewhere out there... Actually here. Those memories surprised her. She haven't expected she'll concentrate on something but search for her lost sister when she gets here. It is true, there's no place like home. She tried to forget about past, and don't miss something now. But, in every face she saw her sister. Every person warned her, she'd go trough the same process every time - seeing someone, recognizing him or her as Luna, being happy, getting it's not her, becoming angry on herself. Then she saw someone coming from another corner of the street, a boy. He had brown hair, eyes and... oh, my God, canines! He was Klevic, surely. Canines. That face. That hair. It can't be him. She must be imagining. It wouldn't be the first time since she got here. Canines. After all, there weren't that much Klevics around here. It can't be coincidence. But it's impossible. She looked at him again from the roof. Exactly the same. Even nor he is much older, he was little tiny kid last time she saw him, she knew it was him. There was something in his face... He was slowly approaching. It is him. She was sure now. It was her dead brother, Galio. Just, he were not dead. |