Making friends [Dania]

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Making friends [Dania]

Postby Nanithel on October 6th, 2011, 11:59 pm

Timestamp: 38 of Fall 511 AV
Location: The Red Diamond Tavern

Even with Morwen's mark Nanithel appreciated the warmth coming from inside as her sister Senrya opened the door to the tavern, replacing the cold air outside forcing her to pull down her hood and put her mittens in a pocket. Senrya took a quick look around the room as she pulled of her thick wool jacket, "I'll be right back Nan," she said with her large eyes spotted with pinkish red. Nanithel just nodded, it was often like this and she doubted that Senrya would come back so quick as she said but Nanithel was used to her sister's almost flimsy personality and didn't care anymore. Senrya had quickly headed for the fireplace, Nan suspected that her sisters newest crush sat there judging by her eagerness to get there, Senrya had several crushes a year and Nanithel had no memory if this ones name. The tavern was well populated as it often were, its roaring fire casting a comforting glow over the tables and chairs nearby and if Nan could have chosen herself she would have spent the evening reading or maybe playing with Ita, she was no social person so the popular tavern wasn't her first choice but then again she could for the most time don't deny her siblings anything so she often allowed herself to be dragged along.

Walking up the bar Nan ordered a cup of steaming hot chocolate and then scanned the room for an empty table, quickly taking the chance to grab one that just became free as a couple left to greet the cold once again. Sipping at her chocolate quickly told her it was too early to drink as her tongue got burnt, instead she looked over the people in the tavern but couldn't see anyone she really knew, though it was hard to single anyone out really. Shaking off her thick fur lined cloak letting it drape over her chair she missed Ita quite a bit, the weasel always gave her courage when she was faced with situations that made her slightly uncomfortable but he had deemed it more important to sleep this time around. Maybe she should bring a book whenever her sisters dragged her to the tavern or something similiar, it would give her something to do when they pulled things like this, which Sintra, her oldest sister liked to do as she tried to force Nan to get more outspoken, though so far it hadn't succeeded. Sipping at her chocolate again she ignored the heat burning in her mouth and just enjoyed the sweet and creamy taste, sure she preferred tea mostly but it was something special with hot chocolate by a fire when it was cold outside.
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Making friends [Dania]

Postby Dania on October 10th, 2011, 1:31 pm

Dania stepped inside the Tavern, out from the freezing cold. Despite her thick fur coat and mittens, she shivered. As she crossed the threshold of the Red Diamond and descended into its warmth, the light dusting of snow on her coat started to melt.

The place was alive with the dull roar of a growing crowd of customers; there was hardly a seat left in the house, even what she could see of the darkened balcony above. It was the kind of atmosphere that refueled her spirit and made all her hard work possible. It also made her remember how much she missed her friends while she was locked away in the kichen, buried under a never-ending pile of clanking pots and pans. She loved it, but sometimes she wondered if the tradeoff was worth it. If not for the other cooks at Whiteflame, she thought her social soul might shrivel up and die.

She shook what was left of the snow out of her hood and strode towards the bar. As she neared him, the bartender gave her a nod. She smiled mischievously and ordered a mug of ale. Wrapping her fingers around the frosty mug, she sighed with happiness. With only a few bells free before she had to go back to the kitchen and do breakfast prep, she was anxious to enjoy herself. Dania shrugged out of her heavy coat, carefully juggling the ale without spilling the frosty contents. Smiling, she headed towards the fire, wet coat draped over one arm, ale in her other hand.

Most of the people she knew well were still busy in the kitchen. Since she’d been working so hard, she’d skipped a couple breaks and now that she had some real free time, she didn’t want to waste a second of it. That was hard to do when no one she knew was around. Dania’s gaze flitted around the room from face to face, looking for someone she recognized. Her spirits lifted when she saw a girl whose dark wavy hair was familiar, she was sitting alone at a table, sipping at the cup in her hand. Dania had never actually spoken to her, but she’d seen her many times before, they’d passed each other on the streets a few times. It didn’t matter to her that they’d never been formally introduced. Having seen her before was all she needed.

She made a beeline for the girl’s table, ignoring the catcalls bellowing from an all-male table of foreigners on the balcony. The attention perked her up. Any other day the testosterone level would have led her up the stairs, towards disaster and her friends would have to bail her out. But coming to the rescue was what good friends were for, right?

Which reminded her how much she missed hers.

She was so pre-occuppied with her thoughts that she missed her mark and plowed into the table with her hip. The plate on top rattled. She grimaced. “Ow! Ow. Ow.” She slammed her drink down on the table and rubbed her hip with cold fingers. When the pain finally subsided, she laughed it off and shook her head. “So much for that introduction.” She thrust out her hand. “My name’s Dania. Would you mind if I sat down with you?”
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Making friends [Dania]

Postby Nanithel on October 11th, 2011, 1:16 pm

Sipping at her chocolate Nanithel looked around the tavern, no sign of Senrya returning from the group just by the fire, no surprises there and Nanithel was pondering if she should leave after drinking up her chocolate, it wouldn't be the first time either. Moving her gaze to the cup in her hands, watching the steam, for some reason the rising steam often drew her gaze just as the flames in an open fire could. It was something mesmerising about the dancing flames and swirling steam, forming shapes, or what could be imagined as shapes that always caught Nan's attention when she was thinking.

She had practised a lot of sword techniques lately and felt safe enough to at least try and make it to the Spires but she still she felt unsure whether to leave Avanthal now or in the spring, Nan was relatively certain that it was still possible to get through Taldera before it snowed to much to get through but every day Nanithel pushed up her travel, but also because she was a bit worried over how her horse Windy would take the cold weather. So it was probably safe to say she'd leave after spring, her trip to Wind Reach had not helped much with her confusion about herself but meeting an Isur, maybe even some from her father's family could perhaps fix that, that was at least a guess Nan had.

Her table shook as a black haired girl bumped into her table and rubbed her sore hip, placing back her chocolate at the table she automatically asked if the girl was okay. Nan recognized the girl holding a mug of ale and a wet coat over her arm, she'd seen her from time to time in Avanthal but couldn't really place her. "I'm Nanithel and no not at all, take a seat," Nan smiled and stretched out her hand in return and shook Dania's. "So what brings you to the Tavern tonight?" Nan asked, taking another sip of chocolate.
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