Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Solomus Revon meets up with Reaver, and discuss a strange deal with unique opportunities.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Reaver on October 5th, 2011, 2:14 pm

[23 Fall, 511av]

It was a cold day, but those were becoming more common as the season changed. Reaver was never one to deny the cold, he welcomed it openly. The cold was, a chance to extend that which made him. Things other people had trouble with would instead benefit him, and those benefits and troubles would further extend the realm of his usefulness. As such, it was always a chance to improve his research.

The cold was affecting Reaver's latest patient adversely, his bloodflow was thinning, and making it harder to clot. He must not have been a very healthy person before, however, for a normal person would have healed by then. It was a rather simple surgery, he had to cut out a growth. The only complication in this entire affair was the bleeding. Reaver had even gone so far as to cut off blood-flow to the affected area, yet he didn't do well, as it was still, bleeding. Only one thing left to do, and that was wait... unfortunately, his patient didn't have that time. Perhaps he was hiding other wounds, perhaps he had recently recovered from a similar injury, but the likely cause was he simply never cared for himself well enough. His unhealthiness was his downfall today, and he finally stopped bleeding, once and for all.

"How unfortunate, I truly am sorry. Your money will be gone by the time the first person finds you, so it would be a waste to leave it to darkness. Perhaps I'll buy medicine with it today, the next person I find will thank me for it." Reaver searched his pockets as he spoke, as if the man could hear him yet. Reaver didn't know how likely he would be haunted, but he hoped such apologies could reduce the risk.

It was as he found the pouch, that he noticed a presence behind him somewhere. Well, that was unfortunate as well. Ghost or not, his act being found would only hinder his research. He didn't turn around. "I don't suppose you'd like to donate to the poor doctor? If you need medical aid, I could earn that donation. Advice also counts as aid, if you don't trust my bloody hands." He knew the offer was useless, but he had to try something. Maybe he'd learn the right words to say someday, to lessen the penalty.

OOCNot looking for medicine/surgery experience in this post, more just a record that he does such work.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Solomus Revon on October 5th, 2011, 9:45 pm

I placed you in an alley as you never did mention where you were. I'll edit if I'm wrong, but it seems a worthy place for your experiments.

Solomus didn't understand how people had done things such as working in a shop of selling wares in the street. To the follower of Rhysol, he deemed that career boring. In fact, any career that didn't benefit Rhysol was a waste of time. Everyone should be working to help the almighty, so he may take control of more than just Ravok. He needed more, and Solomus needed more too.

As he walked further down the street, Solomus brooded in his own plot. He hated not knowing anything. Two women on a doorstep whispered about some useless gossip, yet he wanted to know what it was. A fishmonger was discussing trade in Avanthal, and Solomus wanted to know everything he knew. Solomus desired to know the happenings of everything around him, so both Rhysol and he himself could benefit from it. Because for Rhysol to have any power, he first needed followers to gain him such power. And Solomus was one who'd hold some of the power for himself. Why give it all to someone who was already a god?

But Solomus wasn't really someone who could gain constant knowledge from people. He carried the air of a soldier, although ranking low in the eyes of the Ebonstryfe, but his body itself was intimidating enough. A topknot, chiseled muscles, and a scowl stuck on his face wasn't what you used to gain knowledge. Or maybe it was the warhammer stuck in his belt that sent people detouring down side streets just not to get in his way. To gain knowledge, Solomus needed spies on his own. Let them gain the information, and then all that was needed was a course of action. That was his plan at the moment.

But who could he use as his spies? Intimidation wasn't his strongest weapon at the moment, and too many fights broke out in Ravok when a weapon was flashed. And he needed people who came in contact with people often. Men in high positions, and whores in taverns. Either could work, but if Solomus hired every person he saw out of the blue, he'd be broke with fifty different tidbits of information and never knowing which was true. And there were honest people in Ravok who might just rat him out to higher, or even to the person he was trying to watch, and that was not what he wanted. He needed someone crooked. Someone ready to get his hands dirty for gold.

Which was why when Solomus spotted a man crouched in an alley, he was drawn closer. He figured if this guy was worthless, he could just kill him and be done with it. Drawing up to the man, he noticed him searching the pockets of some corpse who had probably seen better days. He was sure anyone had seen better days than when their corpse was being looted, but still. And when Solomus was only in the entrance of the alley, he had heard him whisper to the body. A dead body! He really was throwing himself into a crazy situation.

