Jumaymah (WIP)

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Jumaymah (WIP)

Postby Jumaymah on September 28th, 2011, 10:23 pm



Basic Information

Race: Konti
Birthday & Age: 32 14th Spring 479 AV
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Jumaymah stands at a graceful, toned 5"6, her strikingly pretty face beneath her blond bob usually looking a little vacant, her bright blue eyes staring off into the middle distance as if she's distracted or lost in thought. Each step she takes seems almost part of a dance to a tune only she can hear and with the light catching and glittering on the powder blue scales that decorate her forearms, calves and the back of her neck she seems strangely unearthly.

That is, unless she's with her Mistress, Tuwa, and then there's only one focus of her attention and that's her. She tends to be very sensitive to her Mistress's moods and will often act quietly in the background to help her with whatever she needs, never expecting praise for it. In fact if it weren't for her striking appearance she would most likely fade into the background.

This is mostly because Jumaymah's very happy with her life and her role in the world. She knows who she is and what she has to do, and that's to serve Tuwa however she's required to. She quite literally lives to her. She knows she's something of a rarity within Ahnatep with her pale skin and blonde hair, and she knows her Mistress likes her that way so she takes greats pains to preserve both. When on errands she'll often be seen shielding herself from the sun beneath a parasol. She also keeps herself in shape, spending up to an hour each day exercising once her duties have been fulfilled.

She's typically dressed in reds or ambers to mark her as belonging to her Mistress' house and takes great pains over her appearance, often rising well before sunrise to ensure it will please her Mistress.

Character Concept

As a person she's earnest and faithful, not accepting anything but the best from herself when it comes to her duties. She actually does live to please Tuwa and whatever's asked of her she'll do without complaint, no matter what that may be. It's very much the case that she'd literally die for her Mistress.

She's not the squeamish sort, nor is she one to over think things. If her mistress says something is true then it is. Her life begins and ends with Tuwa and that security leads to her being able to remain calm in most situations, mirroring the serenity that Konti are typically famed for.

However, she does not like to be touched and given the nature of the 'gift' that comes with her heritage it's easy to understand why. To touch people is to know their pain, no matter how slight, and to experience it. Not only is this obviously physically uncomfortable, but the sorrow she feels for them weighs heavily on her.

There is a marked difference between her attitude in public and private. In public she's quiet, reserved, the picture of a perfect slave. In private she tends to be more chatty and relaxed, so long as it doesn't bother her Mistress. It's one of the reasons she's so careful to take note of Tuwa's moods.

She tends to a small balcony garden, a space she's chosen since it allows her to give the plants some shade every so often so they don't just dry out the hot weather in Ahnatep. She grows a selection of herbs and spices, small tea bushes and flowers, all for her Mistress' pleasure.

Character History

Jumaymah has had two names in her life, her current one bestowed on her by her Mistress and the name she was given by her former Master. The latter is entirely unimportant to her. She was born into slavery and its the only life she knows.

She never knew her mother and as such has no idea about her people, heritage or the island of Mura. Perhaps this was deliberate decision on her first Master's part, something to help ensure the loyalty of his slave.

She spent the first twenty seven years of her life in service to a different Master and it was while she was with him that she learned the skills she possesses. However, approximately five years ago he lost heavily on the chariot races and in order to meet his debt to Tuwa's father her offered Jumaymah as payment.

Jumaymah was never told of this arrangement, one day she was in her Master's house and the next she wasn't. This didn't particularly bother her at the time, it was a change in her duties and nothing more. Nor was she was particularly excited when she was brought before Tuwa and discovered that this was who she'd be serving instead, apparenly she was being given as a gift to her Mistress.

It took her a little while to adjust to her new Mistress and her needs, something she would chastise herself for as it was quite simply a failure to learn on her part, but over the last five years she's grown to know her and her moods and likes to think that she does the very best she can for her. She knows of her Mistress' ambitions for the future and is more than determined to support her in all that she does for as long as she requires it.
Last edited by Jumaymah on October 11th, 2011, 9:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Race: Konti
Character sheet

Jumaymah (WIP)

Postby Jumaymah on October 11th, 2011, 8:26 am

Skills and Training


Medicine 10
Gardening 10
Herbalism 10
Calligraphy 15
Intelligence 5
Singing 5
Sewing 5


Duties of an Eypharian Slave
Customs of the Eypharian Nobility


Fluent: Arumenic
Basic: Common

Konti Gift

Empathic Pain: Jumaymah would be hard pressed to call what she can do a 'gift', actually seeing it as much more of a curse. While it has been undeniably useful in the past when acting as a physician the toll it takes on her psyche is too high for her to make use of it regularly. Jumaymah literally feels another's pain on touching them, and it's something that she has no control over. She automatically experiences their physical pain as if it were her own, whether that's a mild headache or a broken limb. The longer she remains in contact with a person the longer she'll experience the pain for after contact is broken, most commonly it'll be almost as long as the contact lasted.
Last edited by Jumaymah on October 11th, 2011, 9:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Jumaymah (WIP)

Postby Jumaymah on October 11th, 2011, 8:33 am

Possessions, Housing and Ledger

Everything that Jumaymah owns are gifts from her Mistress, as such she has no money of her own.

Equipment and Possessions

Silk Toga
Silk Sash
Broad Brimmed Hat
Silk Shirt
Silk Nightshirt
Fine Skirt
2 Set of Work Clothing - Shoes, breeches, tunic
Set of Toiletries and basic cosmetics
A silver chased hairbrush and comb
Eating knife
Small Steel Mirror
Mortar and Pestle
Sewing Kit
Botanist Kit
Portable Desk 20gm - This wooden case has a leather strap allowing it to be easily carried. When opened the lid becomes a writing desk, revealing a selection of quills, a small knife for trimming them, inks of various colours, sealing wax, a sealing stamp and sheeves of parchment. Everything a secretary would need is in there.


Jumaymah has a small single room attached to her Mistress' so that she can respond to her calls day and night. The room is simply furnished with a bed, a small table and chair, and a lantern and has a pair of small, round windows set high in the walls.


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Jumaymah (WIP)

Postby Jumaymah on October 11th, 2011, 8:38 am

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