Dead Man's Tales Typically situated in the center of town is a rather large amiptheatre, which may seat an estimated number of approximately 250 people. It was crafted of a smooth white stone, on a relatively flat portion of land. The center of the theatre is a large, flat, white circle. Two thirds of the circle are surrounded by rows upon rows of seats. The seats rise upwards, carved against the terrain as though they were a flight of stairs. To sit upon these steps, while a show is going on, costs a silver miza, or its equivalent in coin. To stand around the outer rim of the stage is free, as is haunting the place. Such an occurrence tends to happen only when a ghost is extraordinarily bored, however. The theatre puts on two shows per season. Each is directed by Kristen. The first of the shows tends to be either a romance, or a comedy. The second, is oftentimes a tragedy, or horror story. However, at least once a year, a show in which the benefits of praying to Dira are portrayed, also appears on stage. Should anyone fear to miss a moment of acting, they should rest assured, for not only are the plays put on several times within the season, but the acoustics within the theatre are so great, that a patron in the back row can hear a copper miza fall to the floor. The NPCs :