[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 6:31 am

Ok, so I want to create a Fang. (Basic unit of the Myrian Army)
To do so I need two things

* Active Myrian players
* NPC's to fill spots until more, willing, Myrians join.

So far there is Soghar and, probably, Yeva who will be in the Fang as Active Myrian Players. So the remaining spots have to be filled by NPC's for the time being. Once more Myrians join Taloba, and possibly our Fang, we can kill off NPC's and replace them with Active Myrian players.

So this is the basic lay-out for the Fang:

* Leader (NPC)
* Co-leader (NPC)
* Scout (Soghar)
* Scout (Yeva)
* Scout
* Warrior (Vatkir)
* Warrior
* Warrior or Archer/Ranger
* Archer/Ranger
* Archer/Ranger

The leader and co-leader will remain NPC's until there is a Myrian Player who has high enough leadership, tactics and battleskills. No Myrian Player can pass the requirements on creation, they have to be Active Myrian Players for quite a while before they're able to take the position of Co-Leader or Leader.

The other positions are all open for grabs, although the terms are used kind of loosely.
Scouts can use any weapon or skill they wish, but they definitely need Stealth, or at least 20 in Tracking, in their skillset.
While to be a Warrior you need to be at least Competent in any weapon of choice. Tactics is a useful skill for Warriors but not required.
Archers/Rangers need to have at least 20 in a ranged weapon of choice, Climbing and Stealth are both useful complimentary skills but not required.

That's about all I have to say about our Fang so far, I'll make some basic NPC's for the Fang soon, but if you read this and you are interested in joining our squad, then feel free to send me a PM or post your interest in this thread.
Last edited by Soghar on October 11th, 2011, 6:37 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Myrian Pride

Postby Siiri on October 10th, 2011, 8:10 am

Hi there!

I hope it's okay for me to post here. I just wanted to add that Kelvic bondmates, while they will not officially be made a part of the fang, can fill in some of the roles performed by the grunts. Most kelvics make excellent scouts and enemies will be hard-pressed from identifying them apart from the local fauna. :)
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Myrian Pride

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 10:17 am

You, and everybody actually, are always welcome to post in this Scrapbook and your input is very true aswell. :D

I contacted a very interesting Kelvic PC, a White Tigress-Kelvic, to see if she'd be up to join Taloba, and the Fang as a matter of fact. I'm very positive about this Fang and have high hopes for it, even if the majority of the Fang will be NPC'd. It will no doubt still be tons of fun to rp with. :D

So far The PC-part of the Fang, and the POSSIBLE members of the Fang, the ones who I sent PMs to, are:

- Soghar ( Scout / Member )
- Yeva ( Scout / Member )
- Vatkir ( Warrior / Member )

- Vynia ( T.B.D. / Possible member )
- Aaeesha's alt ( T.B.D. / Possible member )

Hopefully I can add/edit that list in a positive manner soon. :D

PS: The lay-out of the Fang isn't set in stone, if people want to rp a Warrior but there isn't "room" for one. We'll either expand the Fang or change an Archer/Ranger or Scout-position to Warrior.

Our goal for this Fang isn't to have the most lethal or powerful Fang, it's to create a group where people who want to rp in Taloba can have an easier time finding threadpartners.

Cheers! :D
Last edited by Soghar on October 11th, 2011, 6:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Myrian Pride

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 10:52 am


Gossamer has, very kindly, offered to allow us a Consortia Group/Organization-forumsection once we have 4 to 5 members.

Which is extremely awesome and useful. ^^
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 2:09 pm


Siiri might lead our Fang if we have at least 3 members and have some threads up & running. :)

For those of you who don't know, Siiri is the most gorgeous Myrian to ever tear your heart out ... literally! :D
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Aaeesha on October 10th, 2011, 4:25 pm

I'll make up a Myrian. I have a CS for one saved on my Word document and so it should be pretty easy. I had plans for her in Sunberth but I replaced her with a Konti and she does not like that. :)
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 5:38 pm

That's great Aaeesha, looking forward to reading your Myrian CS and definitely looking forward to rp'ing with you. :D

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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Soghar on October 10th, 2011, 6:00 pm

Yeva is no longer a "possible member" but now a very welcome and awesome "member"! :D

She will be joining the ranks of the Scouts in our Fang.
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Zatar on October 10th, 2011, 6:49 pm

I would love to finish making a myrian I've been toying with for a while and join up with the fang. My Myrian will fit into a warrior spot when he's finished.
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[Soghar's Scrapbook] Beware The Fangs

Postby Yeva on October 10th, 2011, 7:46 pm

Some NPCs:

Name: Zax
Gender and Age: Male, 27
Personality: Quiet and secretive, Zax speaks only when spoken to. He holds great respect for the matriarchs of each clan and is familiar with most other elders. Often, he is found honing his skills or hard at work. Though he performs well individually, Zax lacks a sense for teamwork and at times, forgets his Fangmates are even there and moves ahead without notification.
Role: Archer
- Composite bow: 22
- Stealth: 8

Name: Jax
Gender and Age: Male, 25
Personality: Luck would have the two brothers, Zax and Jax, under the command of the same Fang leader. He merely thinks of it as Myri's way to encourage him to improve himself, to best his gifted brother. The runt of the Fang at 5'6", Jax is social, helpful and generally a fun Myrian to be around. Working as a team comes naturally to him, as is being considerate toward his fellow Fangmates.
Role: Ranger
- Longbow: 20
- Climbing: 5
- Stealth: 5

Name: Tissah
Gender and Age: Female, 30
Personality: Despite soft ring to her name, the Myrian is a large, intimidating figure at 6'1". Heavily muscled and decorated in scars from battle, Tissah's fierce and engaging personality is perfect for the front lines. To her clan and fang mates, she is surprisingly approachable and charismatic, and is prone to offer advice even when it is unasked for.
Role: Warrior
- Great axe: 30

Let me know if any changes are necessary. :P (Iffy on the great axe, especially in the jungles...)
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