The man didn't seem to notice him, but he spoke as if he was looking him in the face. Solomus was sure he didn't want the medical aid this man was applying to the poor sap laying in front of him. Nor did he care for advice. Solomus tugged at his topknot once, his hand lightly brushing the goosebumps that covered his head. It was cold, and even the toughest of people couldn't prevent the body's natural response to keep heat. But Solomus wasn't going to show weakness. Not until the blade came flying down at his head. And even then, he'd be cursing the man for taking it too slow.

Crossing his arms, Solomus rested his left elbow on the head of his hammer. "I'll donate to you in the form of advice. Doctors shouldn't peform surgery in an alley, nor should they loot the body when they fail. Especially in broad daylight." Nathan blows out a slight wisp of frozen breath. Shifting his feet, he watched the man's back. "Not that many people would stop you. Anyone with the balls to do like you've done is usually bypassed. But may I ask whether you treat all your patients like this?"

Solomus waited for the answer. This man seemed dirty enough for his benefit. But was he trustworthy?
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Reaver on October 8th, 2011, 1:52 am

OOCSorry for the delay, giant robot battles are addicting. I completely forgot time existed. <_<;

"No, especially if you mean fail to treat them correctly. This one just had too frail a constitution. I don't find myself bold, just self-employed." Reaver stood and turned around to face the man before him, only to be rather shocked at not only his age, but status. He even had to look upwards just to see them man's face. "Oh, my apologies." With that, he bowed. It was not just any bow, but one that would look overdone in a formal party. His cloak was flung back as he lowered his upper half just below waist height. His step back as he did so kept him balanced, and his arm waving around from his back to his chest finished the movement. His eyes never shifted from the person in front, but they did go from his face to his feet. "My name is Reaver, I am a doctor in my spare time. How may I be of assistance to you?" Reaver held the bow until spoken to again, it had a habit of unnerving people.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Solomus Revon on October 8th, 2011, 9:19 pm

OOCI can agree with that. Were you referring to Real Steel? Also, Solomus doesn't have anything on him that deems him a part of the Ebonstryfe. Just making sure that isn't the reason Reaver was bowing to him.

Solomus listens the the man's explanation of the corpse's demise. He was glad to know his observation was correct. But he was surprised when the doctor turned, and bowed to him like he was The Voice. Of course, he wore nothing that deemed him Ebonstryfe. But maybe it was his soldier's air, or the hammer at his waist. But in only a few minutes, he learned both the man's name and profession. Though, the bow was annoying, if not unnerving.

"Stand up, Reaver, so we may talk properly." Solomus watches him, not waiting for him to stand upright as he continued. "I could ask a lot of you, some decent work, most as dirty as Sylirans. I need eyes and ears. People who can report to me anything and everything, from what the widow down the street bought for supper to what the foriegner said about Rhysol. But before I speak further, tell me what you do besides doctoring? And answer truthfully, because if I learn you're a vilagante instead of a singer, you'd wish I had killed you now instead of then."

To add emphasis, Nathan shakes his hammer once. He figured this guy could do what he desired. But what did he want in return? Gold? Whores? Or something entirely different?
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Reaver on October 9th, 2011, 12:33 am

OOCYou're not covered in dirt, don't smell like fish, and have decent clothes, therefor a guard or a noble. You sure don't look noble, and your not wearing armor. ...there are clues to say you're important even if you don't think about them. Besides, he likes formalities. He would bow to a beggar that kept clean and clothed.
Reaver stood when prompted. The man was, for all purposes, noble through his mannerisms. Even if he wasn't noble birth, he treated himself that way. Treat yourself as you want others to treat you, truly the noble calling. Reaver listened as he spoke, watching him talk. He needed, spies? Well, nobles do as they will, but who spies on the commoners? Very interesting indeed, perhaps he was both noble and a guard? He must not like his job much, his face looked very familiar with scowling.

He then asked a strange question. Reaver thought about his answer, carefully. He labeled vigilante as a negative term, but what guard wouldn't? "Well, I suppose you want the short answer. Ask the local guard, I am a researcher. Even my medical work here is all in aid of my research. I don't have the skills needed to be a, vigilante, anyhow." He hoped it was the right answer, but one could never know with the nobles. They could just as easily be looking for a hero, or more accurately a 'jack-of-all-trades' type. Reaver sat with his answer, it would look bad to change it after stating it. That hammer could do a lot of damage, but as long as Reaver was a step ahead, maybe he could avoid a fight. Not that angering a noble guard ever worked out, but he had tricks to avoid trouble.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Solomus Revon on October 9th, 2011, 6:42 pm

Once done speaking, Solomus was glad to see that Reaver returned to a standing position. He hadn't noticed the man's mask he wore, nor did he notice the strange clothes this man wore. Even the hair looked fake, but he wasn't going to call the man out with his clothing style. Just as long as it didn't draw attention to him when he was doing his dirty work.

Solomus was satisfied with Reaver's answer, if not annoyed he couldn't read his body language behind the mask. But he didn't show his approval, fingering the head of his hammer. But he did nod to give Reaver some encouragement. His head wouldn't be splattered on the wall today. "A good enough answer for me Reaver."

Solomus cracks his neck, leaning on the wall to his left, watching Reaver. "To make things simple, you will report to me whatever you learn. What someone said, what someone did, anything that could benefit Rhysol, Ravok, and especially myself. I could care little of your research unless to earn your trust I have to help you with it however I can. Your business is yours and my business is mine." Solomus pauses, letting it sink in that he wouldn't bother him and his research. At least as long he proved himself trustworthy. "In return, I might provide you some revenue in the form of injured employees, and some dead bodies to loot if you so wish."

Solomus paused again, watching Reaver. His topknot bobbed in the air with every move from the follower of Rhysol. Now came the hard part of negotiation. The hardest part was funding for all his spies. But he'll make due. Especially if this doctor enjoyed looting dead bodies. When Solomus got this going, blood will fill the streets of Ravok. All in the name of Rhysol the almighty. It is the world to understand chaos.
Last edited by Solomus Revon on October 11th, 2011, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Reaver on October 9th, 2011, 11:16 pm

Reaver thought of the deal. "Simply tell you what I learn, no excess learning required? Well, hard to say no to that. How do we go about making contact, then? Always a concern, I wouldn't want everyone knowing what I learn." He paused, to let it sink in. He wasn't familiar with espionage, but he knew secrecy. "As far on your end, sending work my way is always appreciated. I do love learning, some books now and again might be nice if you come across anything interesting. Even the more frightening topics are all acceptable, as long as I'm learning, yes? So, I continue to learn as I have, more so with your help, and you get reports on what I learn." It did sound like quite a fine deal, but there was always a catch.

The things he wanted to learn, weren't what Reaver wanted to learn. He thought to wonder of what he DID want to learn. "That simply leaves the question of what you want to learn. What knowledge is it you seek that Rhysol wants most, then? There are always obvious things, traitors, artifacts relating to the gods, and probably magic in general if you're so bent. But, I don't see what value my neighbor's supper has in Rhysol's eyes. I can't remember everything, after all. I would be glad, however, to teach you what I do know in return for knowledge. I am quite a fan of such trades." Talking for extended periods of time was usually fun to do. This time, however, it only increased his odds of angering the wrong person. He had to be cautious, and say a lot without revealing a whole lot.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Solomus Revon on October 11th, 2011, 9:01 pm

Solomus listened to Reaver voice his thoughts and concerns. This weird man spoke logic, and the follower of Rhysol chewed it over. Once Reaver finished speaking, Solomus cleared his throat. "Books can be arranged. You prove trustworthy, and I'll help you with your bloody research myself. The truth brings good things to those who spread it."

Solomus rubbed his chin, considering what to say next. "As for what I want to learn, it all depends. If it a certain thing, I will seek you out and tell you myself. But when I have nothing for you, keep your eyes and ears ready for anything I might find important. Traitors, artificats, and magic is good, but sometimes, even the most casual comment can hide a deeper meaning. Words are key, and always work better when they're remembered correctly."

Solomus made a show of cracking his knuckles then. It was a habit, plus it gave false images into someone's mind. He wanted this Reaver to remember exactly what someone said. Somethings people said did have deeper meanings that Solomus could exploit. And even his assumptions were incorrect, the person he disposed of couldn't have a chance to do the wrong thing. So it was a win win situation. "Working with me will teach you loads of knowledge, but I'll try my best to get you the best knowledge. Now, if we're in agreement, we need only set a location for us to meet, and how often. Once a week is suitable, and will allow you to scrounge around in intervals. I might even find things you would like."

Solomus watched the man, waiting. Would he accept?
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Reaver on October 12th, 2011, 4:33 am

Reaver thought about the offer. Remembering everything was difficult. He pondered how hard it would be to make some things up. A 'guilty' person every now and again wouldn't be all that hard to find. He'd just need to choose those who ignored him... those who find him could always cause trouble if they have a reason to suspect he was to blame.

"One a week, you sure seam to think I come across loads of information. Once every three sounds better. It does make it harder to remember everything, yes, but it also makes it easier for the odd things to stand out. I don't need information that often myself, I have plenty of time to learn it all. I'm not a novice at recognizing ill intent twords Rhysol, but not all of them who do even realize what a gift he is. I'll try and find those that aren't simply ignorant. The ignorant can simply be reminded if you'd like me to save you some time."

He might find a hidden meaning in those words, but it was an honest comment. A risk he could hopefully negate with some communication should he take it the wrong way. The time extension was so it wouldn't interfere with his work as often. His research would be very hard to work with with anybody of worth involving themselves. Though, maybe it was thinking like that hindering him. A trial, should things prove better, he may have those meetings more often after all. Should it not work out, he could always slow down the pace. Especially if he can do so this first time.

"This place changes constantly, yet it always feels the same. It is actually quite hard for the non-believers to hide around the docks, where I usually work. As far as a place, why not my office and home? They probably won't suspect anything if you simply label me as suspicious. In that, a lowered frequency of visits would be a benefit to keeping our relation simple. If I'm not there, I can arrange my information to be written down somewhere. Should you need my information before that time, it would benefit me to keep such a log. My home, however, is not the most secure. You wouldn't happen to know a cypher or unique language, would you? Learning something like that would make getting such information to not be as simple as walking in the door. I trust secrets far more then locks. If not, I'll just be sure write it the day you come by, should I not be about. Maybe I can hide it as well, I'll think up something."

It would be just as simple to set the meeting somewhere else, but Reaver couldn't think of a way to 'hide' a reason he'd be at that spot around the same time as him on a regular basis. It was far easier if they thought him a suspect rather then an informant. It may also double to draw attention to him in a positive way from the vagrants that would find such information helpful. That could also be of use. True or not, these things crossed his mind. He didn't do much to vocalize them, however. He assumed the other could come to that as well, though the logic as to why was not present.
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Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon)

Postby Solomus Revon on October 12th, 2011, 8:23 pm

It was frustrating to have someone point out the truth. Especially to one trained that only Rhysol is right. But Solomus had to learn that listening to this Reaver would meaning hearing the truth when he might've missed himself. Putting aside pet peeves for the greater good. This was his sacrifce, but he never had to like it.

"Three weeks is reasonable enough to me." Solomus paused, his eyebrow raising slightly. Did he actually believe he had any control on how long he lived? "I'm glad you believe you have long in the world of the living. You aren't worth much to me dead. But as long as you understand that life is ended as easily as it is given, we won't have a problem. You did just rob a corpse, and I'm sure the Ebonstryfe would believe my word over yours." An apprentice's word over those of a doctor who loots his failed patients. "And stick to the spying. I'll make sure the ignorant understand Rhyol."

Solomus pondered on their next dilemma. The man's home seemed a good place in Solomus' eyes. "Your house is the best choice at the moment. And if you aren't at home, a log would be good. I am sad to say unless you speaking Isurian, no language to hide what we know. You could even just write a time and place to meet you, if you really don't want what you learned to be found. So either we meet in person, or you leave in in a long for me to find later. And if I find something I'd like you to investigate, I'll visit your home and leave it in the log. A childish technique, but good none the less." Solomus waits. It was slowly getting colder, and Solomus' head was freezing. But he was sure they were getting somewhere. A seed was being planted. A spy was about to be nutured.
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